Aedin wrote:Just wonder why I'm so screwed up. Why I can't feel loved or cared about. Why I seem to always be so impossible to deal with.
Aedin (post: 1375990) wrote:Right now I just wanted to say I read some stuff, and remembered some stuff, that reminded me what people really think of me and people like me. So I just wanted to say sorry to anyone I've bothered.
Aedin (post: 1375924) wrote: Sometimes I honestly wonder if God cares how people have hurt me, or if he just blames me for all of it.
Just wonder why I'm so screwed up. Why I can't feel loved or cared about. Why I seem to always be so impossible to deal with.
steenajack (post: 1376156) wrote:Hey there Aedin,
Just want to let you know that I'm willing to listen. We are all willing to listen. And you don't have to worry about bothering us with your problems. In fact, it's not a bother at all. We care for you, and want to see you happy. God is also willing to listen, and will always be there for you.
I hope that you decide to stay, unless of course you think it may be for the best to leave. But, I do really hope that you stay.
That Dude (post: 1376183) wrote:Aedin, I know that you want to grow and get past all these issues...And it's totally ok if you leave this site so you can have some time to deal with them, but don't leave this sight to run away from your problems. If you do that, things will just suck more and you'll go even deeper into depression and anxiety.
This may sound really weird to hear, but you are in a great position. You are at a point many of us need to be but never are. Humbled and broken. God can do amazing things through you.
Phil 1:6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
If you have allowed God to take control of your life and your pain, take comfort, God will not abandon you or let you go until his work is complete in you. The only thing that you can do is slow down the process.
One thing that might help you is to pray EVERY SINGLE TIME that one of those thoughts that cause all these problems comes to your mind.
Christ suffered more than any one will ever be able to suffer. And he wants you to know that he died so he can take your pain and fill the hole left with love. All the crap that your going through will never measure up to that and all he asks is for you to hand over your pain when you want to wallow in self pity...He just wants to show you love.
Also another comforting to keep in mind is that you are not alone in your pain. There are many on this site even who've gone through the same pain and probably even worse. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
TGJesusfreak (post: 1376286) wrote:Now Aedin you may or may not listen but I have to tell you this as your friend. So please understand that I only say this becuse I care. I'll still be yur friend no matter what.
When we talk you always say you don't know why they don't put up with you. I think I know why. When you and I have talked you are always focusing on the bad things in life. You laways complain to me about how "noone can put up with you" ever think that you always telling a new friend that "noone can put up with you" is a bit insulting? Many people try to be your friend and you respond with a heavy sigh and a long speech on how messed up you are. You may have problems I know. But as you've told me your PM box has been filled a few times.
Fyi, I don't even have over 200 PMs yet. You have more people talking to you then to me. You need to stop reading your old PMs/emails that make you sad and look at all of the people that are trying to help you.
You may ask what does this have to do with anything. I'll tell you. It seems to be a recurring pattern with you. You make a friend then you lose a frined. I'm sorry to be blunt about this but it comes from selfishness. You care only for yourself and what makes you happy. You care only for the amount of friends that you make and not the quality.
When I talk to you you always turn it around and say "your blaming it on me!" If I am then why not change how you act? Life IS a choice. You choose to get up in the morning. You choose to eat. You choose to forgive. You choose to be caring. You choose to accept God. You choose to accept help. You choose to listen to what we say.
So the choice may be hard but you mast choose to care for others more than yourself. You are always calling for attantion and wanting people to pay attention to you (that is normal) but do it in the right way. Instead of wollowing in the past pain CHOOSE to move on. It's so simple yet so hard. If you want to change and make more friends, CHOOSE to let God help you. If you think God can't help you then he wont because you push Him away.
Instead of feeling sorry for yourself get up dust yourself off. Like it say in God's word: "This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it"
Rejoce in your pain and PRAISE God through the storm.
One of the most mighty weaponss that God gives his children is PRAISE and PRAYER
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
and his courts with praise!
Give thanks to him"
Praise is something you CHOOSE to do.
I hope this helps Aedin. I will always be your friend.
Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1376288) wrote:MODS: If I've crossed the line, by all means delete this, but I kind of feel like it needs to be said. Even if I am just a dude on the internet.
Instead of vying for the attention of the select few (or desiring their affections without ever even speaking with them) how about just hang out, calm down, and make what friends are attracted to you because of who you are? TG has the right of it. If all you do is disappear for a few months, and then pop in and complain about how nobody loves you, the pattern can only go so many ways: You'll get a select few who haven't seen you do it before bowing at your feet and telling you how sorry they are that you feel this way and begging you to stay, and it feels good I won't lie, but it doesn't last. Pretty soon they'll go about their business convinced that you've been convinced but you'll still want attention. You'll have to do it again, and those people who sincerely rooted for you will see what you're doing and either condemn you in their minds for it, or call you out publicly for it even though you've got a new crowd of strangers hailing you.
I have friends here, yes. Did I have friends instantly? No. Did I have friends within weeks? No. Only a couple people reached out to me at first (You guys know who you are, and you're awesome). How did I make the rest of my friends? I didn't focus on trying to get affection and attention from others. I became intent on doing nothing more than contributing to a forum community in my own way. I have things that I like about me, and it shows when I use them. I think I'm pretty funny from time to time (although I'm just shy and inconfident enough that when someone tells me that, it feels like I'm being told something I've never heard before. It's wonderful). Annnyway. So! The point is...
Aedin, I don't know you so I want you know I bear you neither bad feelings nor well wishes when I say this:
Chill out. If you want to make friends, that's great. It's understandable. But seriously... Cheer up. Don't focus on the negativo. Just talk to people. Be nice and people will be nice to you. If certain people don't like you, who cares? They're probably just not compatible with you. You'll find others who are and you wanna know a secret? You'll end up liking them a lot more than you would have liked those others.
Looking in this thread, I can pick out the people who've never met you and the people who have. Speaking for the people who have and still thought enough of you to give you a response I say this: Get over it. Clearly you're wrong and people do like you. If you keep saying people do, you're not just acting selfish, you're actively offending those people who do care about you. So you think you're messed up? What else is new. I'm completely whacked. I'm abrasive, insensitive, and more than a little tactless. Sometimes I think I'm the world's crappiest Christian because I won't fall in line with the other super christians I know, and totally cannot relate to their passion.
Hey, what about other people I know? My wife is clinically depressed. These days that doesn't mean much, but let me put it in perspective for you. Most people take medication because they're a little sad. My wife takes medication because she will literally cease functioning, and potentially kill herself if she does not. She gets by because she's unafraid to just be herself and you know what? <bleep> what other people think about her. She attracts people to her who will genuinely adore her because she is what she is and she doesn't care about those people who don't care about her. You will find far better friends out of those people. Everyone's screwed up. Stop whining about it and move on with your life. You'll feel better and people will like you better.
Again, I say this in all niceness, if you really truly feel like this community is persecuting you and that no one likes you don't talk about leaving, just leave. Don't bring attention to it. Your boycott will be much more effective for it. The guy who boycotts a product, service, or company and makes a big noise about it is usually the guy who's still using that same product, service, or company. If you're not really considering leaving, please don't post these threads. Just suck up that sadness - we all feel it from time to time so someone knows what you're going through - talk to a friend, and jump back on the keyboard. Just be the good guy you're capable of being and don't give it another thought.
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