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Most Memorable CAA Moments

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:33 pm
by Tsukuyomi
There's been a lot of new members joining as of late (a very great thing) and I thought it would be nice to share some memorable moments in CAA's history (nostalgic rush for us older members as well) ^^ Anyone can contribute and share their story ^^ It can be bad or good (hopefully more good then bad) ^ ^

There's been so many great ones, but one that I miss is the epic gag wars that went on in the chat amongst the mods to entertain us little people folk 8D Those were great and well.. epic ^__^

Oooh, and then there was the Epic Fail Fan Fiction contest ^^ The winner had their fanfic read in one of the podcast episodes ^__^

You can read some of the entries here ^ ^ The winner's fanfic was read here ^^

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:03 pm
by Radical Dreamer
I will never forget the time in the chat where I was able to get Nate to stop hiccuping by having him think of seven bald men. It's one of my better moments. XDD

Other fantastic moments:

The creation of Rolf Strappingyounglad
The life and love of Rachel Higuchi
The discovery of the chat filter by AngelSakura
Lasting 26 hours without using "XD," beating Mr. SmartyPants's measly 2 hours. (FTW XD)
Convincing a few members that Shatterheart and I were brother and sister, while Chibiphonebooth was our neighbor.

That's all for now, but I am sure there will be more. XD

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:12 pm
by LadyRushia
Hahaha, there still are epic gag battles. They just don't happen as often. This is pretty neat idea for people to get in on some of the jokes that are referenced throughout the boards from time to time, XD.

Here are some of the lulz I've stored up over the past couple years.
DoubleShadow wrote:True. If I were a villain about to get annihilated by a preschooler wearing way too much pink whose battle cry is "Crystal Twinkle Bell!", I'd be pretty devastated too. I'd rather be hit by the transgender hero shouting about a uterus.

They need to get a big sign
and write "F.O.U.R.CHAN PARTY VAN"

That's what Daymon and I have been trying to do this whole time. >_>

This is funny because we always joke about how loudly Corrie types.
Kkun 01:06 - Cats?
Kkun 01:06 - CATS?
Kkun 01:06 - CATS????
goldenspines 01:07 - Rushiar!

minakichan 11:24 - I SAT ON MY SCISSORS
CognitiveGear 11:24 - Oh, awesome.

oooh guys.... wanna see a pic of the crazy Asian kid I lured into sitting to me with my DS???? rofl
Radical Dreamer:
If it's marinated!

RadicalDreamer 11:33 - And he was done in 15 nubytes

RadicalDreamer 11:45 - I had a root bear float the other day for the first time in like six years. It was so good. XD

This is where the whole Root Bear thing came from.
MisterFrodo 10:14 - You're beautiful
MisterFrodo 10:14 - You're beautiful
MisterFrodo 10:14 - You're beautiful, it's true
RadicalDreamer 10:14 - Dude
RadicalDreamer 10:14 - <3 that song


One time, I remembered the context of this quote, but then I forgot it.

I think the story of Shirtless Abe was the first Jamie story I ever heard, XD.
Kkun: The McRib is the real world equivalent of a 1Up.

I have plenty more save up, although Radical Dreamer has a ridiculous amount more, XD.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:18 pm
by Anystazya
These are awesomely hilarious XDD Too bad; I'm still one of the newer members...Well, anyways, these are fun! :grin:

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:23 pm
by Robin Firedrake
I do believe people thought my attempt at ruling goof off was hilarious... *glares*

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:49 pm
by Peanut
Hmmm...lets see here...

-There's this wonderful moment from a longer chat conversation from a year or two back:

Tsukuyomi 09:39 - has anyone here been cow tipping o.o;?
Mithrandir 09:39 - >.>
Mithrandir 09:39 - <.<
Mithrandir pleeds the 5th.

-I also remeber many years ago when Temmy decided to take over the world (the very first time) in Goof Off, and a bunch of people joined with and against her, and much fun was had.

-While not officially with chats have also provided many memories...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:56 pm
by Radical Dreamer
LadyRushia wrote:MisterFrodo 10:14 - You're beautiful
MisterFrodo 10:14 - You're beautiful
MisterFrodo 10:14 - You're beautiful, it's true
RadicalDreamer 10:14 - Dude
RadicalDreamer 10:14 - <3 that song

I hate you.

So much.


LadyRushia wrote:RadicalDreamer 11:30 - OH MY GOSH SUGAR FROSTED BABIES

...With cream?


