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Postby gameoverblue » Tue May 10, 2005 3:51 pm

please note that I am not attacking Halo. Yes it is the king of FPS's, but it still isn't "The greatest game ever." if the game didn't come out in the dark ages of early x-box days(back when mech assault was considered a good multiplayer), or if it came out on PS2, halo wouldn't be as huge as it is.
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Tue May 10, 2005 5:44 pm


I cannot chose. There is a good reason I have all three. and a good pc.

[font="Tahoma"][SIZE="2"]"It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things."

-Terry Pratchett[/SIZE][/font]
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Postby cbwing0 » Thu May 12, 2005 10:22 am

Here are some interesting statistics on the relative market share of the three consoles from today's issue of the Washington Post.

If you have ever tried to find accurate and objective information on console sales, you will know that it can be quite difficult; however, I think that this source is trustworthy.

The graph is attached, along with the market share of the PS1 vs. the N64.
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Postby Sparrowhawk » Thu May 12, 2005 10:32 am

Well in the pole i picked ps 2 but I really i like the ps2 and gamecube. imho, x box is the best as far as ability, but i only like one of its games. ps2 has the bezt games (a lot of rpgs including my fav ff7) and gamecube is my happy medium. since the most important part of a GAME console to me is the games i picked ps2

I have both a ps2 and gamecube, but i'm no bill gates or anywhere near it gameoverblue :) for a while, most of any money i got went towards video games ( i used to be obssessed) so over the cousrse of many years i was able to get two systems. However, i have a 28k dial up conncection, no satellite, no cable. The video games are the only things i have that cost more than ten bucks :) (i'm not complaining, nor am i correcting gameoverblue, just showing how sadly i was once addicted to games, i spent 90% of any money i got on them, and when you have a job, you can get stuff you really don't have the money for if you were to use it wisely)

more than i meant to write. so i'll stop now. By the way gameoverblue, i really like that avatar! :)
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Down from the door where it began.
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And I must follow, if I can,
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Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
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Postby gameoverblue » Fri May 13, 2005 5:38 am

thanks, I think he's the coolest cid. although the one on FF10 is pretty cool too.
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