ChristianAnime vs. AnimeAngels

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ChristianAnime vs. AnimeAngels

Postby Fsiphskilm » Mon Oct 27, 2003 3:20 pm

Well when i first visited both sites i'd have to say both were very good at thier objective but at the same time missing something. Here's what it all goes down to.

AnimeAngels vs. ChristianAnime

  • If you want to be more active in christian discusion, Animeangels has a great forum with lots of threads that question the comon christian and invole him/her in the discussion over various questions like, abortion, sex before marage, homosexuality, and many more topics that would normally not be allowed or simply not availible on Christian Anme. BUT, it's media baords are very plain and lifeless compared to ChristianAnime's.
  • ChristianAnime is more active in the Anime/Game/Movie department, while contraversial topics are avioded, christian talk is encouraged, and it's Media boards are always filled with life from curious members.
  • Anime angel's background is plain white, and pretty much everything is white, enough time spent on the forums with all those white rays can be tiring to the eyes, while ChristianAnime's bessage board is black and doesn't shine so brightly when viewed.
  • Animeangels' forum also has no grid to seperate things like posts and threads. Christian Anime's Boards are much more organized and simple to navigate, not to mension pleasing to the eyes.
  • There are more members on Christian anime, roughly 100 more than AnimeAngels, and has 34,700 MORE posts than AnimeAngels.
  • The Avitar uploading isn't as easy as ChristianAnime's browse feature, instead on AnimeAngels you need to uplaod or get your avitar from another website or online source when you jion.
  • Even though i like how there's a lot of free space avialible for disusion, seeing how there's only 8 threads on the Gaming Board, comparing CAA to AA is like comparing Phoenix, Arizona to Tokyo, Japan. While CAA is crowded with tons of posts, they are extremely and neatly organized making them easy to find. And Although i do like the small comunity of AA, the little town where i myself alone could dominate the Gamerz Forum, it would get a little boring talking to myself (a smaller comunity means LESS replies, we're talking reply counts in the one's digits. when it comes to multimedia.)
  • Overall i like both, but i think i'll spend more time on CAA. AA will be there for rainy days and casual visits. i like both styles but would prefer AA to be a bit more organized.)

Tell me what you think or add more comments.
I'm leaving CAA perminantly. i've wanted to do this for a long time but I've never gathered the courage to let go.
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Postby Shinja » Mon Oct 27, 2003 3:23 pm

i think this post will be closed, cause well compareing can cause arguments, fights, both sites are good and both are differant,

nuff said
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Postby Straylight » Mon Oct 27, 2003 3:26 pm

This is definatly gonna go nowhere. Closed
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