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^^; I couple of issues...

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:47 am
by Fiore teh Duck
CAA Prayer Request; on a lot of things

I’d just like to start by saying there is a very good chance this will become rather lengthy, and apologizing ahead of time for that. Various members have sort of suggested that I ask for a prayer request in our conversations…so I thought I would give it a shot 

First I’d really like it if you could pray for me on my endeavors in studying Christianity. I was baptized as a child, but after some rather personal issues, religion was diminished from my life before I could even walk. It’s still a rather split issue amongst my family, and causes a lot of chaos (so pray for the end of that, too! ><).
Oh well; what ever path has led me here, I would just hope for some luck with the whole studying bit. Maybe I’ll even find what I’m looking for. I’m not sure yet…

Secondly, my mother and I have some problems that I’d like to sort out before I graduate from high school (I’m only a sophomore, but it will take awhile ><) and go to college. Since before I can even remember, we’ve had somewhat of a ‘courteously detached relationship’ (or at least, to quote To Kill a Mockingbird XD). She is in no way mean to me, but at the same time…she’s never been affectionate at all. We don’t talk often, and it’s as if she’s just uninterested in me. I’m not abused or neglected or anything.
At the same time, I look through old photographs, and I look at how much she’s changed. She used to be happy-go-lucky and smiley apparently… in all the photographs with me as a baby. Now she’s just uninterested in anything exception of sleeping or lying around. I know people change over time…but I just want her to enjoy her life.  So…if you can, please pray that something helps my mother up from this, ‘fall from grace,’ and that we can have a relationship.

Finally just please pray for me in general ><… May is a very busy month for me. Preparation of finals, drivers ED, anime club council meetings, grades...GRRAAADES and of course peperation for the summer semester (It never ends, does it?!)

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 1:56 am
by chibiphonebooth
I'll definately pray, fifi! :D

God is so excited that you are seeking him. XP

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 7:04 am
by rsnumber2
I will be praying for you. God can show you the love and peace that you seek. Being interested is gerenerally the first step of a Christian walk. We will be glad to help you with whatever questions you have!

P.S. I will pray for your mother, as well.

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:55 am
by ChristianKitsune
I will also pray for your situation and search, Fifi...Please know that we all care about you here! ^_^

If you have any questions at all, I know myself, and many others are more than willing to help you!

I will also pray for your mom... my mom was sort of like this, but really not as turns out that she was just stressed out from work, and stuff, she is doing a lot better now though...

Has she gone to a doctor about possibly being depressed?

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:56 am
by Tenshi no Ai
Praying for all that stuff...

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 2:00 pm
by Fiore teh Duck
rsnumber2 wrote:I will be praying for you. God can show you the love and peace that you seek. Being interested is gerenerally the first step of a Christian walk. We will be glad to help you with whatever questions you have!

P.S. I will pray for your mother, as well.

Yes...but it didn't give much of a result...and a few weeks later we were back to the beginning. ><

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 3:47 pm
by rsnumber2
Lasting results take time. Don't be discouraged. Next time you see an infant, watch how many times they stumble before they walk. Some of the most thankful Christians I have met have been late comers. I have had a very easy Christian walk, so sometimes, it is easier for my faith to be tripped up. You may not feel like it, but you are laying a solid base of bedrock to build your faith on. Or, in the very least, you have that choice right now. It will take time, an I am by no means trying to belittle what you are going through. But in the end, it will be worth it. I will still be preying for you.