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Postby Vilo159 » Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:54 pm

Anyone out there interested in ancient Anglo-Saxon writing?

In rereading The Hobbit, I came across the runic writings in the map and in some other places. I'd looked into runes before and knew what they were, but this time I wanted to learn to read them. I took it to a buddy of mine who could read, and in watching him I managed to get a feel for it. From there I went to a Wiki article and read about them.

So it's still coming together, but I can safely say that I can now read and write in runes at a basic level. Can anyone else here read or write runes, or have an interest in them?
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Re: Runes

Postby Yuki-Anne » Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:28 am

Me and Laura (Zelda) used to write notes to each other in runes during church. I've forgotten them, though. Had to make room in my brain for Japanese.
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Re: Runes

Postby Crossfire » Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:55 pm

I used to be able to read & write ye olde Norse, but as with Yuki-Anne, I took a Japanese course right after and forgot everything. Speaking of which, I still want to (re?)learn Norwegian.
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