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Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Lets catch some butterflies

PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:45 pm
by Xeno

Not sure if any of you have played the previous Animal Crossing games or not, but I've been pretty stoked about the new installment that releases today. It's already available on the eShop for 3DS for 35 American States Bucks, though you can pick up a physical cartridge at your favorite, not not-so-favorite, retailer when they open today for the same price.

There was also a limited edition 3DS XL released for the game, I pre-ordered one of these since I didn't already have a system. If you're lucky you might be able to snag one at a GameStop, Best Buy, EB Games, etc. It is a white XL system with AC items stamped all over it. I think it's p rad looking myself, but what do I know about good looking things.

If you're not familiar with the AC series, you're basically a small child who had been indebted to a tanooki and lives in a town full of anthropomorphic animals. The point of the games have been to pretty much just have fun and there has never been much emphasis on needing to complete anything in a set period of time. In New Leaf you are now given the role of mayor of the town and have some new abilities as such, but overall it remains a chilled out life simulator.

Anyway, is anyone else going to be playing this? If so I'll post my friend code upon retrieval of my system and we can start having some laid-back mayor fun.

Re: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Lets catch some butterflies

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 7:03 am
by Mullet Death
I haven't played an Animal Crossing game since the very first one on Gamecube, but man did I ever love that game. I already plan on getting a 3DS for Pokemon X and Y so this is quite tempting. That being said, money is tight for a minimum wage college student, so give me a week to think this over... but if I do get one I'll probably get this game.

Re: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Lets catch some butterflies

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:19 am
by Okami
It might be a while before I get it (Working on a plan to get a 3DS for Pokemon X and Y as well) but I do plan on getting it! Also, the AC 3DS XL design is so freaking ADORABLE I can hardly stand it. XD

Re: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Lets catch some butterflies

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:04 am
by Mullet Death
Couldn't hold it in, went and bought an 3DSXL and this game and Pokemon White. Gonna fire it up in a little bit. What sucks is that this is just a regular XL since all of the AC ones were gone, and I looked everywhere...

Re: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Lets catch some butterflies

PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 8:40 pm
by Mullet Death
Been enjoying the game quite a bit. Amazing how much time you can waste diving for sea stars and catching bugs and making bells. It's exactly what I wanted as a former AC fan.

Re: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Lets catch some butterflies

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:49 pm
by Yami
Just got it!

Re: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Lets catch some butterflies

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 1:27 pm
by Okami
Okami wrote:It might be a while before I get it (Working on a plan to get a 3DS for Pokemon X and Y as well) but I do plan on getting it! Also, the AC 3DS XL design is so freaking ADORABLE I can hardly stand it. XD

Lawlz I'm so funny. I had the game three days after this post. XD;

Re: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Lets catch some butterflies

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:37 pm
Man, I just picked it up today and am already addicted! XD Granted I liked the soundtrack from the very first game better; HOWEVER, the game is much better IMO than the others. It's supreme and it's interesting to know where the rest of my summer will be spent. @_@ Lawd help me.

If anyone wants to add me, my code is: 0688-6635-3611

Re: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Lets catch some butterflies

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:34 pm
by Mullet Death
My friend code is 2981-6191-6108.

Re: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Lets catch some butterflies

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:42 am
by Okami
Finally made it to perfect town status! 8D I got my first Jacob's Ladder today!

Oh, if you want my friend code, feel free to PM me. :D

Re: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Lets catch some butterflies

PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:25 am
by Okami
From approximately two hours ago...
"Woke up to rain in Animal Crossing: New Leaf....No bother, you know it's been a great morning in Sychei when you've already spent 1,473,600 bells. (Yikes!)"

XD; Thankfully it was on three separate things, and not like one day where it was the Royal Crown on Bell Boom ordinance.

Tuesday EDIT: I got a Toy Hammer last night and a Striped Wetsuit this morning (which actually kind of matches my crown - yay!) I couldn't be happier, Club Tortimer and the 10k or so I've spent going there thus far = WORTH it. :D