Ragnarok Online

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Postby Debitt » Tue Sep 14, 2004 4:19 pm

:lol: I'll have to take a trek up to Amatsu tomorrow! :thumb: I wish assassins were getting weapon sprites, too~ I was excited about seeing my sin weidling his Katar of Piercing Wind, but then I found out sins didn't get sprites. >/ What a ripoff. I'll enjoy seeing the wands and the different swords and spears, though~

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Postby MyrrhLynn » Thu Sep 16, 2004 5:09 pm

Kokoro Daisuke wrote: but then I found out sins didn't get sprites. >/ What a ripoff.

They don't? Well that is a rip off. :mutter: There are some other less nice things about the new patch too. Like it took me forever to find Rhoda frogs today so I could get spawn for the thief quest skills. :shady: It's like all of the more newbie levels are overrun with creamys now too.

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Postby Debitt » Thu Sep 16, 2004 6:20 pm

Warp to Glast Heim: 1k
Discovering Dark Illusions now haunt Glast Church: 1% exp
Passage to Amatsu: 10k
Weapon repair: 5k

Deciding that the Amatsu patch sucks: Priceless.

There are some things zenny can't buy. For everything else.....RO doesn't have a credit card, so suck it in. u__u;

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Postby MyrrhLynn » Thu Sep 16, 2004 8:54 pm

[quote="Kokoro Daisuke"]Warp to Glast Heim: 1k
Discovering Dark Illusions now haunt Glast Church: 1% exp
Passage to Amatsu: 10k
Weapon repair: 5k

Deciding that the Amatsu patch sucks: Priceless.

There are some things zenny can't buy. For everything else.....RO doesn't have a credit card, so suck it in. u__u]
LOL you have no idea how hard that made me laugh. :lol: I'd have to say the monster relocations pretty much suck. :waah!: They ruined everything!

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Postby Debitt » Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:17 pm

=/ Ahh...discovered that gone are the days of the easy 3 or 4 party MVP. I went down to take on Goldie with a few friends and the stinkin' bug heals itself for 9999! :mutter: Apparently Eddga was moved too, and I can't grab his mob and run them around like I used to. Now he heals for 9999 as well, and when he's separated from his mob he just spawns a new, more difficult group of monsters.

I tried to take on the new CT, as well. I figured: "Eh, I could take a rideword in a party a few levels ago, so I should be able to solo one now." EEEEEEEEH! WRONG! I find one and it completely mauls me. >O<; No more CT for the sin. I get the feeling I'll actually go back to lurking Glast Heim and Geffen dungeon.

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Postby MyrrhLynn » Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:33 am

Lol, fun times huh? ;)

Well I've seen a couple Sins in the new CT but I don't know what their levels were. Then maybe had fly wings too just in case. ;)

My Wizard is level 73 now and it totally sucks. She's high enough that CT and toy factory take forever to level but not high enough that I can head over to Turtle Island or another high place with a party. *sigh*

Hehe, and I heard that now the Dark Lord hocus pocus parties are a thing of the past. Apparently the monsters he summons now for his mob are really easy. Meheheheheh. Speaking of mobs. I found the Rhoda frog mini boss the other day. I killed him all by myself with my thief. :thumb: But it didn't leave me anything! Not a single thing! I was so mad!

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Postby Debitt » Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:42 pm

:lol: Yeah, the LoD mob now consists of a pair of Whispers! I'm kind of disappointed, I wanted to at least KILL a LoD with a party, but now all the fun's gone. Oh well.

>/ I dislike mini-bosses greatly. I spent HOURS camping the Vagabond Wolf in hopes of getting the Western Gent hat it drops, but nothing! Not one thing! Then the next day I'm walking through the map, stop to watch a knight kill the same stinking mini-boss, and watch him pick up the hat I wanted. Life is cruel indeed.

If you can cast Jupitel Thunder or Frost Diver + JT fast enough, you might want to see if you can check out Glast Heim Culverts or Glast Chivalry with a party. The experience is insane, especially in Chivalry, and with a party you'll be able to get a good handle on the mobs there.

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Postby MyrrhLynn » Sun Sep 19, 2004 7:40 pm

Thanks for the advice! I'll have to try both those places out. I heard the culverts was pretty good, but that they were going to be harder with the monster rearranging. :( Guess I'll have to try later and find out.

