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Best compliment ever!!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:04 pm
by Yumie
OK, over the past month I've been working at a summer camp, and I've worked there for three years now, so I know some of the people pretty darn well. Anyways, for the last week, Osaka came up too, and we were both jr. councelors (it's pretty much like this: if you're somewhat mature, you get put on jr. councelor. If you're not, you get stuck cleaning toilets and dishes on jr. staff. Sometimes there are other reasons, but that's basically it.) Anyways, basically all the jr. staff girls and even some of the jr. councelors are absolutely boy-insane, to the point where they go through like three different staff boys a week. Now, Osaka and I aren't like that-- we don't date, but I never really thought anybody would ever know the actual reason why unless they asked us (that we do not, in fact, dislike boys. We're just waiting for the right one, one we would basically be willing to consider marrying.) Anyways, we were riding home with one of my good camp friends, Colt, and his little brother (Colt is driving.) So, we're talking about how obnoxious all the flirting and backstabbing among the jr. staff is, and Colt pipes up and says, "You know, I was talking to Meagan *a sr. councelor* the other day, and I was saying, 'I just love those *herd of cattle rush past as Osaka and Yumie's last name is revealed* girls.' And then Meagan asked why, and I was like, 'Because they don't settle. They're thinking about their future husband, and they know exactly what they're looking for and they're waiting until just that guy comes along. They're not willing to just settle for anybody. That's so cool!'" I was like, "Wow, somebody actually noticed that we're not just weird girls who have no hormones! That rocks!!" Lol, I don't know if that will really seem cool to anybody else, but I had been having a bit of a hard time that week thinking that nobody would ever appreciate what we are doing, because there are a lot of times when it really is hard for me (I don't know if there are any other girls, or guys for that matter, out there who may read this and feel the same way.) And then he just pegs us exactly right without us saying a word to him about it-- it just shows that it's not only something we're trying to do, but it's something that's evident our lifestyles. That was a super encouraging compliment to both of us!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:16 pm
by shooraijin
Osaka, like, Mangafanatic?

Yes, guys do notice. ^_^

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:17 pm
by Hephzibah
That is a compliment indeed! :grin: I've felt the same way for as long as I can remember. When all my friends were going boy-crazy, I felt a bit out of it, but I didn't want to get into a relationship because I knew that I was too young. Now that I have reached that age where it is possible to get married, I still feel the same as that I will only go out with a guy that I feel God wants me to be with. Noone has come along yet, but that's alright.

Anyway, good for you for sticking to your convictions matie! :hug:

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:23 pm
by Rachel
That's really awesome!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:25 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
indeed that is a good compliment... to be said that you have high morals is indeed a compliment ^^

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:27 pm
by Ashley
Ah yes, I understand Yumie. I was the same way in high school. It wasn't that I didn't like boys (I did have the occasional crush), but I always waited and prayed to see how it would turn out, first. Boy am I ever glad I did. I had to endure people offering to hook me up with their "sweet cousins" or brothers or whatever, or the agony of being alone a lot...however, I can tell you waiting is definately worth it. I have seen many, many broken hearts that were so impatient for love they really hurt themselves. And on the same token, once you surrender your love life to God's perfect will, what He does is often very, very amazing. So be encouraged, Yumie and Osaka, to stay just as you are! Boys in bands love Barlow Girls.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:29 pm
by Lyren
I feel the same way. I have never liked the idea of dating and my parents are opposed to it as well. I am sure that I will know who the right girl is when I meet her and I think I can get to know her well enough as just a friend. I don't need to date or have a girlfriend when I am only fifteen years old. When I tell people this, I usually get pretty strange reactions. I guess its rather unusual for guys to have this stance. So, I think I can identify a little with the general situation. It has been very hard for me sometimes and in certain situations. So, it's good to hear that you have been strengthened in your beliefs in this area.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:33 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
<-- all this is the reason i don't go for teen dating

however there are good teenagers dating that are Christ centered... and are the "first girlfriend/boyfriend they had that they married" sorta thing

but thats like 2% of teens :lol:

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:38 pm
by Yumie
Yeah, I'm not condemning dating, it's just not what I feel that God has called me to do. It was just especially encouraging to me that week in particular, because there was this one guy there who really flirted with me a lot, even though he already had a girlfriend from camp. And it was tough because I really like this guy and all I kept thinking was, "If I wanted to, if I just let myself loose, I could totally get this guy!" It was a battle for me, but I held on. Takes a lot of praying, let me tell you!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:40 pm
by Ashley
Good for you, Yumie! Be strong, girl. God will bring a perfect, godly young man into your life if you keep hanging on (and if it's His will, of course) in His perfect time.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:43 pm
by Mangafanatic
shooraijin wrote:Osaka, like, Mangafanatic?

