are you going to learn a person's true nature if you don't talk to them and make an effort to get to know them and where they're coming from? Doesn't that sound backwards? Christ didn't hover in the wings when it came to sinners did he? He went to them and got to know them. Your attitude towarsd a person who is decked in supposedly satanic symbols doesn't seem Christlike do you know the symbols are satanic? The pentagram was actually used as a symbol for wholeness and health and was used by early military medics on their kits.
We're supposed to love everyone aren't we? How can we say we love when we decide not to interact with someone simply because of how they dress or what we assume about them? And how can we dare to vocally witness to them when our actions towards them are opposite what we want to share?
>_<! Sorry, sorry, I hope you don't read this as a flame. I'll pm you if this isn't the place for a discussion on this.