PSX Too good to be true, features left out :(

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PSX Too good to be true, features left out :(

Postby Fsiphskilm » Sat Dec 06, 2003 7:00 pm

Well of course it was too good to be true,
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Sat Dec 06, 2003 7:05 pm

its gonna be better than xbox.... *oro* great now im gonna lose sleep knowing thier will be a great console and i won own it....thanks a lot volt... :bang: :rant: :stressed: :sniffle: :waah!:
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Postby Locke » Sat Dec 06, 2003 8:18 pm

? didnt the original price used to be like $ 600 when they had the primo features? or ,maybe thats sometin else blehh... im not gonna buy one

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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sat Dec 06, 2003 10:18 pm

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Postby madphilb » Sat Dec 06, 2003 11:14 pm

Frankly I don't think I'd want a system like the PSX... it's main feature is that it's an "all in one" unit, much like the copier/scanner/fax/modem/printer deals they used to sell.... when one part of it dies, you're stuck with a broken unit... I'm much rather have a seperate unit.

They've been covering the DVR (Digital Video Recorders) on the local news (some sweaps stunt I think).... the bottom line is that there are plenty of DVRs with DVD writters in them now.

It's a nice idea, but it's more a rich person's toy.

Oh, the price has been listed at about $800 or so for a while (They where running a tech article on my My.Yahoo page way back when Volt had mentioned it once before).

Frankly, the HDD for the PS2 will more than likely be much like the "transfer pack" was on the N64 (unit to transfer between Gameboy carts and the N64 games)... what, about 3 games used it? Till Sony does the next-gen system and includes it standard (and they would be fools not to) it's going to be an optional device that most people won't have and will be far too difficult to program either-or situations.

All that said, the system does look rather slick, and it's a neat idea (my idea oringally at home was to get the XBox and the remote for DVD playback instead of a DVD player, in the end I got a DVD drive for my PC which I think I like better).

I think the news article today said that Sony is down this quarter.... so I can't blame them much for trying to push it out for the Holiday rush.

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Postby cbwing0 » Sun Dec 07, 2003 11:38 am

The system does look nice, but I think I will wait for PS3. :thumb: I heard that it was supposed to cost around $1,000...I guess Sony figured out that no one would pay that much.

Unless there are other games, the only thing that will sell the HD is Final Fantasy XI, which (as far as I know) requires the HD. Of course I haven't bought a Final Fantasy game since FFVII (too time-consuming), so that doesn't matter to me.

Btw, what happened to the smileys? Any ideas?
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Postby Heaven's Cloud » Sun Dec 07, 2003 12:59 pm

I don't really know if I will be buying a PSX, I mean it costs a lot of money, I don't think I will really be able to burn DVD's from my TV, I don't have satelite in my room, and it's not going to be much different from the original Playstation II and the XBox.

It looks really good and all, but I don't know where I would ever get the money from. lol. I think I might see what the PSIII looks like when it comes out, as long as it doesn't cost way to much. I just am not that excited anymore, being as I don't have much time to play my Playstation and Playstation II games anymore.

I might have to look further into it, and I think being able to burn TV shows onto a DVD might come in handy, and cool but look at it like this: burning the TV stuff onto DVD's will become illegal. When people burn the stuff, they will burn movies and so, and then sell them. Just like when Kazaa came out, and now it is illegal. Then they will take that feature of the XBox off.

Maybe I just look at stuff to wrongly, or maybe I am just right. I hope it's the second one. I don't really want to buy one, then I could get accused of stuff like burning stuff and all. It's just like it is illegal to burn CD's then sell them and so. But I look at stuff differently than other people. I know none of you guys would do that, atleast I think I do.
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Postby Razgriz » Sun Dec 07, 2003 7:23 pm

Probably not going to buy it, too expensive.
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Postby madphilb » Sun Dec 07, 2003 7:41 pm

Actually, most of the DVRs won't remove the commercials, and many of the cable stations have taken to putting the "watermark" in the lower corner of the screen to ID it as comming from that station.

