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Questions for Writers/Artists (professional or amateur)

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:20 pm
by ~darkelfgirl~
Just some curious questions (posting a serious thread for once ^^')--

1. Where do you usually get inspiration for your stories and art?

2. Where and under what conditions do you write or draw?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:43 pm
by creed4
The Lord is my major inspiration, but I also find reading enhances my art

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 4:35 pm
by uc pseudonym
Is this for writers and artists or only for people that do both? I'm just the former, you see.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 4:35 pm
by goldenspines
1. I find reading, watching movies(or anime series), and flipping through magazines gives me a lot of inspiration. Walking outside and looking at God's beautiful creation often inspires me too.

2.If you mean atmosphere conditions, I will draw anywhere, but I make my best stuff when I'm sitting at a desk. If you meant emotional conditions, I like to draw when I'm extremely happy or extremely sad.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 4:54 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
1. Many different things. For example, seeing a poster for a movie/show and expecting it to be how I imagined it, watching it and becoming disappointed that it wasn't up to my expectations. From that, I've created several stories, playing on the idea of how I'd want a story of the such to be. And also, since I dream every single night, many interesting ideas of parts of a possible story show up all the time. Especially since my dreams can look and FEEL so real, it inspires me with a first-hand look of how things would exactly look. More fun on the VERY odd time if I become lucid.

2. My problem right here :/ I have to be in this specific mood setting where I have the motivation to sit down and just... type. I used to right stories on paper and transfer on the computer, as a first form of revision. Although, it was quite hard on my hands :/ Still, it's that mind setting that is VERY difficult for me to get into, with working, and doing other things, and just never having time on my hands (I'd rather watch a movie^^ Always my excuse to "get inspiration", although I never use it...) Still, I'll keep ahold of my ideas and my partially done novel-esque story... Just in case I get back into the habit^^

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 7:03 pm
by Debitt
1. Oh gosh....I really do chance upon my best inspirations and ideas via simple things in life that turn into odd thoughts or musings. Example: the inspiration for the story I did for National Novel Writing Month stemmed from a walk to the bookstore one day, during which I decided "...yellow scooters are cool. You know what? I want to make a character who rides a yellow scooter." Ideas like to sneak up on me when I'm doing things like playing DDR or taking a shower, too. I guess my mind wanders a lot when I'm doing stuff like that.

2. Environment wise, I like being alone at my desk with music on when I write. Music can't be too happy, and it's always nice to have a Mt. Dew on hand - great writers are supposed to die depressed and inebriated, after all. (:P) Emotional state? I tend to do best when I'm on an extreme end of the emotional spectrum. o_o Which is why I usually why I don't get a lot done very often.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 7:34 pm
by SnoringFrog
1 - Inspiration comes from so many places. Just a few minutes ago I was in the shower and the phrase "a chance worth taking" came to mind, now I've got the basic plot for a short story planned out with that title. The increased number of spiders that have been popping up in our house gave me an idea for a horror story called Phantom Pain, and various other things inspire me too. Nature, conversations, music, pretty much anythign can contain some sort of inspiration.

2 - I write whenever I feel I can. Sometimes I have to force myself to start, but once I get into a piece it tends to flow onto the paper or computer screen pretty well. Unfortunatley, I often go through long periods of time in which I can scarcely write at all, which is why I try and force myself back into it by coming up with a few new poems every once in a while.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:55 pm
by K. Ayato
I'm an aspiring writer, and some of my ideas come from movies or TV episodes I've seen and believe that they should've done a few things differently. Most of my plot ideas are inspired by books I've read, primarily The Hobbit and The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe.

As far as poetry goes, anything can inspire me to start a poem now, since I'd put it off for so long.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 9:34 pm
by mechana2015
1. I get inspiration for my storys and drawings from many things ranging from the anime I like to random conversations and happenings. I pull locations from all over as well... including daily life.

2. Everywhere. Literally. You can ask people that have met me.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 9:42 pm
by ChristianKitsune
hmm it depends on the story, really.

for my current progject, I got inspiration for a real event in high school, sorta XD.
God is usually my main inspiration, that and cute things. ^_^

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:56 am
by Mave
[Amateur artist speaking]

1. Where do you usually get inspiration for your stories and art?
Most of my inspirations come when I'm traveling by coach or by train - when I'm looking outside the window and my mind is allowed to relax. I also get inspirations in random locations/times but generally, I have to get other life's distractions out of my mind first. Speaking of which, I also do get inspirations in church because I typically clear my mind during worship and sermon.

