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Postby Nate » Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:47 pm

Pascal wrote:And speaking of you, why haven't I been able to hear you before now! You mean to tell me that these "girl" things are actually receivers or some thing?

Well of course. See, when you're around a girl...

...wait I don't think I can get away with that joke on CAA.

Also Kaori is totally smart. And right.

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Postby Atria35 » Tue Aug 03, 2010 2:40 pm

Going with Kaori's answer.

And I would start looking for the walkie-talkie or radio someone planted nearby.
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Postby mkalv » Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:54 am

It depends on the person. If I lik her, than yeah. If not, then I would say no.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:14 am

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Postby Yuki-Anne » Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:09 am

First of all, even if I thought I'd heard that and it was legit, there is NO WAY on this plane of existence or the next (cuz Jesus said there's no marriage in heaven 'n' all) I would mention it to the guy. Because... well, it's just kind of creepy, even if you do believe that God speaks to people. "Hey, you will NEVER GUESS what God just said to me..."

In my admittedly limited dating experience, mentioning marriage early on sends a guy running in the other direction. Mentioning it on the first date? Yikes! That's scary, creepy, desperate, and awkward!

And no, I don't believe that God has one "purfect" person picked out for me. If you believe that, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment, because a.) as others have stated, nobody's perfect, and b.) it makes the relationship and that person all about you. "God created you just for me!" How self-centered is that? Even if you follow it up with "And me just for you!" it still misses the point.

I stopped thinking about that "one special person" I'm meant to marry, because... well, what if I'm not? What if I never get married? It took me a long time to become okay with that, and the idea is still somewhat unpleasant to me, but I was made for God; my world revolves around Him, not the other way around. Does He love to give us good things? I think so. But my trust and faith in Him is not based on whether or not He has "one special person picked out just for me!" And I don't want to put all my hope in that "one special person," because what if he isn't everything I dream he'll be? What if he's... well, what if he's human?

That is also why I no longer have a list of qualities I want in a mate. I know what I want. Either a man's got what it takes to be with me, and I with him, or he doesn't (or I don't). No sense marking off traits on a list.

I am rather curious as to where this question came from. It sounds like an interesting read, at the very least.
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Postby Nate » Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:01 am

He stated explicitly in the opening post that both of you heard it, so your opening paragraph about not mentioning it to the guy is nonsensical (since he would have heard it too). Then you'd make him think he was crazy because you were acting like you didn't hear it and he'd probably think he was mentally ill and rack up tons of fees in psychiatrist visits...all because you didn't read the first post closely enough. I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY.
nobody's perfect


That is also why I no longer have a list of qualities I want in a mate. I know what I want.

I hope it's a really sweet mating dance because I've been working on that for a while. It seems to work great for birds!

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:39 am

Lol a lot of girls go to my friend and say that God said that they were to get married.

Creeped the heck out of him. Not only does he have a girlfriend but these girls weren't so pretty, lol.
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Postby ADXC » Thu Aug 05, 2010 3:43 pm

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Postby Atria35 » Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:28 pm

ADXC (post: 1414385) wrote:Although you aren't married in heaven, I do believe you are still with your spouse in heaven. Otherwise, where's the point in marriage other than reproducing?

Well, if your spouse isn't a Christian, well, yeah....

But if you're both together when you die(And both Christians.), I don't see why God wouldn't let you be together in heaven.

I can see that my post is heading to theological debate status, so I'll shut up now. XD

Lolz! Well, it is true that there are people out there that believe that the point of marriage is pretty much reproduction, and that early in the church's history there were decent-sized swaths that held the belief that reproduction was the primary purpose of marriage (y'know, because so many kids died during childhood back then)...

Though the 'spouse isn't a Christian' thing is a little.... rude? Christians who marry non-Christians get the same thing out of marriage that Christian couples do- a deep, loving connection with a fellow human being.
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Postby Yuki-Anne » Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:24 pm

Nate (post: 1414319) wrote:He stated explicitly in the opening post that both of you heard it, so your opening paragraph about not mentioning it to the guy is nonsensical (since he would have heard it too). Then you'd make him think he was crazy because you were acting like you didn't hear it and he'd probably think he was mentally ill and rack up tons of fees in psychiatrist visits...all because you didn't read the first post closely enough. I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY.

Ah yes, but how would you know both of you heard it unless someone spoke up first?

What I mean about knowing what I want is that different men have different qualities, and it's kind of unfair to hold every single man up to some cookie cutter dream and expect him to measure up. There are some things that every man should have (Jesus and a decent moral code, for sure), but beyond that, I think I'd rather find out who a man is and love him for that than expect him to be someone he's not and be disappointed in him for not measuring up.
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Postby Nate » Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:29 pm

Marriage was a lot more important back in the OT days, for a few reasons. One, Israel was a pretty small nation, and having sons to carry on the name and lineage of the family was supremely important. This is why if a man died before his wife bore him a son, one of his brothers was to immediately marry her so she could produce an heir. This also is why polygamy was an accepted practice in the OT days, one because you had more chances to get sons, and two, so if a guy's brother was already married when he died, he could keep his old wife when he got his brother's widow.

