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Slater, on putting your name on your homework...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 3:07 pm
by Slater
Just something that I was thinking about as I went through a particularly hard Calc test the other day... I hope that someone finds this helpful...

If you're in school, you do it practically every single day... many times. You write your name on your homework or on a test and then turn it in. Of course, you do this for the reason that everyone does it: to show that it is your work. This way, the teacher can associate you with a grade, and hopefully you get a good one.

But have you ever thought about putting your name on your homework or test? Before you do it again, think about it... what does it mean? It it just associating that paper with your name? Or are there deeper implications of that?

In Col 3:17, we read that whatever we do, we need to do for the Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, whatsoever we do needs to be to the very best of our ability; it needs to be an offering to God. God smiles upon our efforts at doing something even when there are mistakes if we try our very best. Somewhere in Psalms, it is written that the strength of a man's legs is not what the Lord cares about... but rather in how much he fears and respects the Lord.

Jesus said many times that people know a tree by its fruit, and so do men know what kind of person someone is by the fruit they yield spiritually. So, it's a great testimony when people see us trying our hardest. Students, teachers can see when you are trying your hardest in their classes. It says nothing but good things about Christ when people see that you are trying your best in your work because it's what Christ wants us to do. So, if someone sees that you're working yourself to be the most productive that you can be because of your fait, won't that make your faith seem more full?

So, think about these things whenever you sign your name to anything that you claim to be your work, whether it be homework or a test or something for your boss at work... "Did I do this to the very best of my ability? Did I do it for God? Can I honestly say to the Lord that my work is a good sacrafice devoted to Him?" If the answer is yes to all of the above, then write down your name on that paper and turn it in with joy in your heart, knowing that you have made a good sacrafice to the Lord as well as a testimony to His power! And praise God that He gives you the opprotunity to witness in such a way that, in the end, has numerous benefits for everyone.

This isn't to say that you need to get an A+ on every paper that you do from here on out. Remember, God isn't satisfied with a good grade or a bad grade, but he's satisfied with a heart that works for Him.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 3:12 pm
by oro!
Wow! That is deeper thinking on the name part than I would have said in earlier years. But, now I see where you are coming from. IN everything, do your best. Put your heart in it, because that is worship to God. He is pleased when no one else will ever notice. Even on mundane things like doing dishes, he is happy when you do them as if for Him.