2. Where and under what conditions do you write or draw?
Alone in my room at my study table. However, if I'm at some other location and the particular idea is precious, I'll grab any pen or paper within reach and write/draw it down.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 12:58 pm
by mitsuki lover
I just start writing and see where it goes from there.As far as where anywhere as long as I can think.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:29 pm
by Maledicte
Answer #1: I really can't put a finger on it. Inspiration can come from anywhere, from a really good book to just glancing at its title. I'd say the bottom line is to be observant and thoughtful. The more you notice, the more you'll have to inspire you; the more you think, the more ideas you'll come up with.

Answer #2: Typically, in my room in the wee hours of the night and morning. Though for some reason, I like to work on the kitchen table, particularly for drawing. My room is pretty cramped so I work well with space.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:35 pm
by ~darkelfgirl~
uc pseudonym wrote:Is this for writers and artists or only for people that do both? I'm just the former, you see.

Either or both

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:51 pm
by ~darkelfgirl~
Very interesting answers guys!

For me, I get my inspiration (in writing and drawing) from the most random and obscure things--like a drop of water, a bird, a necklace sitting on my dressing table or things that people say. I also get my inspiration from anime, staring outside my window or into space (for ridiculously long periods of time) movies, the Bible (where I get my a lot of my allusions from), and my faith in Christ--oh, and Lord of the Rings, hehe.

Conditions--for drawing (I'm an amateur): on my couch in front the TV, in front the computer, or in my bed. For writing: I have to be in a really quiet place with no people around--that would be my room in my bed. Actually, I write better when I'm in a serious state (strangely when I'm depressed like many authors hehe--like you were saying Debitt). When I'm too excited things don't come out right ^^'

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:06 am
by Sammy Boy
1. Where do you usually get inspiration for your stories and art?

Usually from construction sites, looking at the sky, or parking lots. On top of that, I try to think really hard of doing a story that I think will be original. I don't often succeed, of course.

Story-wise, it's often set for me as I am not the writer (usually).

2. Where and under what conditions do you write or draw?

Usually in my room's study table, because it's the only decent table in the whole house apart from the dining table. I also draw / sketch a lot at meetings I have in the office (this is bad, don't do what I do).

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:18 am
by Veru
Where do I get inspiration...SIVER_WOLF456!!( SHE AND HER SISTER GOT ME IN IT!) TV and books get me to wright ( I've got a good story but haven't started yet)

I draw in class,home on the floor,cars predy much any where.I draw threw sadness alot and threw happyness rarly...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:35 am
by EricTheFred
1. Most of my inspirations come from wondering what life would be like if... since I do science fiction and fantasy, that's probably not surprising. What happens is that I try to imagine someone in a given situation, and the story just weaves itself from there.

2. Anywhere I can sit with my laptop and work, frankly. I write in the cafeteria at work while eating lunch, in the Starbucks, on my bed or the kitchen table, in the passenger seat when it's my wife's turn to drive on long trips...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:22 am
by mitsuki lover
It also depends what you mean by writing.Some are more mechanical in that they follow all the rules such as start with a outline and work point by point from there.
Me,I would call the way I write as more of a natural type.I never use outlines as when I try to I just can't get anything done.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:45 pm
by uc pseudonym
1. There are several varying sources. Often I am reading/watching something else and like one basic idea but think that I would do it an entirely different way (so the final result often barely looks like the source material). Other times I begin with thinking "there doesn't seem to be anything like X and I wish there was" and then begin to produce a story. For short stories, most of the time an idea develops from my thoughts on numerous subjects and I build a story around it.

2. I can write under most situations, but they have to be ones without something that would distract me (like people having an interesting conversation). Depending upon the situation music sometimes helps and sometimes doesn't, but I always try to write in silence occasionally. We're too afraid of silence as a culture.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 2:27 pm
by silverSky
1. Where do you usually get inspiration for your stories and art?

God, Life, and sometimes sheer boredom. Writing is both a gift and hobby.

2. Where and under what conditions do you write or draw?
Mostly home and when I am alone. However sometimes if was in middle of something that is extremely boring I may write then.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:24 pm
by Azier the Swordsman
1. My ideas always just come to me. I've never had to brainstorm for ideas. I simply think up a concept that might make an interesting story and I write it.

2. I write in my room, on my PC. Since I only write in my spare time, of which I don't have enough of, I'm horribly inconsistent. But I try.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:21 pm
by mssthang_1
my inspiration comes from yes God, but sometimes i ask myself "what if", ex: one time i wuz watching samurai 7 and thought to myself "what if there were samurai who were christians?" ecspecially since the sword represents the word of God, i'm currently writing a story based on that idea. it's harder than it sounds XD.

as for drawing, oh man, i have to first of all not be sleepy, i have to look at other great art to inspire me to draw awesome stuff, and i have to have my jazz or my other favorite music playing to mellow me out enough to draw XD.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:27 pm
by Photosoph
1. Where do I get inspiration?
For art, I get inspiration from everyday objects around me. I might look at a screw driver and think: huh. I wonder what that would look like it I used that as a bird beak...
I also get inspiration from reading different things, watching animal documentaries and seeing interesting animals, and from my story ideas too -designing the look of the characters in my head.

