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A question

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 6:42 pm
by Felix
My youth pastor believes that it's much more important, when, like on a mission trip or youth retreat, to spend the most time with each other the people you know, and form stronger bonds, than to get to know new people who you will most likely never meet again. But I think that, even if you never see them again it was still worth making friends...I mean, at least you'll have the memories if nothing else, I think it's always good to be out there meeting new people and doing new things. I dunno....reason I'm thinking about this is on the mission trip I just went on I met 2 cool youth and made friends with them but now they're gone, most likely until I meet them in heaven, and I miss them, so it's a little depressing, but I'm still glad I met them...I just wondered how you guys feel on it. Is it good to make temporary friends or not? I mean who knows, I may see them again someday in a coincedence but I doubt it. I just wish I could, but I do think it's worthwhile to have relationships with people who are going to dissapear but it can be a bit hard at times.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 7:12 pm
by Alice
Well, now when you think of that country, you will think of those people. It will be a face on the people.

Even if you never see them again, they can still be your friends, whether you write to them or just pray for them.

There are people that I still consider friends even though I may never see or hear from them again. Sometimes they are on my heart to pray for.

When you pray for someone, I think that is a way of being their friend, even if you can't see or talk to them.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 7:13 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
I don't know the exact stance your youth pastor is on

but this is what mine told me. That on the mission field, you are there to serve others, not yourself ^^

keep that in mind bro!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 7:31 pm
by Felix
Oh...I never made that clear...but I'm talking about other youth from the US who were on the trip with us, not the ones we were serving! XD;;

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:24 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
[quote="Felix"]Oh...I never made that clear...but I'm talking about other youth from the US who were on the trip with us, not the ones we were serving! XD]

yeha, i know :P

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:39 pm
by Alice
Wh00ps. But what I said goes for the people you meet from your own country, too.

I wasn't speaking from mission trip experience, just experience as a person.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:44 pm
by Fsiphskilm

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:56 pm
by CreatureArt
Felix wrote:I do think it's worthwhile to have relationships with people who are going to dissapear but it can be a bit hard at times.

I agree. It can be hard, but it is definitely worth it.
Volt wrote:There are no such things as Perminant friends.

They are very very rare, and usually only exsist in Movies and Books.
All of life's friends are temporary, you just don't know for how long. So yes, temporary friends are worth it.

I agree. I mean, I'm only 17 (and to those younger than me: no, in realistic terms, it isn't very old at all) and I've still learned that many friends are only for a short time. Things change. People move away, make other friends, get involved in different interests, become busy, etc. For me, its always sad to lose a friend, and it can be hard at times, but when its a Christian friend I'm not so down because I look forward to seeing them in heaven (at the latest).

(Puts on the 'my opinion' hat)
I think that a lot of friends in life, especially Christian friends, are brought by God for a specific time/season. Some friends we might only be in contact with for a few weeks on a camp, mission trip and so on. Some we might only meet in less than ten minutes as we wait for a bus. The rare ones, as Volt said, are the friends that don't go away. Looking at my Mother's experiences, it is my impression that it's much more likely to meet those long-term friends later in life, when people have been through a lot of different experiences and have changed/matured.
So... I figure that it's definitely, definitely something to treasure: those friendships that look like they might only be short-term. They are blessings, to be enjoyed and treasured.
(takes off 'my opinion' hat)

It's a really interesting thing to bring up, Felix. It's something that I've thought about before but never really discussed, so thanks for sharing it. :)

PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 6:59 pm
by Felix
Ah....thanks guys, makes me feel better. I like what you said about praying for them whether they're there or not, Alice. I think I'll do that, and Volt, I think I know what you mean, I've had my fair share of lost friends. Yeah, I guess making and b reaking friendships is all a part of the process of finding yourself in this world and the ones you make once you're furthar along in life will be more liekly to stick around.....but sometimes I just see or meet a person and i can just feel it that this person is going to be one of those real close friends, but something always pops up to block you off from them. Yeah it's hard, but it happens.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 7:18 pm
by Kiba-kun
i think you should make new friends, when i went to minnisota (this is 8 years ago) i meet a girl and we became like instant friends unfortunatly i've never seen her again i dont even know what she looks like but i'll never forget her name. In second grade i meet another girl also instant friends she moved to dodge city and all i remeber is her name and hair color. it makes me sad that i dont remember much more than just their names or whatever but i'm glad i can atleast remember them when and if i do think of them im really glad i meet them it helps know that i have friends where i've been even if they dont remember me i'll never forget them. sorry for going into my life but i answered your Q, atleast i think i did.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 7:27 pm
by agasfas
Is it good to make temporary friends or not? I mean who knows, I may see them again someday in a coincedence but I doubt it. I just wish I could, but I do think it's worthwhile to have relationships with people who are going to dissapear but it can be a bit hard at times.

Yes it's okay. Memories last forever and whether you see them later or not you'll still have those good times to remember. Like CreatureArt and Volt stated, we meet many people and eventually move on- that's life. I had some friends in highschool, but I only really kept in close contact with very,very few of them. Even some of the people I talked to everyday, I never see. We grow in every new experience and as long as you cherish the memories and expereince, y'all be close in heart always.

Oh and although we may not see them again, sometimes the small things we do will make a huge impact in their lives.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 7:34 pm
by Felix
^_^ Yeah...thanks so much guys. It helps a lot.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 6:34 am
by Galant
Do both. You and your olds firends should together make new friends. You never know what will come of a new friendships, and perhaps one of the best way to deepen old ones, is to be put into new circumstances. Your friends will see how you relate to others and you'll all be stretched to reach out and work together.