Don't worry, they'll cover their bases.... and besides... you'll miss out on the extras on the DVDs then :D

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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Sun Dec 07, 2003 8:01 pm

My PS2 is good enough for me... plus I'm saving my money for a car and the rest of my Japanese lessons.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sun Dec 07, 2003 9:39 pm

(Volt (my) response is in red)
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Postby madphilb » Mon Dec 08, 2003 9:04 am

Volt wrote:So does your car have an AC built in or do you have it seperately? Do you have power windows or are you afraid they'll break? LOL, You can't always say

Acutally, I avoid power windows when possible. While it's nice to be able to open the windows with the push of a button, if they do break you're in trouble, and living in Florida, if the power windows AND the A/C goes down, you'd die in about 15min of driving anywhere LOL.

that, it's like saying I'm not going to shower becasue i'll get dirty anyway, or I'm not buying a computer because it might crash some day. Yes it does have many features but I mean the chances of them breaking, you shouldn't care about.

Well, when it's an $800 item that could quickly become useless, and it's repair cost will more than likely be as much if not more than the unit.

I didn't want to bring this up (this really isn't a PS2 vs anything else issue for me), but the system with the worst track record for breaking down has been the PS2. (this comes mostly from the guys at my local EB, they're a good group over there, if they'd say the sky was green I'd be pretty sure if I looked out the window I wouldn't see blue). The breakdown problems might partially be due to idiots who don't know how to take care of their stuff (and those same idiots wouldn't be able to afford a PSX since I'm sure they won't be at Rent-a-Center :D )

If you spend $500 on a PSX and it breaks, It's cheaper to just get it fixed or buy a bran new one instead of buying all those things SerperatlY (dvd burner, Tivi, PS2, hard drive etc...) In the end All-in-one deals are good, their cheap and the components work together.

The price for the PSX is being listed at $700-800 a piece, more than the cost of most Tivo/DVR systems. Street price will be lower, but those same DVR systems will be cheaper too (unless it's like the HP equipment where the prices are pretty much fixed)

The fact that it is a combo unit does have a few advantages, which I can understand... but my feelings still stand, and it's why I've never gotten a DVD/VCR/TV combo unit (yet they're only a little more expensive than the same sized TV without the extras). We're in an age where you generally don't repair electronic devices, they're just too cheap to buy new ones (if that can be said).... and that comes down the cost of labor for the repairs.

Well not really, the PS2 linux pack comes with the HDD, Final Fantasy and other role playing games coming out will require one, also Resident Evil online will require the HDD. Plus it's not so hard to install really

But it still won't be as useful as, say, the XBoxes is. I've never bought a memory card for the system, and I doubt I ever will (short of having to send it back for repair). Every game uses it for saving game info... and I'm not sharing that with a DVR either (though it's much smaller in size I think to the DVR drives). :D

Personally this is Sony looking for some cheap cash... they should be working on the next Next-Gen system (PS3). If they take some of the lessons from MS and the big N their system would be much better, the PS2 is getting old, it's the least powerful of the game systems (it's saving grace is the large library of existing game, the game companies already under contract, and the RPG market, esp. Square with it's FF series)

I'm not trying to talk you out of this... it's just my opinion on it. I don't buy much and I try to be somewhat selective of what I do buy. I have very few regrets of what I have bought (my e-Machines computer is one of the biggest, but it runs fine, it's just not upgradable).... even my N64 (though I did wish some more of the PS titles had been ported, but that was a design issue from Nintendo).

BTW - for all the talk of combo units.. my DVD player is also my computers DVD-ROM and it's CD-RW drive.

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Postby Heaven's Cloud » Mon Dec 08, 2003 1:12 pm

I see what your saying but people could still get into trouble with burning the movies and stuff. That might turn into something bad. I see the point of what your saying, but people will do that. I would burn TV shows and stuff, but I wouldn't sell them. I don't know, I just saw it like that.
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Postby Link Antilles » Mon Dec 08, 2003 4:48 pm

In my opinion, this seems a little late for Sony to release this, I mean tons of people already have PS2s and I think they should wait and do this to a PS3 model. Anyways, I've never liked all-in-one models, the quality is too stretch across each device. Yet, some shine above others, but doubt the PSX will. It's probably gonna’ be a console collector’s treasure.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Tue Dec 09, 2003 9:24 pm

consol collector's treasure..
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