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Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 11:53 pm
by Nate
So uh, this is gonna sound like a stupid and probably selfish prayer request and plenty of people probably think that praying for something like this is either wrong or a waste of time. It can't be helped but I can try to explain my request the best I can. But first, the request.

Please pray that I win the lottery.

OKAY SO. This probably seems stupid and ridiculous and let me specify here I'm not talking about like "Pick four" or Powerball or anything, I'm not asking for you guys to pray that I will win 50 million dollars or something. Allow me to expand upon this.

As some of you probably know, last year I had a detached retina and had to get surgery for it. I had no health insurance bcause lol minimum wage job. This meant I was on the hook for the full amount of the surgery, but fortunately I was able to apply for financial assistance and that cut it down extensively (from about 31,000 to around 6500 or so).

Since I couldn't pay them right away (poor), the hospital got a debt collection agency to get me the money. I paid some of it off, and made small monthly payments because due to the nature of my job, sometimes I get put on furlough for extended periods of time, and no work means no money. The hospital obviously was unhappy with how little I was paying them and instead sent more debt collection agencies after me. This is apparently common, but it annoyed me, because it meant I would get calls from new agencies every so often. Finally I threw my hands up and said forget it, I wasn't going to deal with this, especially when I wasn't even getting a paycheck some of the time.

Yes. I am fully aware this was probably not the wisest course of action. So, fast forward to Monday morning. A cop car pulls up and serves me a warrant in debt, which basically means the hospital is taking me to civil court to get their money. It's pretty obvious, I don't have 6 grand lying around. I'm going to call the hospital and see if there's some other way to resolve this but given that it's been about a year and I've blown off the debt collection agencies, I'm pretty sure that they're not going to accept anything less than a payment in full to call off the court case. I could try going to the bank and asking for a small loan (I probably will try that) but given that this whole thing has probably sent my credit score crashing into the depths of the earth, I have a feeling the bank's gonna go "Yeah no this is the worst thing we could do."

That means there are only two options at this point to resolve this situation: one, my grandparents die and they set aside some sort of inheritance for me, or two, I win the lottery. I kind of do not want to pray for my grandparents to die, since I love them. This means all I have is winning the lottery.

So for a while, I've been buying the two dollar scratch tickets. The top prize on them is usually $20,000-$25,000. Even after taxes (I figure taxes are probably around 60-70%), this would certainly be enough money to allow me to pay off the bill in full.

This is what I need. This is the only way to avoid going to court and having who knows what happen...I don't own any property (in the sense of stuff like house/car, obviously I own things) so they can't put a lien on my property, so I guess they would garnish my wages? Maybe more stuff too...garnishing wages is pretty bad though, I do the best I can to not be a financial burden on my mother even though I'm still living with her. My wages being garnished pretty much ensures I will be dependent on her and unable to move out on my own, being a financial burden to her.

This sucks. I do not want this. The only solution that can possibly happen is me winning the top prize on a scratch ticket so I can pay this off and maybe begin to sort of have some semblance of a life.

Maybe it still sounds stupid. I guess I can't blame you if that's the case. But if it doesn't, please. Pray that I win the lottery. It is the dumbest thing I have ever had to request but this is literally the only thing that can save me at this point.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 7:20 am
by ClaecElric4God
Nah, I'm not in the habit of praying for people to win the lottery. But you've explained your situation very well, and I get what you're saying, and no it doesn't sound stupid.
Anyways, all that aside, I'll be praying for you. That the Lord will help you through this situation and give you the means to take care of your financial issues, whether it be the lottery or something completely unexpected. Keep us updated.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 1:59 pm
by goldenspines
I'll be praying, Nate.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 2:59 pm
by nillapoet
You could also file for bankruptcy. That was probably one of the best things we did when we got bogged down with a ton of bills we couldn't pay.

Rebuilding credit isn't really as hard as it used to be. And once you file, if someone calls all you have to do is say "I've filed bankruptcy, talk to my lawyer." Then they have to leave you alone.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:41 pm
by shooraijin
Yeah, I think this is the point you go bankrupt on it. There's no good way out and they'll just tie you up in court, garnish wages, etc. This is exactly the kind of situation bankruptcy is for.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 8:11 pm
by Peanut
Dang, will be praying for you Nate.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 10:18 pm
by Nate
I really don't know about bankruptcy. I mean I guess that's an option but I already applied for (and got) financial assistance and to turn around and say "Ha ha bankrupt, you get nothing!" just seems wrong to me. I mean maybe this is the solution and if it is then I'll do what I have to do but it just feels like I'd be using it as a "get out of jail free" card (not that I could be thrown in jail for this obviously). I dunno. maybe it is right...just frustrating if that's the solution.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 11:28 pm
by DaughterOfZion
From what you've said, you've already paid almost 80% of what you owe, it isn't like you've pocketed that assistance money and are now pretending to be destitute. So from what you've said I don't see how this is anything like going "Ha ha bankrupt, you get nothing!"

