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Question about the CAA mindset.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:59 am
by Godly Paladin
A while back there was an isolated trolling in which the perpetrator asked something like 'how many mods/members/admins here are gay?' Before the thread was deleted, several members responded to him. They all said the same thing, essentially: 'why would that matter?'

This has been bugging me for a long time, and I'm finally making a thread about it. I know that there's no law here that says you have to be heterosexual, or even Christian, to get a membership. You just can't be overly vocal about it, offend people, etcetera.

But it seems to me that a mod/admin being homosexual would be absolutely unacceptable. Hopefully we're not all on such different pages that I don't have to use specific verse references when I point out that homosexuality goes directly against a Christian lifestyle. I would trust that those selected to be mods/admins would be strong Christians who live their lives according to the belief they profess to hold.

So to summarize, I don't understand how people could dismiss the idea of homosexuals being involved in the administration of this forum as so trivial.



PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:15 am
by Slater
Well, in CAA's mission statement, it is claimed that homosexuality is a sin, and while homosexual members aren't banned from joining this site, I think that it would be a bit too... strange to have a mod/admin who didn't conform so well to our mission statement.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:22 am
by Zilch
I'm with Slater. It would be rather counter-productive to CAA's mission to have admins that didn't conform to the mission statement.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:32 am
by Stephen
Ok. This thread seems to really be keeping friendly on a note that could go very very sour. Yes, its true that non of the staff are gay. And yes, it would be counterproductive. But for the sake of some debate rising up, over why or someones opinion...I am going to lock this. If you have any other questions...feel free to PM the staff and ask us yourself.