For stories, sometimes a conversation will trigger an idea. Often, though, I find that watching the news or documentaries that strike a cord in me start off the idea process. They get me thinking -about the theme or effect of whatever I've seen/watched/heard.
Usually I seem to go through 'seasons' where I get a lot of ideas, and then seasons where I don't. But if I'm searching for ideas, I try to ask myself questions -things like, 'how would it affect people/the world if... ...a talking cat tried to get a job?' A random example, but there you go.

2. Conditions for writing or drawing...

Often, when I'm bored. Boredom = need for something to do, and writing and drawing are both things to do.
I write and draw when I'm stressed, or feeling happy -but I like to do them when I'm feeling happier. If I work when I'm feeling 'down', it's very easy to feel discouraged. Often I just write or draw because I want to move a project foward towards completion, no matter how I'm feeling. Sometimes it definitely does take some effort -some forcing of yourself to write or draw when you really don't feel inclined to.

Hope that's helpful!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:48 pm
by Dai-go
Note: XD I didn't bother to read any replies until I posted this :thumb:

1. I take inspiration from life. From past experiences, from people I know and talk to all the time, to people's mannerisms whom I've never met before. I take inspiration from everything I encounter. Though out this life, God has just shown a bunch of stuff about Himself and His world to me. And I wanna be able to capture characters and people that way, just like my Dad does. The only trick I face is filtering my inspiration and what I actually use and play with, because either not all of it could be used for God's glory, or I'm just not mature enough to bring it to it's knees and worship God.

2. I draw and write best under music. Whatever music I'm wanting for at the time. I played the Clarinet for 7 years, the drums for the past 4 years. I can see things play out much better with the right music playing in the background for me. And capture the emotion of what that character feels at the time. So I tend to listen to a lot of Japanese R&B like Utada Hikaru, or musical composers with no lyrics like Sebastian Bach or Final Fantasy Soundtracks, or Christian music from every genre. Dismas, Sanctus Real, Underoath, The Classic Crime, Grits, John Reuben, anything.
I also take time out for creativity. Ya' know, schedule a time to be creative and simply withdraw from thinking for a little while. Like, it would be best for me not to care for another living thing for like, 2 hours. lol It's when I just rid myself of all doubt, calm my mind, and just slap all of my faith in God and go to go.

I actually wanna know, does anyone else withdraw from the world for a while when they're creating or being creative? I just wanna know if I'm the only one. I read that somewhere, a secular site, then decided to just rest in Christ and draw. I simply wanna know if anyone else here does that.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 7:09 pm
by Bap
1. For my art (I just draw here and there, so nothing serious, really. xD; ) I usually get inspiration from songs. D: Like, whenever a song makes me feel something, and I can mold the lyrics into an image in my head. o: Or just like.. anything I might be obsessing over at the moment. xD; Some character ideas I get come from really random stuff. >_>;

2. I actually have to be in a mood to draw in order.. to draw. Dx I'm not very good at forcing the... images out. D: when I do they usually come out really badly. >_>; but I think usually I like to draw on my computer while I can listen to whatever music I want. 8D

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 7:10 pm
by Kuro-Mizu
My biggest influence (besides jesus ^_^) is music. I love all sorts of bands and types of music and I find that every song I listen to gives me even more inspiration. I also get it from good fantasy books, comics and movies.

as for where and what circumstances I draw and write... whenever wherever. it doesn't matter.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:36 am
by Azier the Swordsman
Vernhal wrote:My biggest influence (besides jesus ^_^) is music. I love all sorts of bands and types of music and I find that every song I listen to gives me even more inspiration. I also get it from good fantasy books, comics and movies.

as for where and what circumstances I draw and write... whenever wherever. it doesn't matter.

Same here. Music probably gives me tons of inspiration more than anything else.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:01 pm
by ~darkelfgirl~
Oh, music inspires me also--especially those types of songs where the choir seems to be singing in Latin--they give me conflict ideas(like good guy vs. bad guy sword fight). Yeh, I love the FF7 movie soundtrack--especially that one in the loop thingy that you press "play" (that would be an example of the choir thing).

Dai-go: You played clarinet for 7 years? Me too.
I've gotten a lot of inspiration from the music I've played, like "Purgatorio" from the "The Divine Comedy Suite" by Robert W. Smith.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:07 pm
by PrincessZelda
1. I get inspired by a lot of different things. Books, movies, music... just a lot of stuff...

2. I like either sitting in my room drawing with music on, or watching TV while drawing. There has to be like, some sort of background noise or something for me to draw...