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Great... I've gained aclimation (Warning: Rant)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:05 am
by Dante
:rant: STUPID MISERABLE WORTHLESS BODY! Opens fire on self with a rocket launcher.

So this is a rant, I brought myself two whole cans of Vault two days ago to keep my body up TWO WHOLE CANS. My sleep cycle is a complete wreck as 10 pages of homework every two days is keeping me up till 2-3AM every morning and after a short period of time I can't get my body to bed, even with a sleeping pill.

Some moron who was apparently a morning person... they should be fed to sharks with lasers on their heads... thought it would be a great idea to place Abstract Algebra (A 400 level math course) at 9 AM in the morning and as you can tell, a conflict ensues between my body and mind.

So, after taking two cans of Vault... TWO WHOLE CANS! (What is that, 140 mg of caffeine) I was still experiencing effects from microsleep and despite thinking constantly to stay awake (which does wonders for you concentration of actually absorbing material) I was in the hell of nearly falling asleep for two and a half hours (I was spreading it out across that time period too to avoid an up down effect). By the time I got home, I was so **** with this worthless hunk of junk I was ready to take out my boken and seriously beat the living heck of out of it.

(Sorry God, I took your wonderful little gift to it's required limits and it didn't perform... I think I might just break it at this pace)

... I was quite the little sadist now wasn't I ^_^... Don't ever make me mad when I'm tired I guess :P.

Anyways, I have a test tomorrow and to avoid having to go to the bathroom I can't drink ten cans of vault... not that it would do any good by this point... but if I so much as blink my eyes, this is my official verbal warning to my body. IF IT SO MUCH AS BLINKS ONE EYE-LID I WILL FORCE IT TO STAY UP FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS STRAIGHT BY INHALING NON-STOPPED CAFFEINE TO PUNISH IT! TAKE THAT! Thus, that is my negative reinforcement... maybe a written warning will do though. IT HAD BETTER!

There isn't much I can do though, this stupid body has been running on less then 6 hours sleep a night (Generally after calming down, nearer to 3-5 hours) for the last what... the last 8-9 weeks (I generally at least get 4 hours though ^_^)? And what sleep it does get is interferred with by massive quantities of caffeine used to keep it up. The less it sleeps, the less it learns, the longer it has to stay up to get homework done. What brilliant mind came up with this schema? Yes. Probobly me. But if it's my fault, my body is responsible and it should take the blaim! So, in the future, I'm increasing my morning caffeine quantities to roughly 500 mg if possible without blowing out my bladder and using sporks to punish my arm should my body decide that shut eye is more valuable then class time! TO SELF OBLITERATION! MWAH HA HA HA!


So let this be a lesson to all! Do not sign up for courses that require more work then you have waking hours to devote to them. You will end up like me... with the problem of explaining all the spork marks in my arm after advanced math courses... and Temmy can't be blamed for all of them! Luckily, there are insufficient people around here that would actually care, and the winter months would hide them real well with a long sleeve shirt.

If anything else though, this will be an excellent experiment in long term sleep deprivation! *Dies*

Things I never truly understood about sleep deprivation before this semester:

1) It can travel all the way to the core of your bones so that you feel like they are permiated in that fluid that makes you tired.

2) It gives you the shakes so that you uncontrollably start shaking in your arms and hands for no good reason.

3) It rapidly increases your heart rate so that you notice the increase in it's beating speed. (Let's see how high my heart rate after resting for hours is now: (Counts beats from pulse on wrist over a ten second period then multiplies by 60) about... 120ish?) Woohooo cardiac arrest here I come!

4) You put on large amounts of weight because your body tries to overcompensate for a lack of energy by telling you your are really hungry... especially if like me you're eating one meal a day.

5) Motivation and meaning lose all value and you simply act because that's what you chose!

6) Waking up describes a new kind of pain.

7) You start wondering if the room you've seen for the last several years happens to have a sink and start associating natural body pains with various colors mentally while awake.

8) You are always out of breath just from walking. There never seems to be enough oxygen in the air to breath.

9) Microsleep stinks, it uncontrollably takes over your body and causes your head to repeatedly fall forward and jerk you back awake like your neck was having mini seizures every couple of seconds.

10) You just get sick. I mean, I've had this cough from this thing that just comes off and on for the last several months, the stupid thing just won't go away. Luckily I got some meds for my tonsils though when they flared up.

