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PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:49 pm
by Nanao
hmm. my worst injury was probably dislocating my knee in martial arts. that's the one that hurt the worst, though i've had several broken bones. i've also been axe kicked in the head and got a bruised liver (from martial arts as well).

*wonders if i should contemplate a change in activities*

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:47 pm
by agasfas
When I was about 8 years old I was climbing a tree at my cousin's house and fell about 30 feet and fractured my left wrist.

Then about 4 years ago, while working as a cashier, my right ring finger was sliced pretty bad by the conveyor belt. Since there was an ice storm that evening, I had to go to the ER to get stitches.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 4:58 am
by Fish and Chips
I chipped a tooth off in some girl's forehead once.

Yeah, that happened.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:17 pm
by Vii
I broke my arm falling off a bunk bed when I was eight. I fell right on my left arm and broke both the bones in it. It was bent upwards where it broke

I remember riding in an ambulance, turning down an offer to hold a teddy bear, getting x-rays done, getting an IV, some doctor banging my bones back into position, getting a cast, falling asleep, waking up, going home, and eating dinner.
Surprisingly, I don't remember it hurting much. I didn't cry either.
However, nowadays my arm sometimes hurts when it's going to rain (something to do with the barometric pressure changes). Blargh.

Yeah, that's my worst injury.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:36 pm
by Psycho Molos
Bright side least it's not the leg shaving scene in Cabin Fever lol

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:53 pm
by Xeno
'Twas the summer of the year Two Thousand and Three. I was at a district church organization youth function roller skating (against my better judgement, I had to be coerced into doing it). Anyway, I made a mistake of some kind, lost my footing and fell. The way that I fell caused all of my body weight to go onto my upper arm while my elbow was in contact with the floor. My humerus snapped in half (think like snapping a tree branch) about 3cm above the elbow joint, it was not humorous.

Three pins were inserted, 3 months in a cast, the pins were removed, and then I had to have excess bone growth cut out of my elbow, followed by months of physical and occupational therapy. I'd say that was probably the worst one I've ever had, but I've had some other pretty bad ones.

Oh, for reference, these are the pins they stuck in my elbow:

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:06 pm
by Psycho Molos
Xeno (post: 1497469) wrote:'Twas the summer of the year Twenty Thousand and Three

Sooooo.... It was 20,003 AD? 17,992 years from now? Hehe

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:08 pm
by Xeno
Psycho Molos (post: 1497473) wrote:Sooooo.... It was 20,003 AD? 17,992 years from now? Hehe

Good catch, corrected. Though, really I'm a time diver, it could have happened in 20,003.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:10 pm
by R86
No idea how I managed this, but when I was about 10 or 11, I got my left ear in the path that my buddy was trying to swing his baseball bat. Blood everywhere and as I recall I needed 11 stitches. They must have done a good job as my ear looks just fine in spite of totally smashing the cartilage. My mom fainted while the doctor was stitching me up though. :o

I guess there was also the serious burn I got from picking up a piece of glassware in grad school, even though I knew it had been red-hot just a minute or so before. Stupid. Remember the First Rule of Glassware, kids: Hot glass looks exactly the same as cold glass. :eh:

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:41 pm
by Furen
Fought a ditch with a sled, needless to say it won

Broke my Tibia and Fibula right across, clean cut, my leg was dangling when I was lying there, but I didn't even know I broke anything, I just thought the ditch hurt...

First question I get asked:
"So ummmmm... What are your thoughts on Metallica"

When I was in that state, I didn't know what I was saying, said "no"

They then stood there for a few minutes deciding if they wanted to throw me back in the ditch I climbed out of (I don't know how I did it now honestly, but it didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would... more pain when I got home and needed to sleep) or just leave me there.

Was fast tracked at my hospital, got a cast, and (My Dad claims) it took him and 5 nurses to keep me from moving when they did this (I was under anesthetics, so I didn't know). Finally did get to a hospital, said they'd get back to me in a few days, then called back the next morning and said I needed to get in right away.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:47 pm
by Winry
Broke my arm when I was 4 while rollerskating... you know those plastic rollerskates that you strap your shoes into.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:36 pm
by Darth_Kirby
Hmm... I haven't really had any serious injuries... the worst I can think of is when I skinned the bottom half of my face slidding across the street when I was about 8 or 7. Had a scab goatee for a long time after that. lol