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 1:35 am
by Nate
You're misunderstanding a bit. When I say I applied for financial assistance, what that means is I gave the hospital a copy of my W-2 from the previous tax year and they looked at it and said "Okay, this guy really is pretty broke. We'll have him pay less and call it good, he doesn't have to pay the whole amount." I only paid them a few hundred dollars, and that was months ago, back with the first debt collection agency they sent after me, and then sent the claim to another one because they didn't like that I wasn't paying as much as they wanted I guess.

But I didn't pay 80% of it, they just shaved a bunch of the bill off due to my financial situation.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 6:25 am
by Sheenar
Will be praying, Nate.

Went through a similar situation with a medical bill for a procedure I had when I didn't have insurance. I paid faithfully for a few years, but then got sicker and wasn't able to anymore. They refused the small monthly payment I could make, so it went to collections. Finally, after trying for over a year to get them to take the (significantly) smaller payments, my offer got accepted.

It's really hard. I understand. Medical bills can be really high. I know people who have filed bankruptcy due to medical expenses and it helped tremendously --and they were able to eventually get back on their feet financially (build their credit back up).

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 8:11 am
by Lynna
I will be praying for God's provision-- whether by lottery or some other means--and guidence, as it seems this is a sticky situation in general.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 2:02 pm
by yukoxholic
Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry to hear about all this and will be praying! Have you thought about getting a collection started? Either through your church or through websites like: I know people here on CAA would be willing to help out a friend in need even if it's just a dollar. I would certainly love to give what I could in order to help you. Also, can the hospital set up a payment plan or anything? I mean if they see you're broke they really need to work with you in regards to cost issues. It's not feasible for you to pay 6,000 dollars even though that was the cost of the surgery. They need to do a financial hardship form or something to that affect.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2014 10:35 am
by shooraijin
Nate wrote:I really don't know about bankruptcy. I mean I guess that's an option but I already applied for (and got) financial assistance and to turn around and say "Ha ha bankrupt, you get nothing!" just seems wrong to me. I mean maybe this is the solution and if it is then I'll do what I have to do but it just feels like I'd be using it as a "get out of jail free" card (not that I could be thrown in jail for this obviously). I dunno. maybe it is right...just frustrating if that's the solution.

No, I get it; it's demeaning and humiliating to have to go BK and it feels cheap. But if you don't have the money, you don't have it. They helped you out as much as they were willing, and it turns out that wasn't enough to help your financial situation. I don't consider that dishonest.

Besides, to be frank, it's not like you get off scot free. Your credit will be shot and certain types of debt (not medical) will still be due. You won't be able to qualify for any meaningful loan or line of credit for years. But it puts an end to it and you'll at least get a chance to rebuild your credit over the next few years, which keeping this debt stringing along won't accomplish.

IANAL, but this is really what bankruptcy is for -- coming up for air.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2014 1:56 pm
by nillapoet
shooraijin wrote:
Nate wrote:I really don't know about bankruptcy. I mean I guess that's an option but I already applied for (and got) financial assistance and to turn around and say "Ha ha bankrupt, you get nothing!" just seems wrong to me. I mean maybe this is the solution and if it is then I'll do what I have to do but it just feels like I'd be using it as a "get out of jail free" card (not that I could be thrown in jail for this obviously). I dunno. maybe it is right...just frustrating if that's the solution.

No, I get it; it's demeaning and humiliating to have to go BK and it feels cheap. But if you don't have the money, you don't have it. They helped you out as much as they were willing, and it turns out that wasn't enough to help your financial situation. I don't consider that dishonest.

Besides, to be frank, it's not like you get off scot free. Your credit will be shot and certain types of debt (not medical) will still be due. You won't be able to qualify for any meaningful loan or line of credit for years. But it puts an end to it and you'll at least get a chance to rebuild your credit over the next few years, which keeping this debt stringing along won't accomplish.

IANAL, but this is really what bankruptcy is for -- coming up for air.