Well from what I hear a future patch changes LoDs mob again to some level 40 monsters. -_- And yes that would really stink to watch someone pick up the hat you wanted. Especially since Western Gent hats are cool. :thumb: How often do mini bosses spawn anyway? Every 2 hours?

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Postby Debitt » Mon Sep 20, 2004 7:20 pm

Mini bosses spawn once every 30 minutes.

=/ They changed the GH culverts too? Is nothing sacred anymore?! Argh! I'm scared to go out wandering on the maps anymore, I don't know what's going to jump out and try to eat me. :lol:

I did poke around Glast Heim and Geffen a bit. Glast Prison = insane levelling and running for your life. Geffen 3 = Mobs upon mobs upon mobs. I think I like Glast Prison better, but there are Deviruchis in Geffen 3, so I think I'll hang around for a while and hope for a pair of evil wings. :thumb:

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Postby Saint » Tue Sep 21, 2004 2:59 pm

ahh, Amatsu indeed. ....nothing else to say. -_- (but your post up there was funny Kokoro).
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Postby MyrrhLynn » Wed Sep 22, 2004 7:26 am

Kokoro Daisuke wrote:I think I like Glast Prison better, but there are Deviruchis in Geffen 3, so I think I'll hang around for a while and hope for a pair of evil wings. :thumb:

Is that where those little buggers are now? I don't miss them in clocktower that's for sure. :lol:

Last night I convinced Saint to log in and play iRO with me. So we went to kill Angeling in the Toy Factory. It was very epic. ;) First we ran into what's his face on the way there (the big ice wolf). He killed Saint in about 5 hits but since he walks so stinking slow I was able to duck by and get to the portal.

So once we finally get in there we wander around looking for it and are about to give up when I hear lots of "blip bip" noises like porings make when they are moving. So yeah I found him and had to run away. :sweat: Then I hiding from it and wasn't paying attention so Saint killed all the mob before I even realized he was fighting it. :sweat: We killed it but no Angel wings. :(

Then we decided to try to kill the ice wolf thing with my wizard and his sage. Haha. Stupid idea. He froze us and we were dead in a blink of an eye. You would need a Priest and maybe even Marc armor to be able to take that thing on. :shake:

Ok that's the end of my little story.

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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Sep 22, 2004 8:15 am

A question, one that I hope has not already been answered in prior pages of this thread: after the two week trial period, does your access terminate until you pay, or does it automatically shift to payment mode?
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Postby MyrrhLynn » Wed Sep 22, 2004 11:49 am

uc pseudonym wrote:A question, one that I hope has not already been answered in prior pages of this thread: after the two week trial period, does your access terminate until you pay, or does it automatically shift to payment mode?

It terminates until you play. Your character(s) are still there and any items you have, but you can't login until you pay. And if you pay time runs out while you are playing it kicks you off. (it happened to me :lol: )

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Postby JoshuaM » Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:55 pm

I am playing Ragnarok Online right now on the Loki server. My characters are Town Guard, Wakari Masen, and Kafra Employer.

I usually play as town guard, but I likely won't play when my month runs out, because I played Ultima Online before and I wasted a lot of money on that that could have gone toward debt, needs, and ministry(it even could have helped me when I had to get a new car). Anyways I think it is fun, but a money pit. It would be nice if there was a game like it that was free, or you paid for the software and played online. Maybe um, like Diablo and Diablo 2 and Starcraft and Warcraft(but more like diablo, but it would be closer to ragnarok), it would be cool, and I would invest in it. Does anybody know if there is anything similar?? I know there is that Gaia Online thing, but that is more of a message board than a game.
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Postby Debitt » Fri Sep 24, 2004 2:59 pm

:lol: No! Don't go to the dark side of Diablo! LoL

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Postby JoshuaM » Fri Sep 24, 2004 4:25 pm

i don't like playin diablo 2 or diablo. there needs to be a better game that is not monthly fee based.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Sep 25, 2004 7:55 am

I highly doubt you will ever find a free graphics-based MMORPG. Servers cost money, and the expenses are almost always payed by the the players. There are a great many MUDs available, but these are solely text based.
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Postby Debitt » Sat Sep 25, 2004 8:13 am

I agree wholeheartedly with what UC said. ^_^; Survivial Project and Gunbound are free, but I wouldn't reccomend those, as they're a breeding ground for elitist jerks (more so than RO's Chaos server, heh heh) and they're constantly getting speed hacked, and I have yet to find a free MMORPG that's similar to RO.

