On the Bill O' Reilly radio show that I listen to. Mr O'Reilly has talked about how Christmas became a American Holiday. Congress had to produce a bill to make Chistmas a holiday and the President at that time, Ulysses S. Grant signed it into law.
Well some people have called Mr O' Reilly's show to say that Christmas is not a Federal Holiday or to say it should not be.
Others call and talk about how they were forced to celebrate Christmas in public school years ago before the public schools have now stopped allowing anything that recognizes Christmas because they were of different religions that do not celebrate Christmas.
When I was in school we would have Christmas Pageants and sing Christmas Carols or perform Christmas plays. I was a shepherd in the Birth of Christ in one.
So one thing you get the feeling of by hearing these people is that the Christmas Holiday should be repeled or more holidays should be added.
Someone has discussed making the National Election Day a Federal Holiday so that more people would come forward to vote for the President of The US so that people wouldn't have to work all day and then try to get to the polls and wait all night to vote or not get to vote.