Yepper! ^_^

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:48 pm
by Yeito
Go Yumie Go! :does victory dance with Yumie:

Yah... I stayed away from guys for a loooooong time thinking that I just didn't need that at my age and could wait till I was older and more mature and knew that God would send someone.

But then the weirdest thing happened o_o;

o_o I wont go into the story cause this is your thread and I don't want to just... take it like that. -_- I'd feel bad. But I'll just say I didn't expect it, God through me for a loop. ^-^ In a good way though....

Sorry for rambling.. x_X

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:51 pm
by Yumie
Hey, rambling is absolutely allowed, and feel free to share your story! I kind of expected somebody might want to ;)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:53 pm
by Photosoph
I'm so glad that you were encouraged. ^_^ Thanks for sharing -because it is an encouragement for other people trying not to 'settle'. Whenever I feel down about waiting, I'll try to remember that compliment you got!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:05 pm
by Tsuki
That is so cool^^ guys do notice! yay....guys do the same thing^^

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:30 pm
by Icarus
Way to go, you too!

And Ash, it's not just guys in bands. I will probably dig Barlow girls once I start looking.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:49 pm
by Yeito
Oh well... I guess if I'm allowed to tell my story then here goes :takes deep breath: I'll try to keep it short..... u_U;

Well one day at the beginning of the year in my Civics class last year I noticed we had a new student sitting off in the corner by himself. I saw him at lunch later too... noticing he was sitting by himself.

Being a self-sitter for almost three years in a row ..... well I knew he must be lonely. So everyday I would go over and tell him to come and sit with my friends and me. And then the next day he would try to sit by himself, and I'd go get him and make him sit with us again. This continued for about two weeks straight before he would sit with us on his own.

We got to know each other pretty well, and he was really nice. Turned out he had moved here from far away. (almost completely across the us...) He became a regular member of our group. (sounds like a club <.<; )

After about a month I started getting into really deep conversations with him during lunch and stuff. We would talk about Christianity... what it meant to us... what we believed... but it was weird cause we ended up agreeing on most everything (which is hard to do with people around here for some reason >.>; )

It got to the point where we'd call each other and talk about it, which always led to other conversations... and eventually I told him about my past (which isn't that great... <.<; but thats another story) He was way too easy to talk to. I hadn't even told my best friends that much about me, and I'd only known him for about two months. What gives?....

Well instead of the cold shoulder and repremands I had expected he seemed to try even harder to be a good friend and supporter for me at school and stuff. I asked him why eventually and he said, "well... I know what its like to make mistakes. If God can forgive anything anyone else can too... And I like you just the way you are now so theres no reason to dwell on what you DID. Just what you DO. You're a different person now if you really were like what you said... and I like the you now."

I was just kind of like e_e..... woah. Whiplash. o_o We became very good friends after that, and basically didn't keep anything from each other.

I noticed after a while I was showing the 'crush signs' as my friends call it. e_e Which was weird cause I usually dont 'crush' (as they say <.<; not used to this lingo...) I ignored it and just ..... didn't do anything. I told myself I didn't need anything like that. Still in Highschool... that came first.

To make an even longer story short, with ALOT of pushing and so-called 'help' from my friends <.< I eventually just kind of accepted that I liked him. Then came the day where I accidentally told him. (doh... stupid me!) We were having a phone conversation before he left for his family vacation over whatever break it was. All he said after a long pause was, "I'll talk to you when I get back."

o_o Shortening the story even more.... we talked about it for manymany months. We prayed about it for about three months. I talked to my mom and told her about my reservations and all she said was that I was being silly. e_e Her words: "Sure thats a good thing to be willing to wait. And you are. But if there's someone thats worth waiting for right in front of you... well... :leaves rest of sentence dangling in air:"

me> "e_e .....that so didn't help my situation...."

So I looked at the list I had written a while ago of the things I wanted in any guy that i would 'date' or whatever. (it was something my mom made me do a couple years ago)

Realizing that he fit most of them... well... wasnt helping either. For some reason I was hanging on to the idea that I needed to wait cause I wasn't old enough. Then my friends smacked sense into me. (as they called it) (quite literally in fact... <.< :rubs cheek: )

Anyway o_o We've been 'dating' for about two months now. He's an absolutely great guy. My mom loves him to death... so she doesn't have a problem with it. And my dad... well he's a dad ^^; But he likes him too.

