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Wanna see a good example of great friends?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:03 pm
by Ditalover
Ya know, I just realized this. Me and bubbaman are best friends. And we have PROOF! We both like the same girl and have liked her for a while, and never get competitive tward each other or fight about it. We argue a lot, and then make a joke about what we were arguing about and laugh! Plus, we are both extremely competitive and hate to lose; we play against each other in games, and never fight! If that ain't good friends, I don't know what is. Yall post about your great friendships.^^ :thumb:

PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:34 pm
by Puguni
I really don't have any great friends. Unfortunately, I'm used to being disappointed. :\ It's good that some people have good friends anyway.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 1:31 pm
by mitsuki lover
All of my best friends have been female for the most part.Seriously,for some reason I have always gotten on better with females than males.Go figure.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 1:33 pm
by Peregrine
I don't have any GREAT frinends, but I've got a pretty decent group of friends.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 1:51 pm
by Photosoph
Ya know, I just realized this. Me and bubbaman are best friends. And we have PROOF! We both like the same girl and have liked her for a while, and never get competitive tward each other or fight about it. We argue a lot, and then make a joke about what we were arguing about and laugh! Plus, we are both extremely competitive and hate to lose; we play against each other in games, and never fight! If that ain't good friends, I don't know what is. Yall post about your great friendships.^^

That's really cool!

Well, even if we don't have great friends here on earth, all us Christian CAAers have one great friend in heaven: Jesus! I mean, what friend do you know that you can talk to anytime, anywhere, and will never leave you nor forsake you? ^_^

My best human friend would, I think, have to be my twin sister. Like you and your friend, we're REALLY competitive with each other. But unlike you two, we've fought because of that before. :sweat: Anyway, I'm really glad to have her as my sister; I couldn't imagine being a twin to anyone nicer. :)

At the same time, when I saw the title of this thread, I thought you were going to talk about David and his best friend, Jonathon. Their story of friendship, despite the fact that Saul, Jonathon's father, despised David, and the fact that Jonathon would have known that David was going to inherit his fathers throne, is amazing. And so terribly sad; I can feel it whenever I read their story in the bible. I'm just glad that I'm sure Jonathon went to heaven, and David too; and that they're together with God now. ^_^
Man, that story really shows such brotherly love and friendship.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:05 pm
by RubyJewelStone
I lurve my best friend!
We've known each other since forever, and besides the whole anime-obsession thing I have going on, we have a crazy lot in common.

We hang out too much too. People keep confusing our names.

And we're the about the only ones that can put up with each other's drama (except for Christ of course).

Plus she an inspiring example of a Christian to me when she started reading her Bible in the hotel room when we went on an Orlando trip.

Yup, she's "da bomb."

PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:50 pm
by Hakaii
I'm lucky! I have great friends. I have my wonderfull wife who is my life-long partner (and then some) and I have My best friend whom I've known since 4th grade. He and his family really have been there for me in more ways than I can possibly describe. seriously, all ya really need is God, and those who are closest to you.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 6:29 pm
by Ditalover
*is glad that someone has good friends* Sorry about the name Bubba *for short*

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:55 pm
by Alice
Most of my close friendships have been within my family circle. Not real good at forming friendships.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 10:50 pm
by c-girl
>^w^< C-friend is one of my best buddies ever. She's awesome. *huggles C-friend*

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:28 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
My friends always come and go :/ I've had, many many best friends in my life already, but most didn't turn out so great...

Most of my friends are scattered all around (I mean, after having gradded for over a year and all), and it's like I have half and half Christian and non-Christian friends (which can make a difference). But I can't point one out to be an absolute best friend anymore. I have acquaintences, friends, and good friends.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 11:39 am
by Evangeline-San
I dunno... I've always felt that I've really close friends but none of them were ever girls... I guess I've never really fit in with the whole "girly" thing. So I related to guys better. hehe
Jesus is my best friend though... It takes alot to love someone totally sinful and completely depraved. But He does. ^_^

PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 5:03 pm
by Ditalover
Evangeline-San wrote:I dunno... I've always felt that I've really close friends but none of them were ever girls... I guess I've never really fit in with the whole "girly" thing. So I related to guys better. hehe
Jesus is my best friend though... It takes alot to love someone totally sinful and completely depraved. But He does. ^_^

I totally agree. I am so glad Jesus is the BEST friend.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 5:30 am
by rocklobster
Okay, I have met someone very special in my life. Although we haven't kept in touch, she still touches my heart. Her name was Joanne Norwood. I met her in high school. She had this air around her that just made you want to get to know her (I can't really describe it in words. It was like magnetism). She was never without a smile. And she was so kind. I don't know if she's still alive, but I'm glad to have known her.
Here's what she wrote in my yearbook: "Thank you for always being so kind to me. You have this enthusiasm about life and you spread it around to everyone's wonderful! You are someone that makes others smile--that's a gift. Love, Joanne Norwood. P.S. You best not forget me!"
I never have, Joanne. And I never will.