I finally hauled my butt down to Amatsu. The town is absolutely gorgeous, but the deungeon as of now fails to impress. I'm spending most of my time trying to find out which walls I can walk through and which walls I can't. Monsters are few and far between, and Firelock Soldiers have so much dex that I can't flee them.

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Postby JoshuaM » Sat Sep 25, 2004 9:32 am

[quote="Kokoro Daisuke"]I agree wholeheartedly with what UC said. ^_^]
hmm. Might have to stick to console rpgs than. I know there some cool new rpgs. One looks like ragnarok sort of, but that is because of the graphics-Phantom Brave. Then there is the new Star Ocean Game. I would like to try the dothack games. I can't afford games such as ragnarok online at the moment. i have a few more days to play it, then I am giving all my items and zeny away.
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Postby wiggins » Sat Sep 25, 2004 11:06 am

Hi, i have to start paying for my access. Can anyone give me info about the 30 hourly pre-p[aid plan? The name indicates it requires me to play 1 hour at a time, but the description seems to indicate it gives me 3o hours for 6 months, no strings attached, where i can play for say 20 minutes, and not lose an entire hour for that 20 minutes access. Thanks!
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Postby JoshuaM » Sat Sep 25, 2004 1:24 pm

i don't know but what's your character's name?
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Postby Debitt » Sat Sep 25, 2004 1:29 pm

Sorry, wiggins, I haven't the faintest idea as to how the 30 hour pay plan works. ^_^; I'm the crazy girl who paid for 6 months. Heh heh.

Anyways, if anyone ever wants to get a hold of me on the Loki server, I have an assassin, Raiyuu and a Bard, Hemuloki. and yes, my characters are men. ^_^

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Postby wiggins » Sat Sep 25, 2004 3:45 pm

My character's name is Wiggins87...
You can change the gender of your character? I wish i could pay for 6 months but work doesn't allow that... so 30 hours in 6 months seems to fit my changing schedule fairly well: 5 hours a month!
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Postby Debitt » Sat Sep 25, 2004 4:56 pm

LoL, no you can't change your character's gender. I specified that I was male when I registered an account. xD I liked the male sprites better, and I didn't want to get hit on by anyone. So, since I've been known as a "crossdresser" in other MMORPGs, so I decided to continue the tradition. Shhh, don't tell Gravity. :thumb:

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Postby MyrrhLynn » Sun Sep 26, 2004 10:08 pm

Kokoro Daisuke wrote:LoL, no you can't change your character's gender. I specified that I was male when I registered an account. xD I liked the male sprites better, and I didn't want to get hit on by anyone. So, since I've been known as a "crossdresser" in other MMORPGs, so I decided to continue the tradition. Shhh, don't tell Gravity. :thumb:

I thought you traded with your brother? Lol, actually I agree with liking the male sprites better. The female sprites are stinky. :shady: Except for the Alchemist... yeah for that one I like the girl better, and acolytes, but that's mostly because the male acos look dorky with their gloves in my opinion. :lol:

I was going to do the 30 hour thing but then I decided I wanted to leave my mechant on a lot to sell stuff so I can make money. ;) As far as I understand it the hourly thing is like cell phone mintes, where you are charaged for what you use not for a whole hour if you are only on for 10 minutes.

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Postby Debitt » Mon Sep 27, 2004 2:59 pm

:lol: I like the male acolytes, except they sit like women. >.>;

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Postby MyrrhLynn » Mon Sep 27, 2004 4:59 pm

[quote="Kokoro Daisuke"]:lol: I like the male acolytes, except they sit like women. >.>]
See i hate it when they stand and hold their hands together in front of them. It' looks.... wierd. Especially with the gloves. Maybe it's suppose to look like they are praying?

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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Sep 28, 2004 5:40 am


I haven't had the best of luck downloading the files (server time out). I wonder if my fifteen days began when I registered an account?
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Postby wiggins » Tue Sep 28, 2004 9:15 am

Hey UC, i had the same problem as you. My solution was to download the getright download manager. It both sped up the download, and has a resume function that solves the time out problem.
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Postby Debitt » Tue Sep 28, 2004 3:49 pm

Nope, the 15 days begins when you first log in.

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