YC starts tommorow. YC is Youth Conference, and it's easily the biggest Christian gathering in Canada. People from all over the country gather, and bands like Skillet and stuff play (Underoath played a couple years back), and they have world speakers come in and talk. It's usually a gathering of 17,000+ people.
I've only gone once, a few years back, and it was incredible- tons of concerts to choose from, speakers, workshops, shopping, people confessing... all that stuff.
GREAT strong christian event. I've never felt the presence of God more strongly in my life.
The only snag is the tickets are $150, plus food, and the event lasts over 3 days.
Anyway, I haven't been too keen on going the past couple years, cos its really just a hassle to get everything together and go with a group and stuff.
But, my sister goes every year, and this year, she's going with a group of 60 or so people. Her group needed a chaperone, so my mom volenteered me to go (the group offered to pay for my ticket and sleeping arrangments) thinking that I would be chaperoning my sister and her friends, which would be totally cool.
I just turned 18, like, last week too... so I'm just BARELY able to be a chaperone... and I'm still in high school.
Turns out, however, I need to chaperone 4 TWELVE year old girls. This means, I have to be with them ALL the time, in the Rexall Stadium, amounst 16,000 people, keeping track of them, AND at the Agricom, where they'll want to go to the different concerts, and shopping, and all that jazz.
To be honest, this makes me VERY uncomfortable and nervous- I don't feel at all mature enough to be responsible for 4 twelve year olds for three days straight- I honestly thought I'd be chaperoning my 16 year old sister and her 16 year old friends.
The pastor won't let me switch groups, and they're pretty desperate for a female chaperone, because otherwise another woman would have to chaperone 8 girls ages 12-15.
I don't feel comfortable going, but I committed to it (this morning, we're leaving tommorow morning... so I didn't exactly get a heck of a lot of notice here either) and they're pretty tight for people, but the thing is, they didn't tell me WHAT I committed to. I mean, I JUST turned 18... I don't feel mature enough!
On the other hand, this is a very powerful spiritual experience... and God IS getting me a FREE ticket, so I don't know if that's a sign to go.
The bottom line is... I feel very nervous and uncomfortable chaperoning 4 kids... but I said I'd do it.
So, I'm not sure what to do... I have till morning to back out of it...
What does everyone think I should do?