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So cool! Life of Jesus, Japanese-style!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:19 am
by Sailor Kenshin
Japanese puppets!

In a traditional Japanese form, they tell the story of Jesus! English subtitles, too. I had to share this with other Christian fans of anime and things Japanese.

Someone on another forum found this and posted it on a things-about-Japan thread. :)

Ureshii na!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:53 pm
by ScalpelFactory
Wow, thank you so much! I remember seeing a video with bunraku a long time ago [on an old Carmen Sandiego PC game]...and I remember being fascinated by it. I'm so glad this beautiful art form is being used to reflect the beauty of the Lord. ^^

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:56 pm
by Kung_Fu_Master
Excuse me. I'm trying to find the right face. Found it.


PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:23 pm
by Kaori
Thanks for posting this. That was really well-done; I was impressed by the emotion that was put into the performance, especially the main chanter.

I would be curious to know whether the performers involved were Christians or not--though my guess would be probably not; Japan has such a small Christian population, and bunraku performers are such a small (and dying) portion of society that it seems really unlikely that the performers were believers. Nevertheless, they did a fantastic job; the acting was superb and right on the mark.

I have been a little bit sad that most Japanese worship music is just Christian songs from other countries (hymns, western praise music, or sometimes Korean praise music) translated into Japanese, and that there don't seem to be many Japanese songwriters making their own form of Christian worship music. So, it is great to see that someone has taken this Japanese art form and done a great job of presenting the gospel story with it. That is really awesome.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:30 pm
by Warrior 4 Jesus
I can't say I appreciate the wailing worship style but the puppetry was good and it was interesting to see Japanese-cultural interpretations of biblical stories. Thanks for sharing.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:46 am
by Sheol777
That was both CRAZY and AWESOME!

I am sending this viral on FaceBook as we speak.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:16 am
by Sailor Kenshin
I have to think that this is a very edited-down version of a much longer piece. I know next to nothing about bunraku, but three years ago I knew nothing of Enka, and now it's all over my playlist.

I also find myself wanting to watch it again and again. For whatever reasons, it makes me happy.

Thanks. ^^

PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:04 am
by Nekomimi
That is pretty nuts. Cool beans, tho!