Some excellent discourse in this thread. Some not so spectacular, but, on the whole, a very nice job - on both sides of the argument.
We seem, as a culture, to be a tad too hung up on the minimum requirements that we need to perform in order to be able to wear some label. It's like saying "this person wasn't baptized so he isn’t a Christian” in the same fashion as “this person didn’t pay his dues so he’s no longer a member of the club.”
This may seem a tad argumentative, but I think it is important for us to understand that being a Christian is not about completing a list of sacraments before you die so you can go to heaven. Being a Christian is not about going to heaven at all. It is devoting yourself wholly – in body, mind, and spirit – to God. If your focus is “do I need this to go to heaven?” then your focus is misplaced. We need to focus on God’s plan for this life and the next life will take care of itself. We are not called to do the minimum requirement to get to heaven when we die. We are called to do our very best to bring a piece of heaven down here to Earth while we live – to be a source of hope and joy in this very dark and weary world. This hope can only come from Jesus Christ.
It is true that there will be people in heaven who were never baptized and, even more so, there will be people baptized that do not enter the gates of pearl. Neither of these are reasons to be or not be baptized. We are baptized because we were commanded to be. After all, if we love Jesus, we will keep His commandments. Not because He “said so” and not because failure to do so will land us in hell. We follow His commandments because we love Him and we acknowledge that God knows better than we do what is best for us.
So. My answer to whether you should be baptized is this question: What is holding you back?
1) Because it is not required for salvation? OK, true enough – it is your faith in Jesus Christ that saves you and not anything you do. However, faith that does not spur you to action is worthless and far below the level of faith required for salvation.
2) Because you aren’t sure it’s the right thing to do? This is a good reason to abstain from baptism. You should be baptized/confirmed when you feel it is the right time. If you aren’t sure though, you need to figure it out. Don’t be content to spend the rest of your life in a state of “I’m not sure.” Read the scriptures. Talk to friends and loved ones. Pray. When you decide you want to follow Christ with all your being, you will know what you must do.
3) Because there’s no real reason to be? I just can not find any evidence to support this claim. I apologize if this offends anyone. If you have evidence, please share it with me – whether it is a link to a website, a book, or some scripture. I love every opportunity to learn and grow in the Spirit but all of my study and pondering leads me to believe that baptism is both worthwhile and necessary. To me, it does not matter whether you are sprinkled, dunked, or drenched as an adult, child, or infant (so long as a willing confirmation takes place when you are wise enough to make the decision for yourself), but be baptized.