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oy yet another request...
PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 9:48 am
by Tenshi no Ai
Not enough time to explain this, but I really need prayer... I'm frustrated and just... I'm getting VERY worried on things... Prayer much appreciated and yes, this is somewhat related to my other request...
PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 10:57 am
by Danderson
Will be prayin....
Quick word of encouragment:
We've all been through times where we're just no sure about anything anymore...But it's during those times that when we talk to God on a regular basis, trusting that He'll put some good in all the mess, that we come out of these tough times a better person....
(Hope that made sense.....He's not going to leave you)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:28 pm
by Anna Mae
Remember that God is with you during this difficult time. As Danderson said, turn to God and He will pull you through. I will be praying.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 8:59 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
Thanks. I was just having a rough and negative week and today was the worst of all of them :/ I think ALL my co workers today were feeling a bit the same because wow, the day would just not end.
And... I know I worry on things, about people I care about and while I had a bit of an emotional time today I was suggested to doing some reading about Buddha. I was just thinking "that's ok (I have teachings of my own...)" Trying to understand as much as I can with the whole Buddhism deal because of my own situation. Quite interesting, but you know there is a simple conclusion:
I care for the guy SOOOOO much, and can only hope and pray that although I'm not perfect and become negative, can somehow be able to do what I can. Moreover, it's ultimately in HIS hands, not mind. I just need to... trust Him more, I guess. Though I do worry... Not exactly sure how I'll be able to be a good Christian example since it can almost be shown as a good Buddhim example as well. *shrugs* All I know is, I'm not the miracle-maker. And if He can do impossible things and rescue seeming impossible people, then well, He can do anything^^
Would be curious to go along if he decides to go to a temple. A Christian in a Buddhist temple... I wonder what sort of representative I'd play?^^ Gotta go walking in all areas and peoples^^ And, I just love understanding other cultures, beliefs and everything to gain more general knowledge on their ideals, and why they believe in such. It's all amazing. I have high hope in my own God though^^
...done my ramble^^
PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 9:01 pm
by K. Ayato
Keep your guard up and your motives clear. That's all I can say, other than the fact I'm praying for you.
I'm somewhat in a similar situation (see Prayer Thread), so I know how frustrating it can be in being a good witness.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:25 am
by Mave
I think it's Ok to check out other religions with the sole purpose of understanding your friends better and to understand your faith with more depth.
I do also think that you're probably pressuring yourself too much in regards to changing someone's opinion or beliefs. It takes time to change one's mind and really, as you already stated, you have to leave that to the hands of the Lord. Whether the individual changes or not, is not up to you but to God. So don't carry the burden that you were not meant to.
A Christian in a Buddhist temple doesn't make Christians look bad unless you're being disrespectful or disruptive. Of course, I would politely step out if you feel convicted to or bothered in some spiritual way. I know I walked out quietly when mantras were chanted in a Buddhism temple I visited long time ago. There was something about them that bothered me. But apart from that, the walk around was actually pretty interesting.
Anyway, I will pray for you.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:37 am
by Tsuki
Go for it, but keep your guard up. Invite him to church. He'll dig the love your enemy verse. Praying
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:27 am
by Tenshi no Ai
Mave wrote:I do also think that you're probably pressuring yourself too much in regards to changing someone's opinion or beliefs. It takes time to change one's mind and really, as you already stated, you have to leave that to the hands of the Lord. Whether the individual changes or not, is not up to you but to God. So don't carry the burden that you were not meant to.
It's just hard, you know? You want to try as hard as you can because you love the person SO much, and you worry about in the end... it's just sad... Not that I even know for sure what may happen in the years to come, but just now and all...
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:24 pm
by Tsuki
Tenshi no Ai wrote:It's just hard, you know? You want to try as hard as you can because you love the person SO much, and you worry about in the end... it's just sad... Not that I even know for sure what may happen in the years to come, but just now and all...
