Sundry prayer requests

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Sundry prayer requests

Postby Davidizer13 » Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:53 pm

Or, "Everyone's Life is Falling Apart, Except Mine."

So, I've got a bunch of friends/family who need prayer.

I might as well start with my mom, who broke her shoulder just a few treatments away from finishing her radiation therapy for her cancer, and finally being done with this whole mess. Oh, and a friend of the family just had surgery for cancer this week, so pray for her too - she's got five kids that are still at home, and she got married recently, too.

An old friend of mine came back into the area - she's a single mom, working two jobs and going for her GED. She's also my age (we're both under 21) - I can't imagine doing all that at the same time, but she's doing just fine. Or she was, until she had to move out of her place over some financial dispute with her roommate, and then she's being sued for custody of her son by the father. So whatever happens, pray that she'll be able to pull through.

Then there's another friend - he worked at a group home for teens, and one of them tackled him or something, and he broke his leg. He got shafted out of workers' comp, and he got fired. His wife's pregnant with their second kid, and apparently it's a harder pregnancy than the last one. Oh, and his parents and sisters are basically homeless, thanks to what sounds like a botched remodeling job on the house they were going to move into.

I've got a cousin who's one of the only anime/gaming fans I know in real space, and she's struggled with depression - apparently, she had a nervous breakdown not too long ago, and ended up having to move back with her parents for the foreseeable future. Complicating things is my great-grandmother's (her grandmother) recent descent into dementia and her mom's having to deal with all that. My cousin's not a Christian, and they're planning on moving up here soon, so pray that I can be a good influence on her when she's around.

Anyway, there you have it: a totally incoherent series of unrelated thingies. It feels like I'm the only normal one in my family right now, like they're suddenly annoying to me. Part of that is probably because I'm restless to finally live on my own and have my own things to do at school, but at times it feels like I'm missing something important. I probably am, but...yeah.
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Postby Atria35 » Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:57 pm

:( Praying for all of it!
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Postby ABlipinTime » Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:38 pm

will pray
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Postby TopazRaven » Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:05 pm

Whoa, that's a lot to deal with. I'll be praying.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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Postby Kunoichi » Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:53 am

Praying <3
I am on the forefront of battle against the demons of earth. All Praise and Glory be given to God Forever and Ever!

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