Pa Teen Anime Peeps!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 10:53 am
Hey whats up people?!?! I was just introduced to this site and I am so excited to see that a bunch of God loving people have come together to form a christian anime alliance!
I dont get to meet many people who like anime who are christian. It really serves as a blessing in my life to form bonds with people who are christians and like anime. I say this because I like how we have standards and we get to suggest to each other what anime not to and to watch. Also its awesome to have anime in common with a Christian. THE POINT there any anime people living in or around the King Of Prussia area. Maybe we can get a group together and go to a mall or restaurant ETC. and hang out.
Also, i dont want to seem too forward or sound like a pervert or anything. I would usually do this with the Pillar Promo Underground team. And wouldnt you agree that when you are surrounded by christians yor age, your spirit just seems to grow for God? Well for me it does.