Xeno wrote:Dante wrote:Great, pretty soon, CAA will look like Twitter Bootstrap.
Where did you get this idea from? Mobile apps and mobile optimized versions of sites rarely look anything like Twitter.
It's a tease - twitter bootstrap is an css/sass/javascript framework for creating webpages. It's free and it happens to be designed for mobile development from the start.
http://getbootstrap.com/It's really awesome, and admittedly, even I use it. However, the one major drawback of such a cheap (read: free), easy-to-use system is that
everyone seems uses it resulting in an internet of webpages that look like they were created by the same guy. They weren't, they were just all created using Twitter Bootstrap.
As far as Twitter itself, they gave me a cool api and I don't use Twitter - so... given that I've done nothing for them and they've done something for me, I'm cool with them - even though, as a whole I dislike social media outside of forums.