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Fighting Lies

PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 6:16 am
by Sheenar
The 4th was a sad day for me--holidays are always hard. They keep reminding me that I don't have a family to celebrate with --no mother or father to welcome me home with open arms --in fact, no home at all.
I find myself feeling jealous of my friends who have loving, Christian parents--they have a loving home to go to and parents they can depend on. I don't. I had to spend the 4th alone. I could have gone to a celebration in my town, but Pebbles is terrified of fireworks and I didn't want to put her through that. I tried calling people, but no one answered. I feel forgotten. I come home to an empty dorm every day --I don't have any family to go home to on the weekend --just this dorm to come home to --empty. I just want a family.
I know that there must be a reason for the things that have happened in my life. There must be. I know God has a purpose for me.
I'm just struggling so hard with fighting the lies I've been told all my life --"You're worthless" --"You're a mistake" --"You'll never amount to anything" --I know these are all lies and I know what and who Scripture says I am --it's just hard for all of that to go from my head to my heart --I know the truth, but sometimes I don't believe it --I find myself doubting.
I know my life matters to God --I know I have purpose -- it's just so hard to shake off all those lies --I've believed them for so long. I am working hard to memorize Scripture and to put up cards with verses to remind me of God's truth. I know my worth is not determined by other people --whether they call me, invite me to hang out, or ignore me and leave me alone --my worth was shown at the Cross. I just need to remember that.

Edit: I remembered these verses and they are really comforting:
Psalm 68:5-6
"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing."

PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 6:22 am
by Gabriel 9.0
I had the same situation with my father for a very long time after his own un-doing of his marriage to my mother and what he did to me....

I'll be praying for you, my sister in Christ.

You're not forgotten, God will always be with you till the end of time:)

PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 7:44 am
by Kunoichi
Hey sis,

altho I now have a better relationship with my mom...for many years I had no mother or father and to this day and for the future i most likely i will never have a father...but you are right God is a father to the fatherless. *smile he is with you *hugs and your not alone in your struggle *smile

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:09 am
by Tsukuyomi
Not sure how much this counts, but you have us :)

Don't ever think you're worthless, because you're not :) You're here for a reason just as all of us are :) It may not be apparent now, but it will ^^ Perhaps slowly but surely :hug:

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:33 am
by Prince Asbel
Listening to you, Sheenar, I sometimes wonder if I am truly grateful for my family. Maybe.... I'm just going to throw the idea on the table here, but maybe you should get a boyfriend. Someone you can at least call a close friend that would be there for you in those times when your normal, not-so-close friends aren't.

It's just a suggestion. If you've tried that before and failed, feel free to shoot me in the head. :sweat:

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:09 pm
by 12praiseGOD
Definetly praying!
Pray you feel better!

your sister in Christ

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:01 pm
by Sheenar
Prince Asbel (post: 1242897) wrote:Listening to you, Sheenar, I sometimes wonder if I am truly grateful for my family. Maybe.... I'm just going to throw the idea on the table here, but maybe you should get a boyfriend. Someone you can at least call a close friend that would be there for you in those times when your normal, not-so-close friends aren't.

It's just a suggestion. If you've tried that before and failed, feel free to shoot me in the head. :sweat:

You make it sound like a boyfriend is something you can buy in a store. XD

Yeah, I'd like one of those, but I don't believe in being the one to initiate a relationship --the guy should. If a guy wants to be in a relationship, he should say so.
So I'm waiting for the right guy to come along. I've never had a boyfriend and I am willing to wait for that guy. I've seen what happens when people settle.
Like my youth pastor always said, "Why settle for Spam, when you can have steak?"
Also, boys are just plain confusing. :)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:13 pm
by Prince Asbel
Sheenar (post: 1243048) wrote:You make it sound like a boyfriend is something you can buy in a store. XD

I'm one of the more expensive brands. :grin:

Sheenar (post: 1243048) wrote:Yeah, I'd like one of those, but I don't believe in being the one to initiate a relationship --the guy should. If a guy wants to be in a relationship, he should say so.
So I'm waiting for the right guy to come along. I've never had a boyfriend and I am willing to wait for that guy. I've seen what happens when people settle.

But not every right guy will want to be in a relationship with you. I mean, I'm not arguing the morality of the girl being the one to say so, but let's get real here. The reason people get married is because one person made the first move. The right guy might very well come along, but that doesn't mean he'll want to be with you. YOU might, and as such, will have to make the first move yourself.

Sheenar (post: 1243048) wrote:Like my youth pastor always said, "Why settle for Spam, when you can have steak?"
Also, boys are just plain confusing. :)

Um... whatever your pastor said, I didn't get it. But hey, if we weren't confusing to you, and if you weren't confusing to us, there wouldn't be such a big difference that makes the two genders appealing to each other.