Felix wrote:I do think it's worthwhile to have relationships with people who are going to dissapear but it can be a bit hard at times.
I agree. It can be hard, but it is definitely worth it.
Volt wrote:There are no such things as Perminant friends.
They are very very rare, and usually only exsist in Movies and Books.
All of life's friends are temporary, you just don't know for how long. So yes, temporary friends are worth it.
I agree. I mean, I'm only 17 (and to those younger than me: no, in realistic terms, it isn't very old at all) and I've still learned that many friends are only for a short time. Things change. People move away, make other friends, get involved in different interests, become busy, etc. For me, its always sad to lose a friend, and it can be hard at times, but when its a Christian friend I'm not so down because I look forward to seeing them in heaven (at the latest).
(Puts on the 'my opinion' hat)
I think that a lot of friends in life, especially Christian friends, are brought by God for a specific time/season. Some friends we might only be in contact with for a few weeks on a camp, mission trip and so on. Some we might only meet in less than ten minutes as we wait for a bus. The rare ones, as Volt said, are the friends that don't go away. Looking at my Mother's experiences, it is my impression that it's much more likely to meet those long-term friends later in life, when people have been through a lot of different experiences and have changed/matured.
So... I figure that it's definitely, definitely something to treasure: those friendships that look like they might only be short-term. They are blessings, to be enjoyed and treasured.
(takes off 'my opinion' hat)
It's a really interesting thing to bring up, Felix. It's something that I've thought about before but never really discussed, so thanks for sharing it.