Wow, it's been almost 6 months since I broke ties with my mother. It's been very hard, but God has been providing. I have not gone hungry or without a roof over my head. Bills are getting paid. Pebbles is being taken care of. God is faithful.
I'm still struggling though. I know it's going to take a very long time to heal. I still feel the emotional effects of the abuse. (To be brief, for those who don't know, I was abused by my mother and just got out of the abusive relationship with her in October) I find myself saying "I'm sorry" frequently --most of the time for things that aren't my fault or when I didn't do anything wrong. It's like I'm afraid in the back of my mind of losing my friends if I mess up. I know my friends love me unconditionally because Christ is in them, but the feeling's still there---it's like I don't want them to be angry with me so I just say "I'm sorry" all the time. I know it needs to stop--it's very draining.
And I still can't trust people. I love my friends, but I find myself still unable to trust them completely. It's like I'm afraid that if I get too close to them, they'll go away. That's happened with the vast majority of close friends that I've had. But I long for deep, meaningful relationships with people. And that requires trust. I'm also still learning to trust God --and to know completely that He is NOT like my earthly parents and will never leave me or make me feel worthless. He is the PERFECT parent.
Can some of you guys please help keep me accountable about a couple of things? One is to have time with God every day --in this time "on my own", I've come to realize just how much I depend on God --I need Him more than anything else. I've been reading my Bible regularly, but I've been convicted that I don't talk to God like I should. I need to take everything to Him in prayer--instead of bottling everything up inside me --take to Him all my hurt feelings, insecurities, failures, and also my joys.
Second, that I will actually start doing the journal that came with my book "Lord, I Want to be Whole". I've been reading the book and it's very good and helpful, but I think it would be of more benefit of me to actually do the journal with it so it's more personal. I'm just afraid of what God might bring to my attention or what He may ask me to do. Pray that I will just suck it up and do it. I know it will be worth it in the end. I also want to start a personal journal --that way I have a record of God working in my life--that progress is being made.
I am a broken person. It's hard. I have a lot of healing to do and also a lot of important decisions to make in my life. I graduate in a year. Finances are tight. I've been having stomach problems--almost everything I eat makes me feel sick (indigestion) afterwards--even cereal. Please pray for me. And I will try to do the same in return.
It's been amazing how so many people have been so loving towards me. I no longer have parents in my life, but I have found that I have so much support in my friends and through the adults in my church and on campus. God is faithful. He shows me that I am not alone.