Next generation

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Next generation

Postby gameoverblue » Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:07 pm

Someone has probably already did this poll, but i don't feel like searching for it. What do you think will be the "console to buy" next generation: PS3, x-box 360, of the revolution?
I personally think the PS3 is the big one. They have been working on it since before PS2 came out and thus before x-box came out. Microsoft just seems to be trying to throw a product out there too fast.

PS, what is nintendo revoluting against. I can just Mario as a revolutionary for mushroom kingdom saying "we're tired of being only in children games" and waving a fireflower.
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Postby Fireproof » Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:06 pm

Honestly, I think X360 may well come out on top, but I'm backing Revolution.
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Postby HwaRang777 » Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:34 pm

well, I think that the PS3 will come out on top. Just because it will be much graphically better than the 360, and will have much more games as well as variety than the Revolution. But it's still possible that the other two could end up being the best sold console. Here's the main pros and cons of each system:

Pro- Will be bought by many different kinds of gamers, due to its variety in games
Con- It's coming out later than the Xbox 360, which could give Microsoft an upper-hand for at least an amount of time.

Xbox 360:
Pro- Will have very popular titles such as the DOA Series, Halo 3, and many more testosterone driven games
Con- Once the PS3 comes out, they will lose the upper hand in graphics

Nintendo Revolution:
Pro- With the ingenuity of the new controller as well as playback of all the Nintendo systems, there will definetly some interesting games to come
Con- They really haven't shown any new games so...

Yeah, there's obviously a lot more than this but I think that those were the more common ones
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Postby blkmage » Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:45 pm

Nintendo is doing something vastly different than the other two.
Meanwhile, we have Ken Kutaragi insisting that the PS3 is not a gaming machine and should not be treated as such.
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Postby Myoti » Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:14 pm

Meanwhile, we have Ken Kutaragi insisting that the PS3 is not a gaming machine and should not be treated as such.

What the crap?! What's the point, then?!?!
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Postby mastersquirrel » Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:32 pm

Well Gameover, you probably already know my response. And I'm gonna have to talk to you about you Mario. ;)

I think the Revolution will come out on top, though it's really a toss up.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:57 pm

whatever the ff6 remake comes out on....

but generally... my eyes are focused on the rev
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Postby Fireproof » Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:58 pm

360 is sinking its claws into the market first. That's a big advantage. It's also a very hip, casual system, leading me to believe it'll fill the "PS2" role this generation. PS3, on the other hand, will be very hardcore gamer oriented and its hardware and software will be significantly more expensive than Revolution and 360, putting it at an inherent disadvantage. Nintendo will probably do quite a bit better than this generation, and will even surpass the PS3, with any luck.
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Postby gameoverblue » Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:01 pm

The new controller baffels me. While it allows new gameplay ideas, it seems to have too many restrictions. The "remote control" should be an extra piece like a gun that is only for certain games.

PS, i would like to say that I didn't attack the revolution or nintendo with the revolting comment. I would just love to play the game Mario: revolutionary. If he can be a plummar, doctor, soccor player, baseball player, kick boxer, and mushroom kingdom savior, why not?
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Postby Fireproof » Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:07 pm

gameoverblue wrote:The new controller baffels me. While it allows new gameplay ideas, it seems to have too many restrictions. The "remote control" should be an extra piece like a gun that is only for certain games.

PS, i would like to say that I didn't attack the revolution or nintendo with the revolting comment. I would just love to play the game Mario: revolutionary. If he can be a plummar, doctor, soccor player, baseball player, kick boxer, and mushroom kingdom savior, why not?

Actually, once you think about it, the remote control idea has a lot of pros. Think about it. A regular controller nowadays has two little analog sticks; two axes. The Revolution controller measures movement in three dimensions, so you have a flat sensory area and a vertical sensory area, and everywhere in between, plus twisting and tilting. Also, with the A button, B button, and D-Pad, there are more than enough buttons more most games, especially if you have the joystick attachment. Think about it: I one could easily bind Halo 2's entire control scheme to the controller and joystick attachment, and have buttons left over.
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Postby Stephen » Thu Oct 06, 2005 10:40 pm

I am a Sony man. Gotta stick with the system that also has my beloved Metal Gear games.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:10 am

Fireproof wrote:360 is sinking its claws into the market first. That's a big advantage. It's also a very hip, casual system, leading me to believe it'll fill the "PS2" role this generation.