LadyRushia wrote:Kkun 07:42 - Shirtless Abe: FOUR SCORE AND FIVE SECONDS AGO, I WAS CONJURED INTO EXISTENCE TO KICK #$*!!!!!!

Oh my gosh yessss. That is totally one of my favorites. XDD

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:45 pm
by LadyRushia
The time when Rolf beat Jaden in the Goof Off elections was awesome on a number of different levels.
AziertheSwordsman summons the hottest CAA celebrity lady to teh chat.
08:03 - MrSmartyPants has entered the chat.
MrSmartyPants 08:03 - HERE I AM!!!!

RadicalDreamer 03:37 - XD There's a long standing rule about flirting in the chat. XD
CognitiveGear 03:37 - I would know.

LadyRushia 01:36 - AND
LadyRushia 01:36 - . . . . . . .. . . . . .
Doubleshadow 01:36 - Jamie? |o.o

CognitiveGear 02:40 - You give them the number of your best male fried Dad.

The "sparkly eyes" thread was awesome, and so was "The Face" thread.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:50 pm
by Radical Dreamer
LadyRushia (post: 1327349) wrote:The time when Rolf beat Jaden in the Goof Off elections was awesome on a number of different levels.

The "sparkly eyes" thread was awesome, and so was "The Face" thread.

asdkfjdlgj YES. To both of these. Somebody needs to go revive that Sparkly Eyes thread again.


chibiphonebooth 11:21 - i think i'm gunna go away, and come back and try to be serious in this chat.
11:22 - A chime sounds at the front door. chibiphonebooth enters the chat.
Nate 11:22 - Hi Savannah.
AziertheSwordsman 11:22 - CAA chat is not for being serious.
chibiphonebooth 11:22 - Hi. I'm Savannah. But I'm serious now.
RadicalDreamer 11:22 - Why hello Savannah.
Nate 11:22 - You're serious?
chibiphonebooth 11:22 - Hello there, Corrie.
chibiphonebooth 11:22 - Yes.
Nate 11:22 - Even though your mind has been transported back in time?
Nate 11:22 - And TO MARS?
ShatterheartArk 11:22 - Hey Savannah, *makes a face*
RadicalDreamer 11:22 - Ooooh. Nate is making this hard. XD
MrSmartyPants 11:22 - Hey Savvannah.
chibiphonebooth 11:22 - I find that quite amusing sometimes nate. But not today. for I am serious.
Nate 11:23 - Really?
Nate 11:23 - What if I said that ninjas are stealing that old man's diamonds?
MrSmartyPants 11:23 - ALGEBRAIC!
chibiphonebooth 11:23 - You shall not thwart my attempts.
RadicalDreamer 11:23 - XDDD
Nate 11:23 - What can I thwart, huh?
chibiphonebooth 11:23 - my attempts.
Nate 11:23 - I CAN thwart your attempts?
Nate 11:23 - Wow, thanks!
ShatterheartArk 11:23 - Nate. No thwarting in the chat.
MrSmartyPants 11:23 - ROFL
Nate 11:24 - I was only gonna thwart her a LITTLE bit!
chibiphonebooth 11:24 - no you shall not.
ShatterheartArk 11:24 - Nate. Ryan Jamie and I may thwart you.
MrSmartyPants 11:24 - Whatcha gonna do with All that Nate? All that Nate inside your... uh.... gate?
chibiphonebooth 11:24 - I shall not break under pressure.
Nate 11:25 - You can thwart me, baby.
chibiphonebooth 11:25 - pressure of humour.
Nate 11:25 - You can thwart me all night long.
** MESSAGE FROM SYSTEM: Attempting to gag Nate... Success.
RadicalDreamer 11:25 - HAHA
ShatterheartArk 11:25 - THWARTED BABY
chibiphonebooth 11:25 - ahahaha
RadicalDreamer 11:25 - XDDDDD
** MESSAGE FROM SYSTEM: Attempting to ungag Nate... Success.
MrSmartyPants 11:25 - I bet Nate liked that.
Nate 11:25 - CURSES! I was thwarted!
RadicalDreamer 11:25 - SAVANNAH
RadicalDreamer 11:25 - YOU LAUGHED
chibiphonebooth 11:25 - OH DANGIT.
RadicalDreamer 11:25 - SERIOUS PEOPLE DON'T LAUGH
Nate 11:25 - Savannah laughed!
chibiphonebooth 11:25 - NUUUUUUUUU
Nate 11:25 - HA! XD
RadicalDreamer 11:25 - XDDDD
chibiphonebooth 11:25 - I LOOOOSEEEEE
MrSmartyPants 11:25 - XDDDDDDD
AziertheSwordsman 11:25 - THWART'D.
Nate 11:26 - She lasted three minutes.
Nate 11:26 - Longer than I thought she would. XD
chibiphonebooth 11:26 - XDDDDD
chibiphonebooth 11:26 - ark thwart'd me
chibiphonebooth 11:26 - IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT ARK
chibiphonebooth 11:26 - if you didnt gag him
Nate 11:26 - Steve is sneaky like that.
chibiphonebooth 11:26 - i would have made it
ShatterheartArk wins

