Dance Dance Revolution Tourneys

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Dance Dance Revolution Tourneys

Postby Josh Fisher » Wed Jan 11, 2006 5:32 pm

HEY has anyone been to or know about any DDR tournaments, I would really like to know,

I aint that great but I would like to test my skills..............

so any way come here and talk about your Tournament expieriences, or if you have any info on tournaments

also just post your high score

mine is a Double A star on DDR extreme, on the song, only you (AA*) score was like 9700000 roughly
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Jan 11, 2006 5:49 pm

Anime conventions generally have a lot of DDR competitions
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Wed Jan 11, 2006 6:49 pm

I have entered two DDR tournaments.

The first one was sometime in 2003, I think. I shouldn't have entered because I was just learning to do 6-footers.

The way they did it was, there was a coin toss. One player would call it, and if that player won the coin toss they got to pick difficulty. The other player got to pick the song. It was double elimination, which means you were guaranteed to play at least twice before you were eliminated. My first round, I got to pick Light but the other player picked Bag, a song I (still) don't know. I lost. Second round, I got to pick Light again, but my opponent picked Max300, which I didn't know either (at the time).

The next tournament I entered was summer of 2005.

They ended up having two divisions, Standard and Heavy. Of course, I entered Standard. The way they did it was there was a "seating" match to determine where you went on the bracket...everyone had to do Era Standard (I did horribly, btw-- 95 perfects and like 107 greats). Then he made out the bracket.

For Standard division, there was a coin toss and whoever won it got to either take their preferred side of the pad and choose the second song, or just choose the first song. Then there was another coin toss. Tails was Standard, heads was Light. For the third song, the tournament director put the machine on random.

So, in my first round, the other guy won the coin toss and chose the left side of the pad (thank goodness), so I got to choose first song. The coin toss came out Standard, so I picked Aoi Shoudou, which I can get less than 20 greats on (on a good day). I didn't AA it, but I did beat the guy by like 10 perfects or so.

Next song was his pick, I think it was Speed Over Beethoven, and the coin toss picked Light. So I thrashed this guy on a 3-footer that (at the time) I'd never done before.

I cannot for the life of me remember what the final song was, but it was another one I'd never done and I think it was on Light. I was concentrating too hard on getting perfects and trying to make sure I didn't screw up. Either way, I won again.

So I actually made it past the first round. WHEE!

Second round didn't go so well, however. This kid won the coin toss, and picked the right side of the pad. BOO. The coin toss chose Standard, so I picked 321 Stars, which is a song I'm normally good at. But I was on the left side of the pad, and the arrows were different. I didn't do so well. I think I got a flat A but not by much. He beat me by like 7 perfects and if I hadn't completely screwed up the last arrow stream in the song, I probably would have beaten him. Shoulda picked Burning the Floor or Burning Heat...

Okay, so the second coin toss picked Standard again. So what did he do?

He picked Max 300.

Needless to say, I got eliminated.

I wouldn't mind entering another tournament sometime if I could just master those freaking Maxes. But they're so hard...;_;
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