Seminary/Bible College? Also, a question about "callings"
PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:09 pm
I think that God might be calling me to go to seminary/Bible College. What for, I have no idea, and to be honest it seems like a bad idea which would lead to my eventual financial ruin.
That said, I have a few questions for those who have attended/are attending seminary:
Why did you choose this over a more traditional school?
What seminary/Bible College did/do you attend?
What is your profession, post seminary/Bible College?
Any help or wisdom you can share with me would be greatly appreciated. The few people I have already talked to about this (Pastor, friend that became a pastor, and my brother-in-law that is a pastor...) were very enthusiastic about my possibly attending one.
I tend to be very cautious about "being called" to something, so if anyone can give me some good guidelines or advice on how to know your calling, please do!
That said, I have a few questions for those who have attended/are attending seminary:
Why did you choose this over a more traditional school?
What seminary/Bible College did/do you attend?
What is your profession, post seminary/Bible College?
Any help or wisdom you can share with me would be greatly appreciated. The few people I have already talked to about this (Pastor, friend that became a pastor, and my brother-in-law that is a pastor...) were very enthusiastic about my possibly attending one.
I tend to be very cautious about "being called" to something, so if anyone can give me some good guidelines or advice on how to know your calling, please do!