Ok, I don't know about the "hip, casual" thing, but Dreamcast was the first system of the current generation, and we all know how that did... It flew for a little while, but the steam was lost when PS2 was released... On the other hand, X-box did little to stop the freight train that was the Sony Platform.

I very highly doubt N will garner mass support again... They have mostly their core fans, and they don't try to really compete with the likes of Xbox and PS...

Hmm... Actually, I see either 360 or PS3 taking the market and N surviving no matter what happens elsewhere in the market because they're about different... Also, even if Sony whoops on 360, MS won't be dragged under... The company who really has the most to lose is Sony...

In any case, I think Sony will win if they aren't stupid about some things... And they have been stupid about SOME things... So, yeah, just need to put a cap on their stupid things... Quit while they may still be ahead... No more risks... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Fireproof » Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:06 am

Just look at its general image. The 360 is friendly, cool, and probably not as hardcore looking as PS3. Sony, on the other hand, is reeling from PS2's lack of horsepower this generation, and is trying to beef up their system this time around. This will hurt them in the endl, due to a more "hardcore gamer" image, and expensive hardware and software. (Some have estimated the PS3 at $465 and its games at $80! While I think this is unlikely, I'm almost certain they'll be more expensive than the other two systems.)
Note: I agree with you on the fact that none of the companies will go under this generation. Nintendo is plenty profitable over seas adn here, and frankly, they don't need to compete with the other systems, because they'll do fine regardless. It's just a bonus if they finish well this time.
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Postby dragonshimmer » Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:31 am

Since the question is pretty much what we think we will be most popular and NOT what WE personally prefer, I voted PS3.

I personally prefer the Xbox platform, but I've been hearing a lot of smack against Microsoft and their marketing lately. From what I've heard locally, it seems like PS3 will be a better seller overall when the time comes.
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Postby Torokun » Fri Oct 07, 2005 10:40 am

I worked on so called "next gen" console. and I will tell you from my first hand experience that Microsoft and Sony are too busy playing the hype game. In my opinion, Nintendo is the only one who is being very honest with what their system will actually do. And yet, still being very innovative. So, I have to give my vote to Nintendo.
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Postby gameoverblue » Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:37 pm

Wow, this poll is very surprising. The thread that talked about the revolution controller was very negative, but it seems here, people think positive of the new idea. Plus, i thought x-box 360 would do better.
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Postby Yojimbo » Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:59 pm

Considering we have yet to see a playable PS3 game and a Revolution game at all there's not much to say there. It's a toss up between 360 and PS3. They'll actually probably end up looking about the same in the end graphically. It's foolish to say things like this system has more pipelines etc. that means jack. I'll be getting a 360 and a PS3 either way but Microsoft is going to get the foothold first. Depending on the state of the 360 in Spring will show how Sony will compare. Nintendo will always have their niche of the market but they'll still fall in third behind either Microsoft or Sony.
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Postby gameoverblue » Fri Oct 07, 2005 2:40 pm

this is what i'm going to do and i suggest every do the same. DO BUY A SYSTEM AS SOON AS IT COMES OUT. NO matter how good a company has done in the past, another company may come out and do better. Plus, no matter how many gigabytes a console has doesn't mean it'll have the games.

Plus, just because a company has announce that it won't lower its price doesn't mean it won't. No company will say "Sure it costs $400 now, but we'll lower it later." That would be like saying "Hey, don't buy it now, buy it later!"
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Postby dragonshimmer » Fri Oct 07, 2005 4:28 pm

gameoverblue wrote:this is what i'm going to do and i suggest every do the same. DO BUY A SYSTEM AS SOON AS IT COMES OUT. NO matter how good a company has done in the past, another company may come out and do better. Plus, no matter how many gigabytes a console has doesn't mean it'll have the games.

Plus, just because a company has announce that it won't lower its price doesn't mean it won't. No company will say "Sure it costs $400 now, but we'll lower it later." That would be like saying "Hey, don't buy it now, buy it later!"

