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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 11:08 am
by Jman
I was part of LCBC's work week and This guy was from africa he was a helper there and at the end of the week he got up on stage and started to break dance to some song!
It was tottaly awesome since he's the only one I have ever seen break dance IRL!
Anyone here know how to break dance?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 11:10 am
by Mr_Anderson
nope, i know a person who used 2 break dance, but i never ever did.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 11:11 am
by Heart of Sword
I can! *flops around like a fish out of water*


PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 11:27 am
by Golden_Griff
HeartofSword wrote:I can! *flops around like a fish out of water*


ROFL! :lol: Yeah, that's pretty much how I am :lol:

I don't know how to break dance]into[/i] a dance. :dance: :sweat: I wish I knew how to :sniffle:

But I enjoy watching people break dance. I really like when they spin on their heads and do one-handed head stands. I was watching a music video one time and it had little kids break dancing. Honestly I never seen little kids do something like that! :wow!: Better than what I could do.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:34 pm
by Lunis
Well...I can do the worm thingy on the ground... Does that count? *LOL*

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 4:52 pm
by Heart of Sword
Why is it called Breakdancing? Is it because you break all the bones in your body because your body isn't meant to do that kind of stuff?

Breakdance: SUPER YOGA!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:01 pm
by Azier the Swordsman
Heart of Sword wrote:Why is it called Breakdancing? Is it because you break all the bones in your body because your body isn't meant to do that kind of stuff?

Breakdance: SUPER YOGA!

Eh... it's kind of hard to describe.... you kind of have to SEE it with your own eyes. Basically, the dancer does a lot of fancy flips, spins, ect. It takes a lot of SKILL and PRACTICE to be able to breakdance.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:02 pm
by Heart of Sword
Oh, I've seen it, I was kidding around.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:09 pm
by Azier the Swordsman
Heart of Sword wrote:Oh, I've seen it, I was kidding around.

OK, My bad then.

(Though I wouldn't DOUBT it got it's name from all the accidents that are sure to happen when PRACTICING for it)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:10 pm
by Heart of Sword