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:57 pm
by LadyRushia
Wasn't there a picture that accompanied Serious Savannah?
AziertheSwordsman 10:20 - <------- Weirdo on the internet your parents warned you about.
MisterFrodo 10:20 - <---- Weirdo on the internet your parents didn't warn you about.
RadicalDreamer 10:20 - Az, are you still acting the part of Nate? XD
LadyRushia summons Chris Hansen.
AziertheSwordsman 10:21 - No, I'm being me. But Nate fits in the category too.
MisterFrodo 10:21 - Playing Nate. That must be fun.
chibiphonebooth 10:21 - CHRIS HANSEN, I CHOOSE YOU!
LadyRushia 10:21 - Chris Hansen---AHH YOU BEAT ME!
LadyRushia 10:21 - Chris Hansen, Pedoshock!
chibiphonebooth 10:21 - XD
chibiphonebooth 10:21 - PEDOSHOCK AHHA
LadyRushia 10:23 - Chris Hansen would be the best Pokemon ever.
chibiphonebooth 10:23 - he would, wouldn't he?
MisterFrodo 10:23 - I'm tired. I need to retire soon.
MisterFrodo 10:23 - Who's Chris Hansen?
LadyRushia 10:23 - The best Pokemon ever.
LadyRushia 10:24 - Chris Hansen beats Mewtwo and Mew.
LadyRushia 10:25 - And when you catch him, he's level 100.
chibiphonebooth 10:25 - i want to draw
AziertheSwordsman 10:25 - *Chris Hanson walks into the Unknown Dungeon and heads straight for Mewtwo.
chibiphonebooth 10:25 - chris hansen as a pokemon.
LadyRushia 10:25 - DO IT.
RadicalDreamer 10:25 - HHAHHAAHHAHA
RadicalDreamer 10:25 - CHRIS HANSEN I CHOOSE YOU
chibiphonebooth 10:25 - I WILL
AziertheSwordsman 10:25 - *Chris Hanson uses Take a Seat Right Over There*
AziertheSwordsman 10:26 - *Mewtwo is Paralyzed!*
AziertheSwordsman 10:27 - *Mewtwo uses I Didn't Know She Was 18!*
AziertheSwordsman 10:27 - *Chris Hanson counters with 'I Have the Chat Log Right Here!'*
chibiphonebooth 10:27 - LOLOLOL
chibiphonebooth 10:27 - AZIER
RadicalDreamer 10:27 - LOL
AziertheSwordsman 10:27 - *Mewtwo runs*
chibiphonebooth 10:27 - I WANT TO USE THAT
chibiphonebooth 10:27 - AS THE SCRIPT, AZIER
LadyRushia 10:27 - XDD
AziertheSwordsman 10:28 - *Police appear and catch him in a Poke Ball*
RadicalDreamer 10:28 - XDDD
LadyRushia 10:28 - What's this? Chris Hansen is evolving?!
MisterFrodo 10:28 - Press B! Press B!
RadicalDreamer 10:28 - WHO WOULD HE EVOLVE INTO?
LadyRushia 10:28 - UM.
LadyRushia 10:29 - HAHAHAHA
Tsukuyomi 10:29 - lol
RadicalDreamer 10:29 - LOL
LadyRushia 10:29 - HAHAHAHA
MisterFrodo 10:29 - Chuck Norris would win in any battle.
chibiphonebooth 10:29 - HAHAHAHAHAHA
chibiphonebooth 10:29 - CORRIE, SAVE THIS PLEASE
chibiphonebooth 10:29 - SO I CAN USE IT LATER
RadicalDreamer 10:29 - I WILL XDD
LadyRushia 10:30 - HAHAHAHA

This was a really awesome chat, XD.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:01 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Wow! These are great!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:05 pm
by Makachop^^128
wow I'm way to new to get this O_o

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:07 pm
by Radical Dreamer
LadyRushia (post: 1327358) wrote:Wasn't there a picture that accompanied Serious Savannah?


PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:08 pm
by LadyRushia
One of the Sparkly Eyes pictures for the lulz.
^This is Mr. SmartyPants (left) and Kkun (right).
Also, there was one time when Kkun and I had some lulz in the Image Battle thread by referencing The Office in a series of pictures, XD.


PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:57 pm
by CrimsonRyu17
This whole darn thread rite har is amazing especially considering that's where I was most of the time, that chat:

I loves it 4evah. <3

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:15 pm
by Roz
This thread.

[color="Blue"][SIZE="6"]EPIC WIN[/SIZE][/color]

It's like finding your older siblings diary.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:40 pm
by Lady Kenshin
Robin Firedrake (post: 1327318) wrote:I do believe people thought my attempt at ruling goof off was hilarious... *glares*

I remember that... XD

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:58 pm
by sharien chan
My favorite will always be the dotehface thread... <3<3<3

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:14 pm
by Kkun
Robin Firedrake (post: 1327318) wrote:I do believe people thought my attempt at ruling goof off was hilarious... *glares*

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:21 pm
by Robin Firedrake
And that relates how?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:32 pm
by chibiphonebooth
ahahahahahhaahhahahaa i love you guysssss.

my favorite was the Rolf thread. and the sparkly eyes thread. i read that thread to my family and they thought it was the most hilarious thing ever. XD

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:36 pm
by shooraijin
Well, there was the time with the guy and he had this thing and it was on the forum and that stuff he posted and he was all like this and typed in stuff like that, and anyway it was funny.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:43 pm
by goldenspines
Shooby wrote: Well, there was the time with the guy and he had this thing and it was on the forum and that stuff he posted and he was all like this and typed in stuff like that, and anyway it was funny.

I lol'd.

I probably could fill a whole thread on my first impressions of people I met on the forums when I first joined. XD It's actually really interesting to compare what you thought of people then and what you think of them now.
(For example, I miss the happy cakes, Rushair.)

But I won't steal the thunder of epic chats being quoted.

Instead, my favorite CAA memory, that I recall, is a chat near to the time when I first joined that started with the simple question by Nate in the chat:
"Quick, Goldy, when is your birthday?"
And things went rather crazy from there (I'll have to do a little digging to find that chat in my archives). XD
I think it was after that I started feeling really accepted into the community. XD

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:43 pm
by Etoh*the*Greato
The political thread last year that we overwhealmed with memes? That was awesome. Pure win.

[SIZE="1"]Also, Tuskie still hasn't told me where the drugs are...[/SIZE]

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:52 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1327406) wrote:The political thread last year that we overwhealmed with memes? That was awesome. Pure win.

THIS. Oh my gosh. I always forget about that thread for these purposes, but it's one of my favorite threads ever. XDDD I think I laughed until I cried the morning I found that. XDD

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:10 pm
by Cognitive Gear
Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1327406) wrote:The political thread last year that we overwhealmed with memes? That was awesome. Pure win.

Speaking of which, I do hope that thread was immortalized in some fashion. It would be a shame for it to disappear and fade into obscurity.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:17 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Cognitive Gear (post: 1327415) wrote:Speaking of which, I do hope that thread was immortalized in some fashion. It would be a shame for it to disappear and fade into obscurity.

It ought to be stickied under the title, "WHAT TO DO WHEN SOMEONE WANTS TO TALK POLITICS." It's the best example of what to do with that kind of thread EVER. XD

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:21 pm
In rememberance of a certain former Mod, I post these.

10:50 - I like to wake up some mornings, and chase hookers around my apartment. In the nude. With a chainsaw.

10:54 - I want to go in, and every time I get censored it needs to say "Mith likes young boys"

10:58 - Rape is never a laughing matter.

10:58 - Unless it involves a clown.

11:05 - Me being dead would not really be a big deal to me lol. Not like I would be aware of it.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:28 pm
by Cognitive Gear
Radical Dreamer (post: 1327420) wrote:It ought to be stickied under the title, "WHAT TO DO WHEN SOMEONE WANTS TO TALK POLITICS." It's the best example of what to do with that kind of thread EVER. XD

Ok, for all of you members that are wondering about this: HERE IT IS.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:36 pm
Poor ol' Rolf Strappingyounglad.