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Teenage Girls make Pact to get Pregnant
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:04 am
by KhakiBlueSocks Long story short; a group of girls in this high school made a pact with each other to all get pregnant while in school. Time reports that when the number of girls in this high school who requested pregnacy tests reached above 150 (and the fact they were more dissapointed when the test was negative), they decided to investigate and discovered that a bunch of girls made this pact together. I do believe I speak for everyone on this forum when I say...WHAT THE?!?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:12 am
by Mr. SmartyPants
I'm gonna go make a pact to get pregnant as well. =)
Seriously though...
Some of the girls reacted to the news they were pregnant with high fives and plans for baby showers, Sullivan said. One of the fathers "is a 24-year-old homeless guy," Sullivan told the magazine.
What. The. CRAP?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:42 am
by ChristianKitsune
Way to go girls...way to cut your chances of finishing high school and college in half.
I feel bad for their children... :/
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:47 am
by Etoh*the*Greato
There have been other reports on this story. There was one girl who was pregnant before all the others (and unintentionally at that) and many girls would walk up to her and say, "Oh how lucky you are to have a baby that loves you!" The problem is that these girls feel the only way to achieve unconditional love is to have a child. What's that say, you know?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:57 am
by KhakiBlueSocks
What disturbed me a hair more than that was the fact that they were more excited about planning baby showers and stuff. Umm,'re 16 years old in high school about to bring a new life into the world who was concieved with a homeless man. A baby shower would be the LAST thing on my mind. I'm gonna go make a pact to get pregnant as well. =)
When you start to show, let me know, okay. We'll get you on Oprah.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:57 am
by Gabriel 9.0
Talk about a very huge mistake.....
They should have waited till marriage and at least finished High School, along with finishing two years of college. *Sigh* Its sad when people don't listen to God.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:01 pm
by Etoh*the*Greato
None of that stuff will matter to them until they feel they are receiving love from someone, you know? It's the heirarchy of needs. Certain criteria need to be met before someone will show interest in that sort of stuff. Not saying it's right, but they're not exactly thinking about highschool or college.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:02 pm
by KhakiBlueSocks
Gabriel 9.0 (post: 1237524) wrote:They should have waited till marriage and at least finished High School, along with finishing two years of college.
Forgive me, but what does COLLEGE have to do with anything?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:12 pm
by ChristianKitsune
College= 'Higher learning'
Higher learning= higher paying jobs
higher paying jobs= easier time in raising family (financially wise... not necassarilly in quality ^^; )
BUT you can skip college and still get REALLY good jobs... you just have to work twice as hard?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:15 pm
by minakichan
If you want to ruin some baby's life that bad, go adopt. Seriously, a lot less painful than childbirth, ladies.
I'm not sure if I consider sexing for pregnancy better or worse than just doing so for pleasure or deluded "love," but my 2-second impression is that these girls are more deluded and depressed than full of ill will.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:18 pm
by Etoh*the*Greato
Deluded is most likely right. I've known many girls who wanted nothing more than to be a mother simply because they never got the love they needed from their own parents.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:35 pm
by Mithrandir
KhakiBlueSocks (post: 1237523) wrote:When you start to show, let me know, okay. We'll get you on Oprah.
The tabloid route would likely be the cheapest way to start, but you're probably right that Oprah would be a more lucrative long-term sustainable cash cow.
As for the OP, I'm just dumbfounded. I think I'll bring this up in my junior high school class tomorrow, just to see what their reaction is. On second thought, though, maybe I shouldn't give them ideas...
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:41 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
Mith, since when did you teach Junior High?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:42 pm
by AsianBlossom
Good idea...I'd keep mum about it as well if I were a highschool teacher.
And I don't think Oprah's the best choice...she's started some sort of anti-Christian "church" of her own. Best to be avoided, but don't forget to pray for her.
And seriously, it seems as though most people just don't want to wait until marriage. For just about everything now rather than just "marital bliss." *shakes head* All we can do is pray.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:50 pm
by mechana2015
so when does the homeless dude get arrested for having sex with a minor?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:52 pm
by Nate
To further ride the coattails of Etoh's post, here is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs:
The basis of this theory is that the needs on the bottom must be met before a person is concerned with the needs above it. For example a person will care little about safety if physiological needs are not met.
From this, we can see that morality and acceptance of facts, are dependent on love and belonging. In other words, as Etoh said, if these girls come from poor families and do not have the love they need, they won't care if it's right or wrong, they won't care if it's a dumb thing to do, they won't care if you throw facts at them that say it's best to wait. They just want love, and they need to get it from SOMEWHERE.
so when does the homeless dude get arrested for having sex with a minor?
