Postby ChristianKitsune » Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:32 am
1. What is going on in your life? I am a student trying to finish school... LOL
2. What ya up to? I am messing around on the computer in computer class...
3. Interest? GOD (duh) Anime, Drawing, Friends..
4. What’s your favorite Movie, Manga, VG, Anime, Music, TV show, and Book?
Movie: LOTR!
Manga: RUrouni Kenshin, (shonen) (shoujou--Alice 19th, and Furuba)
Anime: rurouni Kenshin, (Favorite)
Music: christian rock, and J-rock
TV show: umm.. I dunno.. I don't a lot of other TV shows, besides anime.. but if i did.. JAG?
Book: Umm the LB Series (Left Behind) (BIBLE AS WELL!!)
5. And what do you want to do with your life? I want to become a christian comic book artist.. I want to reach people about Christ with my talents.. that is my it is my goal!