of today I am a civilian again. I got to the end of the third week and then I was assigned to medical hold and they found out that I have hypoglycemia, which I didn't know I had before, and that's a disqualifying condition. One measurement of my blood sugar level in particular that was taken an hour and a half after I ate breakfast one day was 27, which is well below the point where any normal person would be in a coma. I'm not so sure I have that any more, though, for whatever reason, because a few days ago I checked my blood sugar level about an hour and a half after I ate dinner and it was at 161 which is a good deal higher than it should be, so I don't really know what's going on with me right now, maybe I'm borderline diabetic or something. Even though I went to the hospital several times and had a lot of blood work done, the doctors never figured out what caused it. I ended up staying on med hold from April 16th through June 7th, and I shipped out to basic on March 20th, so the rest of my flight is well into tech school right now. I would've graduated on May 4th.
So anyways, I just thought I'd let you all know about that. Try not to feel too bad for me, though, since there's really nothing I could've done about it, and it's probably better in the end that I'm not in the military because my blood sugar problems could put my life and the lives of others in danger, and the military can't afford to have people like that. At least I received an Entry Level Separation, which doesn't have any sort of effect on me getting jobs in the civilian sector, so I'm definitely glad about that.