Ashley wrote:Oh, and as far as the "God's message through non-Christian directors"...I've said this before. All that is is Christians liking a particular movie (as in, oo, that's cool!),drawing some vague/sketchy parallels and then claiming an allegory. All it does is give Christians a bad name and, more dangerously, give others a twisted view of Christianity.
sylvermoon wrote:As a christian, I believe that there's no religion which is better than the other. The media, specially Hollywood (it has a strong influence on people), has this steriotypes on cultures they don't understant (or if they do, it's just some sort of boycotting). And many people fall under the spell. I think people who are aware of this should talk about it. This will remove the negatif effect of stereotypes.
otaku wrote:i liked the first movie I really got into digging into the messages and beliefs etc. but I really not that into the game was horrible and i left the theatre while watching the sequel due to the opening sex scene.
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