Spiritual Warfare

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Spiritual Warfare

Postby Mr. Rogers » Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:47 pm

I feel there is an increasing sense of spiritual warfare in my family. I don't know if it is just me, but I feel a rising sense of urgency. My brother seems to be doing everything he can to try to convince my siblings that there is no substance to the story of Jesus and that science (although, not bad in itself) is the only thing that can be trusted.

How would you suggest I handle this issue?

I am not so much worried about my siblings and family being exposed to hard ideas so much as I am worried about their inability to deal with those hard ideas and jump to untrue conclusions.

I talked with my brother yesterday about different things concerning Jesus and society, but it didn't go as well as I hoped it would. I can tell that there is more than just intellectual problems for him, though. Even though he was denying God right in front of me, he could not do it without tears in his eyes and a shaking voice. A lot of ideas seem to include violence and anger.

It is very difficult for me to deal with personally, as well. I saw that you had some of C.S. Lewis' novels at your house. I don't know if you have read the Space Trilogy, but I feel like Random facing an unfair and insurmountable task. If that makes no sense; basically, it feels too much for me. It feels like it would be very hard to get past my brother's anger and ideas that he has set into his mind.

What I know so far: Prayer and love.

The only way to defeat the Devil is love. Genuine love is something no one can argue with. I also think prayer will be big. Prayer for myself (for love and wisdom) and well as for my family (also for wisdom); that God would guide them even if they don't know it. Also, that God would reveal His love to my brother.

I wonder if this is what it feels like all the time when you are on the missions field.

Hard questions are also difficult for me to deal with personally, sometimes. Lately, I have been having my own doubts, as well. Basically questions concerning the historical details of Jesus and old religions. It goes through my head, "what if everything I have hoped in is all nothing?" But, at the same time, there is too much about Jesus that makes sense.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:20 pm

Do you know what brought all of this on o.o? You should ask him and ask him all what he thinks ^^

If he's willing to talk, you should both go out to lunch (or something) where you both can talk without any interruptions ^^ Let him know that you'll answer any questions to the best of your ability ^^

I'll be praying that all works out ^^
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Postby Sammy Boy » Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:05 am

Hi there, really feel for the situation you are in right now.

Remember that it's okay to have doubts and not be 100% certain (Jesus didn't reject Thomas' request).

Many times, people say they have intellectual objections to Christianity, and that may be true - but often the underlying catalyst is that someone or someones in the past gave them a bad experience of Christianity.

Just wondering if you have asked your brother on what basis he believes science to be the only trustworthy source of knowledge (for that belief in itself seems to lie outside of science)?

Feel free to send me a PM if you have questions, and will be praying too. Having the answer to his questions is not necessarily the answer (as you probably know from experience as well).
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sat Feb 20, 2010 11:41 am

Most of my philosophical views can be labeled as Continental Philosophy. The first characteristics is as such:

"First, continental philosophers generally reject scientism, the view that the natural sciences are the best or most accurate way of understanding all phenomena. Continental philosophers often argue that science depends upon a "pre-theoretical substrate of experience", a form of the Kantian conditions of possible experience, and that scientific methods are inadequate to understand such conditions of intelligibility."

Things like the scientific method are a very structural and modern entity. Whereas much continental philosophy lies heavily in the poststructural and postmodern realm of abstracts. As such, it deals heavily on critical analysis and deconstruction of ideas (many of them traditional ideas), beliefs, and values.

We can take a Cartesian epistemology of radical skepticism and argue that empirical data holds no weight as to understanding Objective Reality because it relies on our senses. Our senses cannot be trusted because our brains are finite. So we can't objectively prove anything outside of our own consciousness exists, especially if we we're limited to our own finite and imperfect brain.

Now then rationalism I believe has some limitations too, as it has its cultural and epistemological biases.

So that leaves... not much to offer, I'm afraid. Hence why I gear towards the Kierkegaardian framework of basically that "everything is faith". Believing that chairs exist is a matter of faith. Believing in other consciousnesses is a matter of faith. Believing in scientific conclusions is faith. Believing in God is faith.

You can always ask your brother this question: "If God was omnipotent, couldn't he exist and engage in our lives despite evidence of the contrary?"

Of course, this would determine on your operational definition of "omnipotence", and therefore whether or not Omnipotence Paradoxes really exist or not... or if paradoxes even really matter! (i.e. Kierkegaard, who said that the universe is fundamentally paradoxical)
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Postby sdzero » Sat Feb 27, 2010 5:32 pm

Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1375094) wrote:We can take a Cartesian epistemology of radical skepticism and argue that empirical data holds no weight as to understanding Objective Reality because it relies on our senses. Our senses cannot be trusted because our brains are finite. So we can't objectively prove anything outside of our own consciousness exists, especially if we we're limited to our own finite and imperfect brain.

Now then rationalism I believe has some limitations too, as it has its cultural and epistemological biases.

So that leaves... not much to offer, I'm afraid. Hence why I gear towards the Kierkegaardian framework of basically that "everything is faith". Believing that chairs exist is a matter of faith. Believing in other consciousnesses is a matter of faith. Believing in scientific conclusions is faith. Believing in God is faith.

You can always ask your brother this question: "If God was omnipotent, couldn't he exist and engage in our lives despite evidence of the contrary?"

Of course, this would determine on your operational definition of "omnipotence", and therefore whether or not Omnipotence Paradoxes really exist or not... or if paradoxes even really matter! (i.e. Kierkegaard, who said that the universe is fundamentally paradoxical)

Wow! I learned something new! I never thought of looking at things that way. I can see why you are called Mr. SmartyPants. :o
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Postby SailorDove » Sun Feb 28, 2010 7:44 pm

Dear Jesus,

Please continue to bless Mr. Rogers with spiritual insight & empathic judgment to allow you to ministering to his brother. May the truth heal and/or set his brother free. We don't understand what its all about, but you do God. Please surround him with your love and your Holy Spirit. Whatever it needed or whatever you desire to help his brother we agree in prayer for those things.

In your name Jesus, we pray,
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