But no matter what, if I die from this, it will serve as an example for all. So that whenever any teacher declares that homework never killed anyone... EVERYONE CAN POINT TO PASCAL! WOOHOO!!!!! I AM AN EXTREME ACADEMIC! EAT YOUR HEART OUT GOLDWATER SCHOLARS!

(So don't believe them if they say I died from cardiac arrest, I died from complications of academic compulsory homework disorder! But that's 'k, cause if I die before I wake, that's one lest test I'll have to take ^_^! unless Jesus made a copy T_T. >_> I REFUSE TO TAKE IT <_<!

lov yall, goodnight... for those that are allowed to sleep. I'll try, I promise and I REALLY want to keep that promise! :P I've given this little race this semester my all, and if I get a C (or even if I got worse) I'd of earned that grade more then any other sucker in the class. I will have truly found out what I am capable of, even if I meet my limits en route.

PS, no counter rants or OMG you can't do that statements allowed (I'm ALREADY depressed people, no need to yell at me more for this). I made this decision, I take responsibility for the actions. 1-0-0-%.

Carpe Noctem

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:36 am
by Warrior4Christ
That's quite harsh on your body - that much sleep deprivation kills your immune system. That much caffeine also does bad things to your body. Controlling your body with caffeine at wake up time and sleeping pills at sleeping time also sounds bad...
But I won't say more, lest it turn into a counter-rant.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 5:28 am
by goldenspines
W4C is quite right.
Not getting sleep doesn't allow your body to recharge and "reset" itself for the next day (this especially applies to your brain). Therefore, I'd lay off the caffeine and just be smarter with your time. Go to bed at a decent hour if you have to get up that early (early classes are part of life, you just have to deal with them). Avoid taking sleeping pills, though. If you don't have caffeine for a while, your body should go back to realizing that you're not trying to kill it and it will sleep. God designed our bodies to sleep so they can recharge. You can't force your body to do something it wasn't designed to do, otherwise, you'll run into these problems. ^_^;

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:54 am
by Peanut
Pascal, sleep is good, it should not be don't avoid it...ever.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:10 am
by blkmage
Math courses you say?

I've had Group Theory and Complex Analysis both at 8:30 am before. Group Theory wasn't too bad, but Complex Analysis was not fun, since the prof clearly was not a morning person either. I'm afraid the solution to taking too many math courses is to not do it (had 5 this term, had to drop one).

Abstract algebra sure is fun though. It's probably my favourite part of math, other than maybe theoretical computer science. My favourite course this term is on Galois theory, which, incidentally, is the only context in which I can find groups interesting.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:58 am
by Dante
Math courses you say?

I've had Group Theory and Complex Analysis both at 8:30 am before. Group Theory wasn't too bad, but Complex Analysis was not fun, since the prof clearly was not a morning person either. I'm afraid the solution to taking too many math courses is to not do it (had 5 this term, had to drop one).

Abstract algebra sure is fun though. It's probably my favourite part of math, other than maybe theoretical computer science. My favourite course this term is on Galois theory, which, incidentally, is the only context in which I can find groups interesting.

Real Analysis, not Complex. I think abstract is fun too, but everything in it... not just Galois Theory, (haven't really dealt with Galois Theory, although the story of poor little Galois is sad... Poor Galois...)

Avoid taking sleeping pills, though. If you don't have caffeine for a while, your body should go back to realizing that you're not trying to kill it and it will sleep. God designed our bodies to sleep so they can recharge. You can't force your body to do something it wasn't designed to do, otherwise, you'll run into these problems. ^_^;

What would be the point of taking all these hard classes if not to see how far I can take my body :P. I didn't say I could switch back, I have to work like this to have a chance at passing, and work at the same peak abilities I did when I first started. I neither have room to acquire more sleep or reduce in my output levels. I don't have an aversion to sleep silly :P. I might not be able to do what I've just stated, but that's why it's an ultimate test of my abilities!

I did pretty good last night, managed to make 6.5 hours. Smashed the test to pieces today as well, every problem complete and I am confident that most of them will be graded right and that my ideas for proving them were all right (even if I forgot some minor details).

And for the rest of the day, all I have to do is grade one classes homework, teach a 3 hour lab, study for my test in graduate electronics tomorrow and finish up some of the homework that is due for Friday and I should be good for the day! Yay! Wish me luck.

Crashes into floor. (And I didn't even snooze off once today with only 54 mg of caffeine so this body might just survive me for the semester yet!)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:53 pm
by goldenspines
Pascal, do you have a LiveJournal or some other form of a blog? If you are not really looking for advice or rather, not willing to accept it before you posted, your rant may be better suited outside of CAA...

