Maokun: Ninjas or Pirates? (Vikings are not a valid answer, sorry)
EricTheFred: Vikings are always a valid answer.
minakichan (post: 1306087) wrote:But seriously, respect is a 2 way street and parents are not gods. If they're not going to respect you, you're not really obliged to return what you've never been given in the first place.
EricTheFred (post: 1305977) wrote:Just make it clear you already have plans, and you appreciate that they wanted to pay you before paying a stranger, but someone else more in need of the pay is going to have to take it this time around.
minakichan (post: 1306087) wrote:Lie to them and say you've broken your leg or something.
But seriously, respect is a 2 way street and parents are not gods. If they're not going to respect you, you're not really obliged to return what you've never been given in the first place.
Mithrandir (post: 1306154) wrote:You work in tech support, don't you? Or at least something which requires serious tact?
Maokun: Ninjas or Pirates? (Vikings are not a valid answer, sorry)
EricTheFred: Vikings are always a valid answer.
Pascal (post: 1305962) wrote:So. I'm 23, I live on my own... I found the topic to be funny... Funny enough to laugh out loud.
Pascal (post: 1305962) wrote:This made them rather angry. They somehow were expecting that I'd jump for joy at the opportunity seeing as they said they'd pay me. The topic was supposed to suddenly become an instant economic decision they were blessing me with...
Pascal (post: 1305962) wrote:1) I have a B.S. in physics. I am paid a rather decent wage that is likely double, triple or even quadruple the hourly wage they likely are considering.
Pascal (post: 1305962) wrote:2) I enjoy... no LOVE my work and find it easy-going (I get paid to teach people how balls roll down hills and how electrons get stripped off pieces of plastic in a room with heating and a climate outside that has no need of AC). While they are offering me a job with no AC to wheelbarrel cartloads of rocks to accross their yard and then figure out just how to actually "landscape" them into the desired region. (Lots of hard manual labour that I really am not interested in.... no I don't often work out with my hours upon hours of school-work.
Pascal (post: 1305962) wrote:3) If they hired actual workers to do the job (but won't... mock my words because they wouldn't feel their asking price was fair), they wouldn't have to put up with the same level of perfectionism they would want out of me (because my father would have me tear the thing up three times until it looked just like the image in his mind).
Pascal (post: 1305962) wrote:To be totally honest... I think that they're slightly out of their minds. I might have done it out of love if I could feel it in my heart... but to be ordered from over a hundred miles away over a cell phone that I was going to do this... and then to insult me with minor wages that don't even come close to the value of the work for me?
Pascal (post: 1305962) wrote:My honest value for this type of work when requested for a physicist is $150 an hour, and double time for redos of the project beyond the initial installation. I don't enjoy the work and would rank it as eight times as hard as my current position due to lack of physical activity. Asking this type of work from me is a bad decision as asking your Medical Doctor to come to your house and scrub your floors or having your laywer come over to change the oil on your car. You'll get bad work for a high price because that is not what a medical doctor or a lawyer are trained to do. Neither am I trained to be a landscaper.
Pascal (post: 1305962) wrote:So the question is this. Maybe I should give them a call back and say I AM interested... would they feel better if they realized the price I was going to demand for the low quality work? They can even donate the money to charity when their done. But something tells me they wouldn't get that.
Pascal (post: 1305962) wrote:Okay, so maybe I should rephrase my question as this. How do I explain to my parents that they are wonderful parents... but they are horrible employers?
I'd like to hope they don't view you as cheap labor but as their son whom they wanted to show they knew would be taking time out of his life to see them without being rude by throwing money into it.
Except that the Lord commands that we respect our parents and He doesn't follow that command with a "however", "but", or "unless." And the whole, "Treat others as you would have them do unto you."
EricTheFred (post: 1306204) wrote:You have two choices in my line of work. Be a coward (and either stay silent or say things you don't believe), or learn how to state the truth without offending. The second way works better over the long run.
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