Which RPG Series Is Your Favorite?

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Postby Myoti » Sat Nov 26, 2005 9:17 am

This is probably the reason I'm being driven to make less RPG titles. There's so much expectation in them it's hard to make something really good (anyone willing to help somehow, please PM me).

(At this point, I really don't consider anything beyond FFX being a real Final Fantasy.)

FFXI is good, but it steals your soul. .-.

And how do you know FFXII's battle system is crap? Have you played it?
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Postby Nate » Sat Nov 26, 2005 11:15 am

Myoti wrote:And how do you know FFXII's battle system is crap? Have you played it?

A demo of FFXII came with the game Dragon Quest 8. Not sure who you were asking this question to, but I have played it, and yes, its battle system is total crap.

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Postby Tommy » Sat Nov 26, 2005 11:52 am

He was asking me. Read my reply on the previous page.

Anyways, i do think its crappy, but I thought turnbased fighting was just as crappy when i picked up my first RPG. Maybe I could get used to it over time just like FF10.
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Postby Myoti » Sat Nov 26, 2005 6:10 pm

I recalled the demo after posting that, but as Tom said, who knows?
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Postby Tommy » Sun Nov 27, 2005 7:15 am

Yes, who knows?.....

Anyways, -runs off to make another RPG poll-
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Postby blue elf » Tue Nov 29, 2005 11:45 am

I'm getting Dragon Quest 8 for Christmas, so I'll know if I like the battle system of FF XII then. I still have to say that Final Fantasy is my favorite RPG series, even though I like some games better than others, and I've only beaten FFVII-X. FFVIII is my favorite.
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Postby Tommy » Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:03 pm

FFVIII and VII are certainly tied IMO.
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Postby mastersquirrel » Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:27 pm

I have to go with Link on this one. The Knights of the Old Republic series all the way. The fact that you could choose the path you took was awesome.

Close runner up is definitely Fire Emblem. I haven't played much of Final Fantasy so I can't speak for it.
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Postby Tommy » Tue Nov 29, 2005 4:12 pm

i already mentioned KOTOR and Fire Emblem were not options. We`re not talking Stradegy RPGs or Action RPGs, just straight- up traditional RPGs.
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Postby Tommy » Tue Nov 29, 2005 5:02 pm

FVII was a great game and I find it more easy to get into since the plot is like this:


when FFVIII is like:

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Postby Yojimbo » Tue Nov 29, 2005 5:03 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:i already mentioned KOTOR and Fire Emblem were not options. We`re not talking Stradegy RPGs or Action RPGs, just straight- up traditional RPGs.

You need to be more specific about what kind of poll you're making. I think what you intended out of this was "What is your favorite Japanese traditional straight up turn based role playing game?" KOTOR is not an Action RPG. You have the option to do faux "real time" combat in KOTOR, but it's only to give it that illusion. An Action RPG would be a game like Diablo. KOTOR is governed by the same root D&D ruleset that every regular o'l turn based American and Japanese RPG has.

And while KOTOR's presentation is top notch the people at Bioware, Bethesda, Black Isle, and the many ex Interplay people at Obsidian have been using that formula for ages. KOTOR was just the first time Bioware had a really HUGE Halo/Final Fantasy/Super Mario type of hit game.
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Postby Tommy » Tue Nov 29, 2005 5:09 pm

I apologize then for not being specific Yojimbo. It seemed like an Action RPG to me when i played it, but whatever.

I was curious about how the "Elder Scrolls" games were like and if anyone chose them? Is that an Action RPG?
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Postby Yojimbo » Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:16 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:I apologize then for not being specific Yojimbo. It seemed like an Action RPG to me when i played it, but whatever.

I was curious about how the "Elder Scrolls" games were like and if anyone chose them? Is that an Action RPG?

No big deal. Well the basic formula for the Elder Scrolls series is pretty much the same except for Red Guard. It's stat driven, basically turn based, and in first person (with the option of third in Morrowind). The biggest differentiating factor with Elder Scrolls from other similar RPG's is they are HUGE. Absolutely ginormous, all of them. Even the first one, Arena, had 400 some odd cities and it came out in 1994. They're very open ended games and it was all very seamless. You always determine your race, starting class, so forth right there in the game.

The series still manages to have an very well written story even with them being open ended as they are, the alignment choosing elements of course, leveling skills up any skills as you use them, etc. The Elder Scrolls series also has some well done deep Tolkien/D&D style lore. Pretty much every swords and sorcery type RPG has it's roots there but Elder Scrolls is the only one that sticks with me besides the D&D ones.

Red Guard by the way was a kind of adventure spinoff. It was kind of like a Prince of Persia or Tomb Raider with good puzzles, story, and awesome swordplay.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:14 pm

My favorite series is definatly final fantasy... Sorry to break the hearts of those on the bandwagon of ambushing and destroying the bandwagon, but I just found it to be the best RPG series overall... Of course, I haven't had as wide of exposure to RPG's as many of you have, but I find Final Fantasy to be what I want 75% of the time...

My second favorite is the Seiken Densetsu series... It is ALSO what I want 75% of the time... The first 3 games were incredible, and the 4th one sucked.

Then there is the Chrono... Um... Series? Well, I liked both of the games...

As for Xenosaga... It was so everything everyone hates about RPGs, even I found it difficult to keep it going... I got lost, I retraced steps and missed events and couldn't take it anymore...

I liked the Playstation Remakes of Lunar... Didn't get far, but they seemed cool. I liked the anime cutscenes.

Other RPG series I've played have been Pokémon which was a great game but a weak RPG, Earthbound (NES and SNES) which was just so different it was a novelty...

I have played a few American RPGs... I can't stand them, really... Hack and slash through dungeons, collect money, buy armor, repeat... Boring... The American/Brittish/etc... Fantasy artists, or at least 90% of them, had absolutely no taste, and the plots were just... Uninteresting... I loved DnD, but that's only because I have interesting DMs... The traditional treasure hunt crap is boring... I need some interpersonal stuff... Some long histories that's primary point of interest wasn't "He was summoned by the blunted sawtooth of eldermore"... Some hidden reasoning for the behaviors of the character... I don't want RPGs with blank heros... Ok, so Chrono did have that, but the supporting cast (the entire cast in Trigger, and the main supporting cast in Cross...) made up for it... ANyhow, I just find Japanese RPGs to be more interesting...

On that note, a short rant... Despite what Adam Sessler says, they're not all kids... In Final Fantasy, they're usually adults. Locke and Celes were adults. Cloud, Aeris, Tifa, and Barret were all adults... Squall and Rinoa... Were college aged, as were Tidus and Yuna... The main characters in the first 3 were all adults... Ok, rant over with...
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Postby Kisa » Wed Nov 30, 2005 7:40 am

I love the Lunar games and that with Star Ocean are tied, and Final fantasy is right behind them...
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Postby Tommy » Thu Dec 01, 2005 1:07 pm

I agree Bobtheduck.

I have one question: Can you give me an explanation of an american rpg?

Xenosaga is ok at best. They did not do a good job in beating Xenogears in any way, but it was generally a pretty good game.
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