I think I'll have to agree with you. I bought my Xbox RIGHT when they came out, and it's had to be taken apart a few times to fix the bugs.
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Postby Debitt » Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:10 pm

even after watching the demos I'm still somewhat skeptical about what one can and cannot do with the Rev controller, and I've never looked at Microsoft in a positive light. Of course I really resent Sony's "It's not a gaming machine" comment (y'all can probably figure out what I think about "jack of all trades" consoles)...but grudgingly my vote goes to the PS3.

I'm honestly not terribly overjoyed with what I've seen of the next gen consoles, but I think that personally I'll take a liking to both the PS3 and the Rev eventually. Took me a while to warm up to the Playstation, soo...:lol:

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Postby Sonic_13 » Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:32 am

Hmm... I can't decide!

I think I am equally interested in all 3 of the consoles.

I guess if I had to choose i'd choose nintendo, just because nintendos always been there for me ;D
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Postby truthgone12 » Sat Oct 08, 2005 4:18 pm

The reason I voted Microsoft is because they are finally getting some japanese support and also like Fireproof said they are marketing to non-gamers as well.

I don't know a lot of people who don't know about Halo 2.

But if I ask them about RE4 they are like What are you talking about?

This does not mean I will buy an Xbox 360 though. I think I may try the revolution.

Think about this. My mom, me and my little brother went to Gameworks for my friends birthday there where lots of games. I focused on the shooting and racing games.

When we where about to leave my mom pointed to DDR and said Go play that Dancing game. I did and got and E.

My mom said that looks like fun and played it she failed but she had fun.

The graphics where not the best but she liked a lot more then NCAA 2005 the football game.

It was easier for her to get into DDR.

So I think Nintendo may suceed.
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Postby Fireproof » Sat Oct 08, 2005 7:43 pm

Exactly. Nintendo may not finish first, but Revolution's accessibility may be a big draw for some people, and could very well boost their standings this generation.
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Postby Michael » Sun Oct 09, 2005 2:43 pm

I've been with Sony ever since the PS1 so I'm gonna stick with the PS3, dangit!
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Postby Hitokiri » Sun Oct 09, 2005 4:36 pm

I used to be all ticked of at people who are anti-nintendo but I learned that I still love it and they will be around for a long while. They've survived a blood-thirst merket usually coming in third and I am fine with that. Nintendo knows what thier customers want and does not try to sell out to them. Not saying Microsft and Sony arent loyal to the gamers out there but to me, they seem to care just about the product and how it does on the market. Ever since I met Nintedno back in the orginal Donkey Kong Days and Super Mario Bros., they seem very legit, honest, and supportive.

I speak for myself for not being a next generation gamer. I prefer games such as Sim City 2000, Final Fantasy III, and Mega Man 5 compared to Halo, Unreal, and Half-Life, etc. They just lack the orginality and the traditionl values of the older games. One reason why Nintendo appeals to me cause they limit thier games. I can indentify their newer games because of the characters I grew up with as a child. They may over-use Mario, Luigi, and Link but because of that, it hooks me in. That's where Nintedno, to me, shines.
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Postby gameoverblue » Sun Oct 09, 2005 5:25 pm

I am a huge fan of final fantasy which is the main reason i am probably going to stick with PS3. Halo, Unreal, and Half-life are all fps, something i think many people are tired of. While the next generation may still have fps, i think the games will almost have the length and feel of certain older games like the final fantasies. CAN YOU IMAGINE A GAME WITH THE LENGTH, STORY, MINI-GAMES, AND GAMEPLAY OF FF7 WITH THE GRAPHICS AND ABILITIES OF THE NEXT GENERATION!!! This is going to be crazy!
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sun Oct 09, 2005 5:57 pm

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Postby Fireproof » Sun Oct 09, 2005 6:34 pm

Yay Volt!
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Postby blkmage » Mon Oct 10, 2005 7:36 am

I hear that Nintendo consoles are actually incredibly sturdy.
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Postby gameoverblue » Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:53 am

voltz, that is another good reason not to buy a console as soon as it comes out, it may have defects.
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