Final Fantasy Tactics

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Postby Wise Dragon » Fri May 19, 2006 7:46 am

I remember when i had gotten to lionel castle I had the teleport ability so I just had some guys teleport over and open the gate and take out Gafgaron in the first turn. It was an easy fight when youve got the right skills.
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Postby Nate » Fri May 19, 2006 9:12 am

everdred12a wrote:The support ability 'Tame'. It only works on monsters.

And actually, once Reis regains her human form, she has an innate Tame ability, so I don't bother learning Tame.

Math Skill overrides Silence if I remember correct, and is instantaneous. Plus, unless you use a Chemist or equip the horrible Item-Throw ability, Items are very restricted in their range. But don't forget about the pseudo-priest, the Monk. Stigma Magic (aka Esuna), Chakra (free HP/MP recovery), and Revive are all instant and you don't have to buy anything to use them.

Math skill does indeed work even if silenced.

Now, I use Chemists in the first part of the game, because they're useful, but after Chapter 1, I don't use them anymore other than to learn Auto-Potion abilities.

Now, as far as Monks. I've never found their Revive skill to be useful, for the simple fact that it has a height range of 0. Since there are very few maps that don't have hills of some sort, Revive almost never works. Chakra is insanely useful though, as is Stigma Magic. Still, I prefer a good Priest. Say what you will, Bob, but a Priest with Quick Charge and Auto-Potion is nearly unstoppable. Nothing like casting Raise 2 in 2 turns.

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Postby everdred12a » Fri May 19, 2006 1:51 pm

Oh, I do love a nice FFT discussion! I SO TOTALLY NEED TO PLAY THIS GAME AGAIN.

Kaemmerite wrote:Math skill does indeed work even if silenced.

First, welcome back, Nate! Second, I thought so.

Now, I use Chemists in the first part of the game, because they're useful, but after Chapter 1, I don't use them anymore other than to learn Auto-Potion abilities.

While I don't think Auto-Potion is a bad ability, I'm partial to Damage Split, which has a sort of similar effect. If you don't know, Damage Split takes the damage recieved by the character, heals half (assuming the character lived), and then deals that half back to the attacker.

Now, as far as Monks. I've never found their Revive skill to be useful, for the simple fact that it has a height range of 0. Since there are very few maps that don't have hills of some sort, Revive almost never works. Chakra is insanely useful though, as is Stigma Magic. Still, I prefer a good Priest. Say what you will, Bob, but a Priest with Quick Charge and Auto-Potion is nearly unstoppable. Nothing like casting Raise 2 in 2 turns.

I agree that Revive isn't an ability to depend on, but it's nice to have just in case. If you're using Punch Art for Chakra and whatnot, there's really no reason not to have it. I will agree that a good Priest/Math Skill is better to have any day. In fact, I can think of a few times where White Magic has saved my characters and secured me victory in a battle (especially when I was trying to steal all of the Genji gear from Elmdor. Good thing I had 2 people with Math Skill for that battle xD )

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