I think I'm lucky... though we're taking it EXTREMELY slow cause.. i mean... we are still in highschool and we're only sixteen. But we get together every now and then to play video games or watch anime or a movie. Its nice to have someone like that.

I'm sorry I've made this so long. -_- I will be going now. If you took the time to read all that... thank you. You have much patience. o_o


PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:56 pm
by Ashley
That's a really sweet story, Yeito, and in truth, that's how I think relationships SHOULD start. I think you should be friends first, and if God nudges you to be a little more...then take it slow and be a little more. Boyfriend and girlfriend should not be any different than best friends who have a mutual adoration for one another, IMO. If you are friends first, it's so much easier to open up about the things on your heart or your spiritual struggles or what not. You've got a good head on your shoulders, Yeito, and a kind heart....and I'm sure if you and your guy will keep it up (and stay slow--and set boundaries for yourselves) you will be very happy.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:46 am
by agasfas
I never did all that hooking up stuff anyways... It really doesn't show much class and plus I never really had the looks :)

But yeah, I think it's cool how y'all are remaining stern in your beliefs. It's never ceases to amaze me that people would rather have these "slings" just to expereince what there is then getting to know their true character. In my opinion, that's a good way to do something one may regret later. So keep being head strong! It'll pay off.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 6:38 am
by dragonshimmer
Awww, that's so great, guys! You're going to save yourself a LOT of heartache and trouble this way, and God will surely bless you. I wish I had followed this path a long time ago, but since I'm there now, I'm certain that I'll get there eventually :)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 10:24 am
by Yeito
Thank you Ashley -.-; That means alot.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 10:43 am
by Danyasaur
that is so cool! it's great to hear that at least SOME people apprieciate waiting, I know I do lol, you guys are all awesome for waiting.

and that's a great story Yeito, like Ashley said, you started it the right way by just being friends and praying on it and taking it slow once you developed feelings ^_^

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 10:53 am
by Mr. SmartyPants
MY Testamony!


This other asian dude at my school was like "yadada help me (usually lending him homework or my DS or some money) and ill get you a girlfriend" and I'm like "no thanks I'm cool, I don't date"

everyone thinks im gay now

beh... i guess you could say that I am happy :lol:

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:35 pm
by dragonsleeping
Not trying to be the sour grape here...and reprimand me if I have over stepped my bounds. But, let me say first that I am not bashing waiting for the right person. But, what I do want to say is that I have been in a long time relationship with my fiancee, 6 years in September. And, it's not all rainbows and sunshine, when you do find the person for you. Now, I don't condone staying in an unhealthy/unhappy relationship either. But, there will be trials and tribulations. Even some of the happiest people I know have hard times every now and then. Everything from being able to pay bills ,to putting food on the table, to fixing the car when it breaks. I just wanted to say also, that to not just talk but to communicate to your partner is the most important thing. Sometimes, messages get misunderstood but you just have to keep communicating to work things out. The thing equal to communicating is trust. Trusting your partner is one of the other important things, because if you don't trust your partner or they trust you, then I don't see how there can be any real bonding and relationship built between those people.
Sorry to make it so long and boring. And, not trying to step on anyone's toes, either.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:03 pm
by Yojimbo
That's really sweet story Yeito. That's the way things should be like Ashley said being friends first, taking it slow, and maybe if it's there coming together. Good luck with your guy's relationship.:thumb:

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 6:06 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
agreed, relationships are definately no walk in the park

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:51 pm
by Yumie
Lol, sorry everybody thinks your gay, Mr. SmartyPants, I guess that's one of the disadvantages to not dating in our day and age! :sweat:

Yeito, I'm glad that all worked out for you! Good luck!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 9:11 pm
by holysoldier5000
Amen Sister... You tell it! You've got your head on right, and your priorties straight. It is refreshing to hear someone of your moral standards. *gives a grand appaluse* Keep up the good work!

And remember that you aren't alone. I don't flock over girls either. I belive in waiting for the right one, just as you do, and I think that is a great prospective to have. "Why settle for something less when you can settle for what God wants...which is the best."

God Bless

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 9:17 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
Yumie wrote:Lol, sorry everybody thinks your gay, Mr. SmartyPants, I guess that's one of the disadvantages to not dating in out day and age! :sweat:

Yeito, I'm glad that all worked out for you! Good luck!

Bah! Better to put a smile on Gods face than please the masses :thumb:

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:08 am
by holysoldier5000
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Bah! Better to put a smile on Gods face than please the masses :thumb:

AMEN!!!! Right on!!!