None of this is true. Your credit will take a hit, but it's really not that bad. As far as getting a loan, creditors are actually more likely to give you a loan, because they know you are good for it, you can't file again and get out of a new loan. A house loan is different. And about the only loan that doesn't go away with bk is student loans. I felt cheap filing, but our lawyer explained it very well. I've actually filed bankruptcy. It was one of the smartest things I've done. Talk to a bk lawyer.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2014 11:48 pm
by Jingo Jaden
Dang, I did not know the situation was so dire. You will be in my prayers. I hope some good tidings come your way soon.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2014 5:30 am
by Nate
Sheenar wrote:It's really hard. I understand. Medical bills can be really high. I know people who have filed bankruptcy due to medical expenses and it helped tremendously --and they were able to eventually get back on their feet financially (build their credit back up).

If only I could go on the rant I want to go on here...but alas. :V

yukoxholic wrote:Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry to hear about all this and will be praying! Have you thought about getting a collection started? Either through your church or through websites like: I know people here on CAA would be willing to help out a friend in need even if it's just a dollar. I would certainly love to give what I could in order to help you. Also, can the hospital set up a payment plan or anything? I mean if they see you're broke they really need to work with you in regards to cost issues. It's not feasible for you to pay 6,000 dollars even though that was the cost of the surgery. They need to do a financial hardship form or something to that affect.

Well I did apply for financial assistance, like I said. The bill was originally 31,000 bucks. After seeing my W-2 they cut it down to 6,500 or so.

As far as the collection thing...I...probably will not be doing that. I mean I appreciate that people would maybe want to give me something but without the full amount, it probably wouldn't help all that much. Again I appreciate the thought but I would only do it if I knew I could get the whole 5900, and I'm pretty sure I won't. I kinda doubt we have millionaires on here who like me enough to give me thousands of dollars. :B

I don't know if I could take it anyway. I feel like I don't deserve the help. Not in the best place right now. Came close to breaking down at work tonight and the dumb thing is work wasn't even all that bad, it was pretty easy. But I don't know. Just everything going on my life, I'm really stressed, and 12 hours is a long time to be alone with your thoughts. And I hate being alone with my thoughts. I wanted to do something, anything, to not think about things, but I couldn't, I had to sit there at my work station and work, and I had a hard time handling it. I don't know how I'm going to do it tonight for 12 more hours. I wish I could call in, say I can't make it tonight, but there's really no reason why I can't besides being stressed, and that doesn't seem like a valid reason to say I can't work, since they'd probably have to find a replacement and it'd just be unfair to someone else to have to come in on their day off just because I'm stressed.

I dunno. I just wish I could like...enjoy life. I feel like all I do is either work or talk to people and say "Gee sorry I'd love to do something but I have to work."

I'm getting off topic though. I mean it is my thread but...still. I should be in bed anyway. I have to go to work again in 9 hours.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2014 6:38 am
by Xeno
Do the bankruptcy thing. It's going to make your credit tank, but there is a chance that it already has and so you're just playing damage control there. There are a few other negative effects of a chapter 7 or chapter 13 filing, such as it showing on your credit history for so many years that you did file for it, and contrary to what Nilla said, different people see the word "bankruptcy" in different ways. Some see it as a person using it as a means to reset themselves, others see it as an indicator of an irresponsible person. It can make it more difficult to get hired at jobs, approved for lines of credit, housing (buying or renting) approval, etc. But the offset is if it makes things more financially stable for you to do it, which it sounds like it will, then it's the right choice. It'll allow, or at least help, you to get a financial reset and start moving forward again.

edit: grammar!!!!!!

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2014 8:52 am
by nillapoet
Well I'm not going to argue with someone on the internet. Fwiw, I've been through the bankruptcy thing in the last four years. I got a credit card shortly after, own a car, and just bought a house. Like I said, talk to a lawyer instead of listening to people on the internet.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2014 8:54 am
by shooraijin
nillapoet wrote:
shooraijin wrote:
Nate wrote:I really don't know about bankruptcy. I mean I guess that's an option but I already applied for (and got) financial assistance and to turn around and say "Ha ha bankrupt, you get nothing!" just seems wrong to me. I mean maybe this is the solution and if it is then I'll do what I have to do but it just feels like I'd be using it as a "get out of jail free" card (not that I could be thrown in jail for this obviously). I dunno. maybe it is right...just frustrating if that's the solution.

No, I get it; it's demeaning and humiliating to have to go BK and it feels cheap. But if you don't have the money, you don't have it. They helped you out as much as they were willing, and it turns out that wasn't enough to help your financial situation. I don't consider that dishonest.