The second was that women were not given the same rights and status as men in society. Marriage was a way of "protecting" women, as it were. This is a big reason why one of the things non-Christians love to harp on is in the bible, that being that part of the "punishment" for raping a woman was that you had to take her as your wife.
I do believe you are still with your spouse in heaven

Zero biblical evidence for this. In fact, Jesus purposely avoided answering this question when he was confronted with the hypothetical situation of a woman who married seven men and was asked "Which one of them is her husband in Heaven?" Jesus' response was basically that you're trying to think of Heaven in earthly terms, and that just doesn't work.

EDIT: Vintage I want to respond to your post but I shouldn't.

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Postby Yuki-Anne » Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:36 pm

Nate, that's probably a good idea. Also, that's a fairly awesome link. I kind of want to watch Kamen Rider now.

Also, on topic, about "I do believe you are still with your spouse in heaven"...

Do you mean, like, married to your spouse still? Cuz Mark 12:18-27. EDIT: In other words, what Nate said.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:55 pm

ADXC (post: 1414385) wrote:Although you aren't married in heaven, I do believe you are still with your spouse in heaven. Otherwise, where's the point in marriage other than reproducing?

Well, if your spouse isn't a Christian, well, yeah....

But if you're both together when you die(And both Christians.), I don't see why God wouldn't let you be together in heaven.

Man you guys it is getting a little bit too Jon Clement-sy in here for me. XD Let's find a different string of conversation to grab on to, shall we?
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Postby Cheezie_Neko » Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:31 pm

Sorry for the delay, I've had some problems with my net provider.
I’m so happy to see such an interest in my post. =)

I phrased my questions like this on purpose I wanted to see everyone’s views
on some major topics to get to know you guys better. =)
I bet some of you didn’t know each other had those view points did ya.

Ok now to keep your interest even more….
(pause for effect)
There is a 100% true story behind my first question. And if God hadn’t stepped
in, You wouldn’t be reading this right now.

I'll reply to posts tomorrow after work.

"Bye-ni" >.<
~I will ask a question that will make you think...~
~You may think me mad,~
~perhaps a bit of a genius ~
~Or a MAD GENIUS!! Muhahahaha~
~most likely you'll think I'm cheezie...~
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Postby Nate » Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:35 pm

Radical Dreamer wrote:Man you guys it is getting a little bit too Jon Clement-sy in here for me. XD

OH GEEZ. Now that you mention it...ARRRRRRGH.
There is a 100% true story behind my first question.

That's interesting, but you'd think people could tell the difference between a walkie-talkie and a regular voice.

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Postby Cheezie_Neko » Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:58 pm

Nate (post: 1414506) wrote:That's interesting, but you'd think people could tell the difference between a walkie-talkie and a regular voice.

Since when does God have a "regular" voice??
~I will ask a question that will make you think...~
~You may think me mad,~
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Postby Nate » Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:07 pm

I'm sure God has a regular voice but that's beside the point. I was talking about whoever was hiding in the bushes or whatever in the true story you were talking about who was pretending to be God.

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Postby ADXC » Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:33 pm

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Postby Radical Dreamer » Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:39 pm

ADXC (post: 1414528) wrote:Woah ok, I didn't mean to inspire a debate here. XD Anyway, at least if they are a Christian, you still should be able to see your spouse in heaven. Can we at least agree on this?

I was pretty sure we were going to drop this line of conversation, actually. See my previous post for reference!
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Postby Furen » Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:04 pm

I got a question for anyone that wants to answer it. =)
If you were on a first date with someone and you both
heard the voice of God saying "Will you take ____ to be your (wife/husband)?"
What would you do??

I would probably think it was someone trying to mess with my head. So I'd most likely ignore it. I think it would happen if God wanted it.
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Postby Yuki-Anne » Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:36 am

Cheezie_Neko (post: 1414503) wrote:Ok now to keep your interest even more….
(pause for effect)
There is a 100% true story behind my first question. And if God hadn’t stepped
in, You wouldn’t be reading this right now.

Ok, yes, but what was the story already? And what does that even mean, if God hadn't stepped in? Due to your attempts to heighten suspense, I shall attempt to create my own deduction of events.

She was a murderous wench, this female, and God asked you both if you would marry each other in order to test you, Hosea-style. Then, at the altar, when you were both about to drink the communal wine, which, unbeknownst to you, she had POISONED, suddenly the voice of God spoke to you and commanded you to stop, that you didn't need to marry her, and a goat appeared in the bushes of the church and drank the poisoned communal wine, thereby sparing your life, so that we could have this debate.

I like this version. It's dramatic.

P.S. Don't take this as me making fun of you. I'm just really wanting to know where this came from and you're NOT TELLING US. It's driving me a little crazy, because I think we need all the TRUFAX in order to fully understand the debate into which we're so eagerly flinging ourselves.
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