Right now in one of my classes I am programing an LCD display to display a message. The LCD display that we are using can display some Japanese characters, so I though it would be fun to make it display a message in Japanese. Since I don't know any Japanese I though someone might like to give me a message that I could put on the display. I have attached a file of all the characters that this display can produce. What you have to do is tell me the row and column that corresponds to the character that you what to be displayed. For simplicities sake we’ll number the rows 1-16 and letter column A-P. Disregarded the numbers in parentheses in column A since they go 1-8 and then start over at 1.
I'll see if I can get some pictures of the display to post on here when the program is done, all though the pictures won’t be very exciting.(Except for me!)
Yes and pleases tell me what the message means in English.