Besides, to be frank, it's not like you get off scot free. Your credit will be shot and certain types of debt (not medical) will still be due. You won't be able to qualify for any meaningful loan or line of credit for years. But it puts an end to it and you'll at least get a chance to rebuild your credit over the next few years, which keeping this debt stringing along won't accomplish.

IANAL, but this is really what bankruptcy is for -- coming up for air.

None of this is true. Your credit will take a hit, but it's really not that bad. As far as getting a loan, creditors are actually more likely to give you a loan, because they know you are good for it, you can't file again and get out of a new loan. A house loan is different. And about the only loan that doesn't go away with bk is student loans. I felt cheap filing, but our lawyer explained it very well. I've actually filed bankruptcy. It was one of the smartest things I've done. Talk to a bk lawyer.

I think you'd better check your sources. Besides the fact that you actually agreed your credit does take a hit, and certain types of debt do remain, certain classes of debt other than student loans also apply. You might look at ... uptcy.aspx

I'm glad you were able to find a loan, but I think advising someone that you'll actually be able to more easily get one after bankruptcy is terribly irresponsible. You'll only be able to get a secured line of credit for some time, if you get one at all, and the interest rate will be priced to risk.

This has a lot to say about living post-bankruptcy: ... tcy-1.aspx

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 10:44 am
by nillapoet

Hey bro, I feel the need to apologize. I didn't quit get across exactly what I meant to. My wording may not have been the best and I agree with what you say. I guess what I was trying to say for the most part, bk hasn't been as bad (at least for my family) as some people make it out to be.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 12:48 pm
by mechana2015
Please refrain from double or triple posting. Use the edit button.

Edit: sorry about that I think I might have removed a post there by accident. Didn't see the added content at the bottom, and though it just duplicated the post above it.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 7:03 am
by Nate

Got in contact with the law office representing the plaintiff (the hospital). Was able to talk to them about setting up monthly payments, due by the end of the month. Minimum monthly payment is 100 dollars, and this will apparently keep me from having stuff like wage garnishing happen, and I don't even have to declare bankruptcy. Though of course, at 100 bucks a month, it'll take me about five years to pay it off...still, better than declaring bankruptcy especially since the monthly payments are fairly small, and nothing says I can't pay more.

I'd still rather win the lottery and pay it all off and I haven't given up on that, two bucks a week isn't going to put any substantial dent in my income, I'll just have to buy one less country ham biscuit for breakfast once a week. And the woman I talked to emphasized I don't have to show up at the hearing on the 10th so I'm good on that too, which is fine by me because I don't want to deal with all that.

So, I guess at least for now, that bit of my life is relatively taken care of. Now if I could just have a job I didn't hate and maybe didn't hate myself too, I'd be pretty well set.

Not getting my hopes up on that though.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 8:05 am
by Mr. SmartyPants
And perhaps within those five years, you could perhaps be facing a better financial situation?

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2014 9:56 pm
by shooraijin
Well, that's good that there's a minimum payment option now that you can manage, at least.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 5:15 am
by Nate
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:And perhaps within those five years, you could perhaps be facing a better financial situation?

I say, my African-American fellow, that is a hearty jest.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 1:54 pm
by IPv4
Dont buy lottery tickets. Lottery tickets are for rich people with too much money. There must be other ways to earn money...

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 3:49 pm
by Xeno
Well it's good to know you have a solid grasp on social paradigms and where classes of people fall.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 12:48 pm
by IPv4
Xeno wrote:Well it's good to know you have a solid grasp on social paradigms and where classes of people fall.

Yup, and I never have any prejudices as well ;)

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 1:37 pm
by Nate
IPv4 wrote:Dont buy lottery tickets. Lottery tickets are for rich people with too much money. There must be other ways to earn money...

Yes, truly only rich people buy lottery tickets. That's why every lottery winner in history has been a wealthy millionaire/billionaire and not a minimum wage worker or a teacher or an elderly person.

Re: Soy un perdedor

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 1:47 pm
by IPv4
Nate wrote:
IPv4 wrote:Dont buy lottery tickets. Lottery tickets are for rich people with too much money. There must be other ways to earn money...

Yes, truly only rich people buy lottery tickets. That's why every lottery winner in history has been a wealthy millionaire/billionaire and not a minimum wage worker or a teacher or an elderly person.

hmm my quote says lottery tickets are for rich people, not that only rich people buy them if we have to be so serious today O__o