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:39 pm
by Gabriel 210A
Far too many to list...though God helped me heal from all of them.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:15 pm
by christianfriend
The worst injury I can remember was when I was about six. I lived in a 4 story house and as a kid, I loooved to play on the stairs, as did my siblings. There was always a game to play on the stairs, like "Mountain climbing" with jump ropes to saved stuffed animals, or stacking pillows at the bottom of the stairs and jumping off the highest step you could to the bottom. day I decided to try and jump down as many stairs as I could. I jumped over six steps and landed at the bottom....directly on a pair of those child-sized scissors left there oh so kindly by my twin sister. They stabbed right into my heel, all the way. The blade was about 1.5 inches, maybe 2, and it HURT! Pulled them out and it was one bloody sight. Although....strangely enough I did not get stitches or anything XD; The scar stayed there for a long time, and disappeared when I got into my teens. I do not want to experience that again, I would probably be a baby about it now >.> I handled pain well as a child.

Oh! And there was another time, when I was 10. I currently lived in Costa Rica, and my family owned a 4 wheeler, which I got to ride as a pleased around the neighborhood. Which probably was not a good idea...I'm a speed devil at heart. XD Anyway, I drove it across the street to the park into the forested area and zipped around in there for a while, kicking up dirt and making a mess. Well....due to the dust I ended up not seeing where I was going and ran into a tree pretty hard, thrusting me forward into the handlebars and bruising my rib pretty good. That injury hurt for quite some time o.o

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:38 pm
by fermy6
I cut my knee so deep I could see the bone........The scar is still there

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:21 pm
by Ally-Ann
When I was three, I was running in our tile floor hallway with socks on and slipped... and fell on my top front tooth. Yeah, the corner of it chipped. It hurt. Bad. So until I was about seven, I had a little chip-tooth! It looked so funny. =3

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:15 pm
by Jingo Jaden
Got pushed back at an old box that splintered, aside from a lot of minor cuts, there was 3 major and one significant cut. First time I experienced bloodlust, and I nearly fainted at the nurses office half an hour later. Was taken to a hospital later on.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:36 pm
by Nall
12 years ago, my dad fell asleep, hit a guard rail and rolled the pickup truck on the freeway 16 miles from home(Missoula at the time). Thought I was a goner, until I woke up standing on my feet outside the truck. I only ended up with a broken collar bone and some bruises. head got hit pretty hard too, ended up with a lump, or maybe it was 2. For quite a few days it was hard to sit up after going to sleep. My dad ended up with a broken arm. After that we both healed up and haven't had any big problems afterwards.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:58 pm
by junomoule
Not counting surgeries, needles, illnesses or what have you, right? All the interesting stories are about my squishy visceral organs, dang it! As a bit of a wuss, got no broken bones or crazy concussions to speak of. Accidents and injuries are mostly your run of the mill domestic cuts, burns, and bruises. Some injuries have more entertaining stories than others.

Never have had the coordination it takes to ride a bike, but several years ago I thought it'd be fun to challenge my gross and fine motor skills to a showdown. This ended in a bloody event that involved pulling a metal bicycle break out of my knee, limping home, and quietly taking care of the mess. Amusing reactions several hours later when I bled through my bandages; it could have been serious, but it wasn't.

Pretty convinced that falling asleep at the beach on a warm, sunny day is some kind of mandatory human experience. It's such a pleasant sensation, letting the world fall away to the rhythm of the tides and the smell of brine. Waking up to 2nd degree burns a few hours later is less pleasant and tends to last significantly longer.

Most amusing injuries are a pencil stab wound from my highschool principal in a misdirected high-five and a scar from a soft taco that I'm not entirely sure I'll ever live down.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:01 pm
by mechana2015
I think the worst I've had for longevity of discomfort would be bruised ribs. It took something like 2 months to heal and if I didn't take pain killers I could cause myself to collapse in agony if I raised my hand, turned too fast or breathed wrong.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:28 pm
by Technomancer
Nearly sliced one of my fingertips off, doing of all things slicing a calabrese roll 15 minutes into my shift. It flopped around a bit, but I had everything tied down enough to finish the night. Pretty crappy shift though. I still have no feeling along the cut line.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:52 pm
by seaglass27
A bruised side. I'm serious. I'm a lucky guy.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:30 am
by Slater
In the 8th grade, one of our Physical Education instructors thought it would be a good idea to play Rugby. Without any protection. Granted, it was flag-tag rugby; no tackling or anything, but it was still pretty dangerous.

