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Artists' block?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 11:37 pm
by heero yuy 95
Grrr... I love to draw anime people and the occasional mecha(by occasional i mean one or two good ones in a year). But, i just seem to be running on empty lately. For about two days or so I haven't been able to draw crap. i feel like i might be trying to hard. I know writers get writers' block, so do artists ever artists' block? i want to be a proffesional manga artist for a carreer, so this is really bugging me. I think it might best to take a short break and focus. I have also been prayng about it. well, so just wandering, has this ever happened to any of you fellow artists out there?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:29 am
by Heed
Dude, I go through this all the time. I go through "spurts" if you wanna call it that. I might start doing anime for a month or two or maybe even just a week or two, then I might just stop for like a month or two. It's like I spontaneously lose my inspiration and it makes me so mad, but I found one thing that helps. Usually when I see my friends or other people drawing, or if I see other anime drawings that I like, it gets me motivated to start again and get new ideas for poses and characters and such.

I dunno if it will work for you, but try wqatching other people draw or looking at some other anime art online.... jsut be careful that you don't runn into any hentai. It's nasty stuff.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:31 am
by Shadowchild
yeah i hate it when that happens too. usually i just go look through other anime pics and then i will find an idea.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:23 am
by heero yuy 95
Okely dokely. thanks, guys, BTW I also go in "spurts". Well, i guess I'll just take a break.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:28 am
by Todeskreuz
taking breaks helps with me also...I was in an advanced art class last year and it would severly suck when I would just look at the paper and not beable to draw anything. hopefully you'll have another 'spurt' or 'streak' of ideas soon

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:31 am
by Ashley
Yep, all the time.

What I do is I either take a break from it completely--just walk away, stash my drawings, etc. for a good 3 or 4 months. And if I really care about it, I'll come back to work on it. If not, then I wasn't that interested in it anyway. It's a good refining process, and plus it lets your mind get away and think up new ideas.

Or you could go "study". Find mech manga or pictures or models, whatever, and really study them. Look at what's common, what's know, just spend a few minutes looking. That usually helps me a lot.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:35 am
by Syaoran
yes it happens to every one.......I am work with wood as my art and I do get that anoying block.....but it helps when you leave it for a week and then come back you will then have a clear mind and you are on your way.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:26 am
by ChristianKitsune
WOW! you too Heero? I have been feeling the same way, I mean I love drawing! and Iget depressed when I can't think of anything to do! Sad thing is, I have had the same sketch book since march.. MARCH! and this entire summer I have only drawn like 10 pictures in it! (I have gotten a lot of requests since I figured out my scanner isn't a piece...) So I guess when ppl ask me to draw for them it helps whet my appetite to draw, but I REALLY want to start on my manga...but alas, I can't figure out how to start it!

I, Like you want to write Christian, American manga, so I can TOTALLY relate! ^^

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 12:54 pm
by The Last Bard
You know what's really bad? When you're both a writer and an artist! Now that is bad writers block.
I'm actually about to go Googling for some anime inspirational art. I just wish you didn't have to sort through the occasional trash though. (Speaking to those of you who have type the word "Anime" into Google Image).
Yeah, but I would just sit down and go to your fav. artist's web site and look around a bit. If your not feeling like drawing after that...Do something else for a little while, try playing video games or something for awhile. Or just draw for a little while and see if anything comes to you.
A lot of this is just things I've heard from other writers. :)


PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 4:15 pm
by heero yuy 95
I, Like you want to write Christian, American manga, so I can TOTALLY relate! ^^

awesome! When you get your manga published, i'll get it and read it! Btw, when I get mine published, will you read it? It's a love story/space opera, and while it's not blatantly Christain, it has some positive lessons on life. I am more or less just making a clean alternative manga to mecha fans, rather than making a Christain manga.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:00 pm
by The Last Bard
Sweet, I'm actually working out a story for a manga right now! And since nothing is getting done, I'm going to promise myself to at least get one page done tonight!
And actually I'm working on fantasy.
You'll both have to read mine also. ;)


PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:21 pm
by Golden_Griff
I'm glad you made this thread because I thought my artist block was just a personal problem :sweat: When I was going through that period just last week, I was thinking "oh no...I can't think of any new to draw! I'm not creative anymore!! :waah!:" but then I realized that I just needed to take some time away from the thinking :)

It'll come, and it'll go, and then it'll come again so don't worry. And sometimes you may be sitting around and an idea will just come to you all of a sudden. (There's a reason why they say the bathroom is the "thinking" room ;) :lol: )

As a growing artist, I'm learning to deal with artist's block in a sane matter as well :P

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:38 pm
by Mave
I generally don't get artist's block often enough and this is mostly because I get too busy to even draw! :sweat:

But if it ever does happen, what I do is relax, do something else or check out other pretty pics to draw inspiration.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:36 pm
by Warrior 4 Jesus
I don't get artist's block at all, its more that I don't draw so much anymore because I get discouraged when I don't improve. I know its a slow process. I'm inspired by lots of things - maybe a movie/cd cover/book cover/patterns in carpet/curtains etc.
For example: the design for General Grevious the cyborg from Star Wars 3 began when an artist saw inspiration in a waterspray head!
You should be able to find inspiration in everything around you, just look.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 6:18 am
by Fsiphskilm

PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 9:09 am
by Christian_Shugo
I agree.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 9:16 am
by Sammy Boy
I am not sure if this will work for you - but personally my block becomes "unblocked" whenever I am asked to do boring things - such as going to a meeting at work.

