Jason Harms wrote:"What does an artist delight in as he labors in his art? What should an artist delight in? Do I run after the praises of man or the praises of God in my artistic endeavors? Do I hope in man or in God for my satisfaction to be realized in the arts? Are my artistic endeavors about giving or about receiving? What motivates a work? What motivates me? Is my heart enslaved by the fear of man or free in the fear of God? Do I seek God or the market for inspiration? Am I or art or God the end in a work of art? These questions, and many others, are not unique to artists. If you can breathe and reason, then put your life's labor in the question and meditate on the Bible for a while, the whole Bible. But artists in particular, with all their creating and expressing, need to take a serious look at their own hearts, and I'm the first in need of a disciplined, exhorting analyzation..."
Ack. I'm not a professional artist, but all too often I find my motive in art, as well as other areas is to be appreciated by man. I DO want to glorify God with what I do, but often I lose sight of that. Its something I'm going to have to work on.
Any thoughts?