Postby Eriana » Sun Nov 06, 2005 9:46 pm
Yeah good point Natsumi!...........Scary.........=.=;;;
I'm not much of a water drinker so I drink things close to it that would might still be considered water, like:
Ice Patanicals and other flavored waters
or sometimes I choke down plain water
Other times I'll have a 0 calorie pop like, Diet Coke, Coke 0 something like that.
I know it sounds crazy but when I drink water I get a headache. =.=;;;
Even when I take little swallows and drink it very slowly I still get a pulsing headache. Even filtered water makes me sick. I'm just weird that way. ^^;;;
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Put this in your signature to remember to pray for Israel everyday...
Psalms 147 verse 3:
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
[/color]Fly with me dear lover of mine...[/color]