The other thing to try and do is to play some sports or toys.

Cheers. :)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 9:32 am
by The Last Bard
I have good news. It definitely is a passing thing and usually only last around two or three days.
I lost my writers block yesterday while swinging out in our yard. It was a lovely day and suddenly ideas started coming to me!
Yeah, so I'm happy!


PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 12:11 pm
by heero yuy 95
Guees what! It just went away! wooo hooo! i was sitting around late last night, but then I felt like drawing a mecha. And so I drew this coolio mecha! I'm glad it's gone. But the funny thing is, sometimes I seem to draw better when I'm not actually trying.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:01 am
by Sammy Boy
Heero yuy 95 - it could be that because you feel "serious" you become stressed without knowing it and so do not draw as good as you can. I find if I come to a drawing with the attitude that this piece of paper can get scrapped anytime, I usually end up drawing better. Weird. :)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 9:14 am
by Markus
*is envious...SO envious of the ability to draw*
Well... i cant relate on a drawing level, but i can relate on a "general things that you can get inspiration blocks on" level. (I create Role-playing characters for fun.) I usually look to stuff i have done in the past for inspiration, or, when that doesnt work, I start making a character that sounds like a dumb idea to me, and then tweak it til something good comes of it. Perhaps for you, this would mean making a mecha with hairy legs... or a giant q-tip as his weapon of choice?
Don't quite know if this'll help, but all the same!^^

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:52 pm
by ally-san
o my goodness i get writers block all the time and i hate it. im having one right now actually. its hard to get out of but once u do its fine. u just have to find something that inspires u again

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 4:01 pm
by Golden_Griff
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:I don't get artist's block at all, its more that I don't draw so much anymore because I get discouraged when I don't improve. I know its a slow process.

Yeah, I get that way sometimes too. And it's like ARGH! I HATE THIS!!! :mutter: *destroys art supplies* But even if it's a slow process for improvements I try to keep at it so I don't get too rusty. I don't draw all the time but I'm glad that doesn't mean that I don't LIKE to draw.

heero yuy 95 wrote:But the funny thing is, sometimes I seem to draw better when I'm not actually trying.

Yes, that happens to me too :stressed: I could be drawing in the most scrap fashion but when I'm done doodling my "doodle" actually looks pretty good. From there I make a few adjustments and wallah! :grin:

Ultra Magnus wrote:Heero yuy 95 - it could be that because you feel "serious" you become stressed without knowing it and so do not draw as good as you can. I find if I come to a drawing with the attitude that this piece of paper can get scrapped anytime, I usually end up drawing better. Weird.

That makes sense :)

Markus wrote:*is envious...SO envious of the ability to draw*
Well... i cant relate on a drawing level, but i can relate on a "general things that you can get inspiration blocks on" level. (I create Role-playing characters for fun.) I usually look to stuff i have done in the past for inspiration, or, when that doesnt work, I start making a character that sounds like a dumb idea to me, and then tweak it til something good comes of it. Perhaps for you, this would mean making a mecha with hairy legs... or a giant q-tip as his weapon of choice?
Don't quite know if this'll help, but all the same!^^

I know what you mean about making dumb-sounding characters. But I've learned to try out every idea no matter how dumb it may sound because you never know what people will like. (Heck, who ever thought that a cartoon about a sponge would ever make it to the big time? :dance: )

Don't be envious; with your ideas just hook up with an artist and you can rule the world with manga :evil: Can't you see it now?:brow: :

Random Guy: Dude! I gotta get me one of those wicked shirts with the hairy-legged mecha! :rock:

And his friend: Sweeeeeet! That Q-tip weapon rocks! :rock:

And their friend: I gotta get one for this year's anime cosplay convention because I already have the legs. :cool:

The Pains of Artwork

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:28 am
by ~Natsumi Lam~
Ive gone through the same thang... this is what i do to help myself.

1. Get back to art being a love not an obligation

2. To do that: sometimes you have to step back and take a breath. Read art books or how to off the internet.... it sparks new ideas and new passions.

3. dont put to much pressure on yourself. Draw but dont always be nit-picking your art [for a time].

4. Draw in stages: for example i just drew a Jiraiya picture from naruto. I drew the outline until i got bored or frustrated, the nextday i did more detailing and the third day i did he finishing touches. [Sometimes] when you draw for too long it is just a job not really a fun task.

5. Draw something that sparks an emotional response. For example, i love martial arts. I love some of the action shots of naruto and i can draw them all day. Whereas, Love Hina doesnt always spark my interest.

6. Try a new medium.... chalk instead of Pencil, pen instead of pencil..

Here are just some of the ideas....

<~Natsumi Lam~>

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:05 am
by Sammy Boy
I think number 3 is a very good reminder. I sometimes think that every drawing I do must be "perfect" but this is simply impossible. In fact, not a single drawing can be "perfect", there is always bound to be things that a person can spot which needs improving.

Sometimes we just have to tell ourselves that it's fun to draw. :)