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PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 8:15 pm
by bakura_fan
I honestly don't know what I have. I'm assuming some sort of head cold like my mother in law has, but since I've had a sinus infection for over a year...i can't tell (first doctor never caught it...thought it was alergies. second doctor has me on medicine but it hasn't worked that well...*sigh*). I feel slightly, yeah. Luckily i have the next two days off of work. Just pray that I can get better in those two days. thanks.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:12 am
by Doubleshadow
Praying for you. Did you have any serious injuries to your nose or face that could have triggered a lingering infection?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:26 pm
by bakura_fan
...uhm, no. I got sick when I was stationed at the keesler air force bace in Biloxi, Mississippi. I went to the doctor and they gave me three different allergy meds (never even looked up my nose to check for swelling like my recent doctor did). Then after a week I still didn't feel better so they gave me stronger allergy stuff. I eventually seperated and came back here and had to go to the doctor for somethign else and I brought up my nose and how it always felt weird *like running down my throat all the time 24/7 ick* So she checked my ears, fine. my mouth, fine. My nose...if it was an anime she would have fallen over...she was shocked at the amount of swelling. She gave me some pills the didn't help much, but she said it was understandable after having it for a year, then she gave me some nose spray...that sorta helped. I'll probably have to go back again at some point to get more. *sigh* Doesn't help that my husband and I have no health insurance.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:04 pm
by Gabriel 9.0
I'll pray for you. It could be something from all those military vehicles when you were stationed there. I heard from somewhere that fuel exhaust can cause sinus issues.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:06 pm
by 12praiseGOD
I'll be praying!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 7:02 pm
by SP1
You know, it might not hurt to give the VA a call. They might be able to help you if you contracted this in the service.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:28 pm
by bakura_fan
actually I was there (june 06- mid oct. 06)when there was tones of staph infections going around because of hurricane katrina. We didn't get much motor vehicles. The majority of sickness was due to the hurricane and lack of medical supplies (since they were at that moment rebuilding parts of the hospital). Uhm...what's the VA?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:11 pm
by SP1
Veteran's administration (hospital). You should contact them if you have an ongoing illness that was contracted while on military duty. They might be able to give you a deal on medications, etc. It would help, of course, if this was in your medical record. But if you had seen a doctor at the base while on active duty, it might be in there.