Well, I was one of the fastest runners in the whole school, and when I saw the ball fumbled like that, I had to make a dash to get it. Little had I realized but I wasn't the only one on my team who had that same idea. We were both moving at full speed when we ran into eachothers faces head-on: my chin to his brow. The blow knocked the other fellow out for a minute and we both needed 8 stiches a-piece.

To this day I'm still amazed that I didn't bite my tongue off. Somehow it escaped without injury.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:55 pm
by ST. Attidude
I was 12. It was night-time and I was rocking out to Entertaining Angels by Newsboys. I soared across the floors which were covered by a blue carpet far too large for the dimensions of my bedroom. Looked just like a woven ocean.
And then I tripped. I was going head-first to the ground but I got my left arm in front of my forehead and I hit the floor in a blur and a bounce. I fractured my radius and ulna bones, and when I looked up from it, I had a "V-shaped" forearm...surprisingly not too much pain at first. In fact it was just numb. It was until I was at the ER and they took 50 xrays that the pain kicked in. It was bad enough that they had to give me morphine.
Man was that stuff good.


PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:22 am
by SolidÃ…rmor
I dislocated my right shoulder when I was little (fell off the roof), got into a fight and had a rib broken, and then later on a car wreck that gave me a bruised sternum and totally screwed up left shoulder. Oh yeah, in 8th grade had a pitbull rip open the back of my right thigh had a 187 stitches there...and the doctor played with my inner thigh muscle as that's how bad it

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:18 am
by rocklobster
When I was eight years old, we went to Disney World and stayed at a resort hotel. While we were there one day, my parents stepped out for a bit, and I bumped into a wall and hit my head while I was walking around. My forehead literally split open. My parents were on the balcony, so they heard me fall and rushed me to emergency. I had to get 14 stitches, I believe.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:21 am
by CrystalChalice
When I was 9 years old, I sprained my wrist after I fell off a scooter during the school fair. I wrapped it in a handkerchief and kept massaging it whenever it hurt. A few days later, the pain disappeared.

Two years ago, I forced myself to go to the bathroom even though I was really sick. On my way out, though, I passed out. The next thing I knew, I woke up on the floor with my very worried parents holding me. It turns out that I hit my head on the washing machine when I passed out. To this day, my parents still think I may have had a seizure then.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:20 pm
by Kitsune
The worst I ever had was around when I was between 3-5yrs old, I don't really remember XD I have vauge memories of it, but I decided to ride my little toy bike down our basement stairs (which were NOT carpeted by the way) and cracked my forhead wide open. I still have the scar to this day, and the little bugger tingles if I have to focus on my forehead (XD as weird as that is, it's true! ), we call it my third eye because it's right in the center of my forehead.

Aside from that the worst I've ever really had is when I nearly dislocated my wrist when I almost flew off the front of my Fourwheeler, I hurt in about fifty different places after that one XD

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:33 pm
by Popyman
The worst injury I've had is when I fell on my bike and cut my knee completely open. I'm serious, I could see the bone...I had to get stitches but it didn't stop there. When I started school that year, on like the second or third day there was a firedrill. While going out the door, this jerky kid pushed me, I fell...right on my knee again. The stitches split open and, this time, I had to be put into a leg cast thing that could be opened and closed. I don't remember how long I had to keep that on, but it was quite a while...

I haven't rode a bike since then. I tried once but, you know how they say you never forget how to ride one? I totally did. T_T

EDIT: Whoa, Fermy, you had the same kind of thing happen! *high five for similar knee injuries* XD

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:54 am
by SolidÃ…rmor
Popyman (post: 1506007) wrote:While going out the door, this jerky kid pushed me, I fell...right on my knee again. The stitches split open and, this time, I had to be put into a leg cast thing that could be opened and closed. I don't remember how long I had to keep that on, but it was quite a while...

Completely understand this one. After I got my leg stitched up from the dog attack, I was talking with some friends out in the courtyard of my school during lunch. The next thing I knew some jerk came running up to me from the blind side and kneed me right near the stitching on my leg....the last thing I remember was being peeled off of him by the Vice Principal and P.E. coach.

My friends told me when I got back a week later that I went completely psycho on the kid, and had blood soaking thru the back of my jeans from some of the stitches popping. I felt bad for doing it...but it took long time to get over it.