(Or rather, new PDA get.)
(I don't know if I've said anything on here, but my family used to be with Sprint and we hated it to no end (terrible service, and we had bad phones - LG somethings, they were slide phones that everyone went "omg that's so cool!!!111" to which we replied "try using one for an extended period of time and then see how you feel".), so we've finally switched to Cingular. My mom, through her bargain-hunterness got a deal of some sort (I don't know how much, but she bought them, so ::shrug:: ) on a Blackberry and two Blackberry Pearls. So I am now the proud new owner of a red Blackberry Pearl: )
(Now I just need to decide what to name him/her/it. My old phone was nicknamed "Aku no Bozu" because it was a terrible phone, but that doesn't quite fit here.)