Give the burden to the Lord, because he's the only one who can change the heart, not you. Pray to him and tell him the burden that you'll lay upon him, instead of yourself.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:48 pm
by Mave
Tenshi no Ai wrote:It's just hard, you know? You want to try as hard as you can because you love the person SO much, and you worry about in the end... it's just sad... Not that I even know for sure what may happen in the years to come, but just now and all...
We feel for you. I really want some of my dearest friends to join us in Heaven (most of them are atheists/agnostics/anything else but Christian). What we're feeling may be just a pinch of how much pain God feels for those who choose to reject Him.
It's a process and we don't expect you to stop worrying/learn to let go overnight.
I'm still learning myself. It's probably a lifetime process.
Allow me to encourage you:
Testimony 1: I prayed for my family members to be more faithful to Him.
Six years later, my mum got baptized and my dad has changed.
Testimony 2: I prayed for my close group of high school friends' salvations (6 of them).
Eight years later, the one whom I LEAST expected to open her heart, is on her way of being a Christian. She's getting ready for baptism and she gave us a testimony of how she found Christ.
Praise God because He knows my prayer life isn't great.
I was barely consistent in prayer and yet, God takes note of my deepest wishes in my heart.
The point is change takes time (some may even take a lifetime) and God has His own Timing. Would you like to worry for the next 20 years of your life? Or would you rather surrender all to God and to trust that He listens to your prayers and He is fair to all, including to the one you love? Do your best but also try to leave the rest to God. I know, it's TOUGH! I also have to learn to let go. But you know, it's funny how the less we worry about this, the easier it may be for us to reach out to others because there's peace in us, which will be reflected in whatever we say or do.
But you're certainly most welcomed to continue sharing your concerns and your questions (Buddhism etc). Hope our responses have been a blessing for you. XD
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:02 pm
by K. Ayato
I second what Mave said. It's gonna take a lot of time. Here's a tidbit for you. It took my grandpa 10 years before he asked Jesus to save him. Not saying it'll take that long for you to see the one you love get saved, but it doesn't happen overnight. Hang in there, girl. We're here for you.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 9:37 am
by Tenshi no Ai
Mave wrote:
Eight years later, the one whom I LEAST expected to open her heart, is on her way of being a Christian. She's getting ready for baptism and she gave us a testimony of how she found Christ.
It's a little sad with me when I think about this. Like, I have seen people that had... VERY different lives before and become Christian but then they... fell away almost completely. Not just that they kept doing things that they shouldn't (because hey, even I am guilty of that) but they just moved away from God completely... :/ Some just didn't care and others hated feeling guilty for when they did things that were wrong. I too, am rebellious with some things, but I'm not going to give up being a Christian just so I can loosen up :/
I guess my confidence is just a little low on things sometimes because I see more slip-aways rather than those come, and come with strong faith and all :/
Mave wrote:But you're certainly most welcomed to continue sharing your concerns and your questions (Buddhism etc). Hope our responses have been a blessing for you. XD
Nice that I'm able to chat with you, who lives in an area surrounded by beliefs as such. Just nice getting a point of view on it from another believer and all^^ Just want to learn and understand what I can, because I know I've been arrogant and ignorant with my facts in the past :/ And that is just... not good^^
Yeah... I won't give up^^ Things take time and I guess as long as a person is actually being PRAYED for, there is always some hope^^ Not that there isn't if no one is praying for them, but you know... As I said, it's a little hard for me sometimes when I always hear other people about people close to them and impossible cases coming to Him but for me, mostly slim relationships and then turning into fallouts :/ And that is something I totally hate seeing as well :/
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:37 pm
by rsnumber2
I will be praying for an uplifting stength in your walk with God. I will also be praying that God just blesses you with some warm fuzzies, cause you could really use them now. I would give you some, but my "personal sphere" doesn't allow me to get that close to other people. Perhaps I could mail them to you?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 2:02 pm
by Anna Mae
I don't know that I have anything more to add to the good things that have been said other than another prayer.