Y'know, I was just thinking about that. The article says none are over 16 though, which means a few may have been 16, and 16 is legal in Massachusetts.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:59 pm
by FukuokaGirl
This is such a heartbreaking story to me! It seriously shows the lack of fulfillment and purpose we have as people, and how desperately we are all searching for unconditional love and something to pour our own love out on.
Without Christ we really are just such empty shells.
I can certainly understand young girls daydreaming about families and being excited to be adults and begin planning their lives out...but surely this is such a dysfunctional extreme. My prayers are with them...for solid role models and major support to surround them and guide them into their true fulfillment: a relationship with the most Beautiful One, Jesus.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:10 pm
by LadyRushia
I was talking about this at dinner with my friend and her mom last night. The whole thing is sad, stupid, and ridiculous at the same time.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:26 pm
by ClosetOtaku
mechana2015 (post: 1237548) wrote:so when does the homeless dude get arrested for having sex with a minor?
I predict he will not be homeless for the next seven to ten years.
Seriously, if you are looking for unconditional love, buy a dog. Children offer unconditional love up until the time they learn to say "no", and then things usually get dicier from there.
(Parent of three: 22, 18, 16)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 2:32 pm
by Tsukuyomi
It's kinda true though. It was like ever year in middle school. There was at least one person pregnant every year. Nowadays, it's like.. more then just one a year o.o;
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:26 pm
by Debitt
I pity those girls, but at the same time feel angry with them from bringing children into this world when they seem so grossly unprepared to care for them.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:29 pm
by rocklobster
These people seriously need to be contestants on that new Baby Borrowers show. That'll wise em up.
It's like I always say:
This is one crazy world we live in folks. And it needs a second coming. NOW!
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:51 pm
by beau99
mechana2015 (post: 1237548) wrote:so when does the homeless dude get arrested for having sex with a minor?
As long as the girl is 16 or over, it's not illegal.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:30 pm
by animewarrior
>.< *wince* Sadly, I wasn't too terribly suprised at the contents of this article....girls are searching for "unconditional" love more than ever now...and well if they think they are going to acheive that through having a baby then so be it. I guess I agree with rocklobster the most:
This is one crazy world we live in folks. And it needs a second coming. NOW!
**Quoted For the Truth
As a 16 year old girl myself I can't imagine WANTING to be pregnant however... *shivers* Childbirth. WILL. be. PAINFUL. and there is no getting around matter how deluded and depressed you are...poor girls I will pray for them... and their children.. O_o
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:41 pm
by K. Ayato
I think it's more security than it is actual love. Most girls of that background tend to be so desperate for love, that as long as it LOOKS like it, they'll take it.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:44 pm
by Kkun
Maury Povich will have NO lack of TV show material for the next 20 years.
Thanks a lot, 150+ teenage girls!
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:53 pm
by Yuen Fei Lung
I saw this story on the news... and man, it just boggles my mind. First of all, WHERE ARE THE PARENTS? I mean, don't they talk to these kids about this kind of stuff? Regardless of whether you believe in waiting until marriage before having sex or not, don't they talk to their daughters about how dangerous unprotected sex is?
I wasn't ready to be a parent at 15 and I'm now 25 and I'm STILL not ready to be a parent. Being a parent (a GOOD parent who does their job) is a HUGE responsibility. And there in lies the problem... most "parents" aren't really parents to their kids today. So these kids now grow up and they think having sex before marriage is okay and they don't understand the consequences.
I'm not saying the parents of these teens should take all the heat for this because at the end of the day it was the girls decision to do this BUT I would be willing to bet that most of these girls parents aren't REAL parents... what I mean is that they haven't talked to their kids about these types of issues. Your thoughts, everyone?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 5:06 pm
by minakichan
You know, at the same time, I almost want to say, "At least they aren't aborting..."
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 5:27 pm
by Kunoichi
ya sis got pregnant intentionally at 17 (My family didn't know it at the time)...I'm not sure why exactly but I know that she longed for love...not that she wasn't but we both had a kinda rough childhood and she liked her boyfriend and I guess they felt they should have a child together...
My sister had to drop out of highschool and had to grow up extremely quick. ...however she turned out to be an awesome mom with lots of support from my family and she is now married to another guy (the first boyfriend ended up dying at age 21...sad >< she did love him) and she has a second child. However, she would be the first to say to those girls..don't do it.
I think nowadays...maybe they feel they do not have love or they do not feel it from their parents or they feel it will make them more adult...tho i'm not sure how that works. I think too that our children's values are so messed up that getting pregnant this young is the "norm"...Jesus is needed.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 5:51 pm
by Lilac#18
[quote="Yuen Fei Lung (post: 1237627)"] don't they talk to these kids about this kind of stuff? Regardless of whether you believe in waiting until marriage before having sex or not, don't they talk to their daughters about how dangerous unprotected sex is?QUOTE]
Probably not.