Also, hard classes are meant to challenge the mind more than the physical body (unless you are in the athletic department). You shouldn't push yourself too hard unless you somehow find joy in making yourself suffer.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:09 pm
by Sparx00
Dude, you need to get some sleep. Just reading this whole thing made me tired, I'm serious.
Try not to push yourself so hard because if you do, you'll eventually crash out... Hard.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:19 pm
by Mr. Rogers
In my experience, caffeine only helps you stay away if you have already had some sleep to go along with it. It doesn't work if you haven't slept in a day. I've tried it before.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:28 pm
by Sparx00
I agree with Mr. Rogers. And vault isn't exactly the best thing to drink when you're tired either. You'd be better off with a good night's sleep.

(I know I can go for about 2 days if I needed to without assistance from any energy drink.)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:56 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Mr. Pascal,

I am so sorry that you are having such a rough patch. As many others stated above me, forcing your body to stay awake by means of excessive caffeine is not the least bit helpful or even healthy.
Time management can be your best friend or worst enemy. Even though you are busy with school, work, and a personal might help you to chart out your week. Make yourself a schedule showing your work, classes, study time, whatnot, but make sure to include eight hours to recooperate and catch some z's. This might be of help. For the time being, try to exercise or do something relaxing to help with your insomnia. I hope things improve.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 2:04 pm
by Nate
Also I'd like to say if you're using Vault to try and stay awake? You're doing it wrong.

I've talked with energy drink connoisseurs and basically the way energy drinks work are the more of it there is, the less effective it is. Since Vault is basically just a soda, it's not going to do much in terms of giving you energy. Stuff like Monster and Full Throttle are pretty worthless too.

If you're going for soda-like things, then basically the best energy drink you're going to find is Red Bull. It's pretty much known for being the best energy drink on the market, hands down. It doesn't taste so great, but it works.

If you don't want to use the Red Bull route, I can personally attest to the effectiveness of these little plastic bottles you can find at most stores called 5 Hour Energy. They're little energy shots, and trust me, they work, and they work well.

Also, sleep is your friend. Don't trust the energy drinks alone.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 2:13 pm
by Tsukuyomi
*Sneaks into the thread* Hmmm, will do

Everyone knows the saying,"Sleep is for the weak." right o.o? This becomes true when your body does become weak (your body becomes so weak that you do need the sleep), so at least try to take half hour naps when able to ^__^

*Sneaks back out of thread with an idea* :sneaky:

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 2:13 pm
by Mr. Rogers
Nate (post: 1351944) wrote:If you're going for soda-like things, then basically the best energy drink you're going to find is Red Bull. It's pretty much known for being the best energy drink on the market, hands down. It doesn't taste so great, but it works.

If you don't want to use the Red Bull route, I can personally attest to the effectiveness of these little plastic bottles you can find at most stores called 5 Hour Energy. They're little energy shots, and trust me, they work, and they work well.

I work at 2am and those little 5 hour energy drinks are what keep me going everyday. They are one of the few energy drinks that actually work.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 2:30 pm
by Etoh*the*Greato
The Five Hour Energy shots won't really perk you up like one of those cafeine monsters in the tallboy cans will, but what they do is make it so your state doesn't effect your mind that much. I ran two of those suckers when driving down from Toronto to St. Louis in one night for a job interview the next morning and I was wiped clean but I didn't crash and die because of those things.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:05 pm
by blkmage
Pascal (post: 1351931) wrote:Real Analysis, not Complex. I think abstract is fun too, but everything in it... not just Galois Theory, (haven't really dealt with Galois Theory, although the story of poor little Galois is sad... Poor Galois...)

I'm a pretty big fan of rings and fields too (and I'm pretty disappointed I won't get a chance to take a course on modules and representations). Just, not groups so much. Groups just don't seem as interesting when you study rings first (which seems to be a strange thing to do or something).


PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:20 pm
by Sebastian Michaelis
I would just say talk classes in stride if you can starting with gen then moving to advanced and if that doesn't work just try studying hard asking questions of your classmates or teacher and getting good night full of as much rest as you can. like so many other friendly members of CAA have suggested :P:thumb:

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 8:25 pm
by Dante
Pascal, do you have a LiveJournal or some other form of a blog? If you are not really looking for advice or rather, not willing to accept it before you posted, your rant may be better suited outside of CAA...

