Megaman Zero 3

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Megaman Zero 3

Postby Shia Kyosuka » Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:28 am

This game was AWESOME! I don't know about you, but I LOVED the ending! I don't know why... but endings that stimulate emotions always get me.

The boss battles were great... just that stupid... Ninja thing cheats SO badly!

[spoiler]All of her attacks are dodgeable EXCEPT the one where she turns into 5 Fireballs and they all circle the room. UGH!!!![/spoiler]

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Postby Tommy » Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:28 pm

I`ve played this game.....INSANELY HARD.

Tied with the first IMO.
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Postby desperado » Tue Nov 22, 2005 1:24 pm

I personally love this series, though zero looks no were near as cool as he used to. Also is the final boss the same carbon copy of the two last final bosses?
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Postby Myoti » Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:42 pm

I personally love this series, though zero looks no were near as cool as he used to.

Eh? Funny, I thought he looked cooler. >_>

Also is the final boss the same carbon copy of the two last final bosses?

Nope, it's:

Starts with a super-version of Omega (the first boss, but gold this time), then a massive Omega made of three bodies: its own, X's, and Zero's.
You then fall and Omega shatters, revealing what was inside: the Dark Elf, and Zero's true body (!!!!!).
Of course, you are the real Zero, but this was your original body, which you must now destroy (so freakin' hard).

I was little disappointed that you don't fight the generals, but I guess it's actually cool that way. Also, does anyone else think Weil looks oddly like Dr. Doppler from Megaman X 3?
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Postby Nate » Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:08 pm

I could never get into this series. The difficulty level was insanely high, and I didn't have the patience for it. I also didn't like Zero's new looks, and the control scheme was a pain to me. I don't know why, I just couldn't get into the groove.

The X series was hard enough to piece together a coherent timeline for before this came along... -.-

Myoti wrote:[SPOILER]
You then fall and Omega shatters, revealing what was inside: the Dark Elf, and Zero's true body (!!!!!).[/SPOILER]

[SPOILER]Actually, the funny thing is, this would have PERFECTLY explained why Zero looks so radically different in this series than in the X series...but of course, his true body looks exactly like his current body, so the question of why he looks different STILL isn't answered. Stupid Capcom.[/SPOILER]

[SPOILER=Dark Elf]Speaking of the Dark Elf, I've come to two conclusions based on what I've read. First, the Dark Elf is female. Second, it seems to know Zero. Methinks that the Dark Elf could possibly be Iris...?[/SPOILER]

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Postby desperado » Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:26 am

That theory if it is true....would be friggin awesome. I mean he cannot get over her and if they brought her back that would open a big ol can o worms for him.
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Postby skynes » Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:35 pm

I love the Zero series, partly for their difficulty. Games have been getting so so stupidly easy that it's actually refreshing to play something I need to concentrate on!
It provides an easy way (go at your own speed, use cyberspace) and a hard way (rip thrugh the level, no cyberspace for S Rank).

The reason they all look different: New art style. Nothing more. X5 looks way different from X. Simply better graphics and a new style.

Everytime Megaman goes into a new series, they also swap the art style. I really like the Zero style and I'm itching to draw in it.

Weil I'm assuming is Dr Wily. He knows Zero back to front, know Mavericks back to front and he's keeping himself alive by being in a jar on legs
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