Also, hard classes are meant to challenge the mind more than the physical body (unless you are in the athletic department). You shouldn't push yourself too hard unless you somehow find joy in making yourself suffer.

No need to be hostile, I'd take your advice if the option was available silly. I'm glad you're all worried about me, but how would you act if you were in my situation. Not one where math was just "one of those courses" but the very language of the passion you pursued.

Even though I would hope you wouldn't hurt yourself from the endevour, I would also hope you would put your all into your dreams, come hell and high water. So I must admit that what I would feel for you would be conflicted, that's the contradiction of the human experience, eh?

What's more important is how I'll feel about all of this two weeks after the semester is done. That will be the interesting part and the acid test of whether or not this whole thing was worth it. amyrite.

Thanks for the advice guys (goes off to grab some red bull - I promise to only take these during the semester as needed).

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 8:37 pm
by Tsukuyomi
Pascal (post: 1351984) wrote:Thanks for the advice guys (goes off to grab some red bull - I promise to only take these during the semester as needed).

Red Bull, it gives you wings ~(O__O)~

Best of luck with everything and try not to over push yourself ^^ Yes, that's easier said then done, but try ^^

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:27 am
by goldenspines
Pascal (post: 1351984) wrote:No need to be hostile, I'd take your advice if the option was available silly. I'm glad you're all worried about me, but how would you act if you were in my situation. Not one where math was just "one of those courses" but the very language of the passion you pursued.

Even though I would hope you wouldn't hurt yourself from the endevour, I would also hope you would put your all into your dreams, come hell and high water. So I must admit that what I would feel for you would be conflicted, that's the contradiction of the human experience, eh?

What's more important is how I'll feel about all of this two weeks after the semester is done. That will be the interesting part and the acid test of whether or not this whole thing was worth it. amyrite.

Thanks for the advice guys (goes off to grab some red bull - I promise to only take these during the semester as needed).

I apologize, I didn't mean to come off as harsh, though I was rather confused since you didn't seem to just be ranting about your own purposeful decisions in life, which is not your body's or God fault. XP

Personally, I pursue my dreams with a lot of passion, but I try to be rather smart about it. I weigh all my options and if I don't have to go to the extremes to achieve them (i.e. living off of caffeine), I won't, because the effects will come back to bite me later.

I don't think any passion in your life should be put ahead of taking care of yourself, or rather, the body God has blessed you with (it's the only one you've got, after all). And nothing should be above God, so if you're going to be staying up all night anyways, make sure to throw a good deal of time to God in there. ^_^

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:01 am
by Warrior4Christ
blkmage (post: 1351921) wrote:Math courses you say?

I've had Group Theory and Complex Analysis both at 8:30 am before. Group Theory wasn't too bad, but Complex Analysis was not fun, since the prof clearly was not a morning person either. I'm afraid the solution to taking too many math courses is to not do it (had 5 this term, had to drop one).

Abstract algebra sure is fun though. It's probably my favourite part of math, other than maybe theoretical computer science. My favourite course this term is on Galois theory, which, incidentally, is the only context in which I can find groups interesting.

Theoretical computer science? Surely you don't mean computational theory....

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:11 am
by blkmage
Warrior4Christ (post: 1352170) wrote:Theoretical computer science? Surely you don't mean computational theory....

It seems like every CS department calls it something different. Essentially the things I'm interested in are complexity or computability theory or whatever it's called. Basically, that thing where you study automata and formal languages and solvability. The other thing that I'm interested in is algorithms. And it seems that both of these things are rolled up into theoretical computer science, so...

We've joked that I probably shouldn't be a CS major since I seem to always choose proof heavy courses over programming courses.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 9:39 am
by Doubleshadow
You are going to hate me, but: No more caffeine!

In the mornings eat an apple, that are actually better at waking you up.
Caffeine does not improve concentration, it actually makes it worse. You are severely reducing the quality of your ability to think and understand by trying to substitute caffeine for sleep. As Tsuki said, a fifteen minute nap now and then.
I'm sure you are aware of caffeine crashes. Eat complex carbs and B12.

I wanted so badly to take abstract algebra. I was so tempted to triple major so I could take more math. Alas.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 9:43 am
by ShiroiHikari
Dude, Pascal. Go to sleep. Later in life, you'll regret treating your body like this. All the sugar from all the energy drinks can really ruin you, and large amounts of caffeine aren't great either. Maybe you should drop a class or something.